I have a sort of weird and bad habit. I like reflecting on one verse at a time,and usually neglect the rest of the chapter. I've been doing this for a while,and I can't really seem to get over it. I've done it for as long as I can remember. I remember when I found my first "favorite" verse.The one I always turned to and recited to myself to reassure my confidence in the Lord. It was Romans 8:28. For about 6 months,that's the only verse that existed in my mind in that chapter,but one day I actually read all of it,now that whole chapter is my favorite. Not only for what it says,but for the complete intensity of it. But that's not the point of my thought.
Today I woke up,again,feeling pretty stale. So what I decided to do was read another chapter from my "second favorite" verse. That would be Jeremiah 29:11,"For I know that plans I have for you,says the Lord.They are plans for good and not for disaster,to give you a future and hope." But I decided to keep reading,when normally I'd stop after getting my fix. It goes on to say in 12-14,"In those days when you pray,I will listen.If you look for me wholeheartedly,you will find Me. I will be found by you,says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes."
I don't get how I can have a bad day,knowing there are promises like that. It's getting really easy to worry on the negative,than rest in the positive of life. That right there was my red flag that I'm doing something wrong. I think I'm just stressing too much on the future and not staying in today. "So don't worry about tomorrow..."(Matt 6:34) That's what I've always done. I've always "planned" and it's hard for me to let go of that and just relax. I heard a cool quote once about that verse,it went,"Don't worry about tomorrow,for God is already there." Now that's a cool thought,because it's true. He holds time in His hands,He's the beginning and the end. That right there should subside the worrying from my life.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I was going to ask,"Are you ever scared to do something? To move forward past your comfort zone,or make a drastic change in your life but you're worried of the outcome?";then I thought,wow Matt...everyone has.
I'm afraid of that. I've done extremely sporadic things,I've done carefully planned out things and watched both fail. I get into the modes or routines,where I want to know exactly when everything is going to happen and where and so forth. This week,my biggest concern,has been a route change at work. Yeah,I'm stressing over doing a run in Klamath,instead of Grants Pass or Ashland...like I'm use to,and it's honestly nothing.
Joshua 10:25,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous". Granted,Joshua was fighting in an epic battle,killing kings and going nuts in the chapter,but I still want to apply that,regardless if I'm killing kings or driving an armored truck around.
Why is it so easy for us to be worried,or scared? It's like God made that flaw in us intentionally so we have a choice. Think back over your life,if you never once could ever panic or stress anything. How different would your life be? Where would you be? What would you be doing? That's kinda how we're suppose to live,yet it's nearly impossible.
So do it. Plain and simple. Don't be afraid...or discouraged,at all,not one bit. Don't let your life be dulled by your worries. Don't miss out on great opportunities because you're scared. Overcome that and rise above them. You were made "more than a conqueror"(Rom 8:37),so go be one.
I'm afraid of that. I've done extremely sporadic things,I've done carefully planned out things and watched both fail. I get into the modes or routines,where I want to know exactly when everything is going to happen and where and so forth. This week,my biggest concern,has been a route change at work. Yeah,I'm stressing over doing a run in Klamath,instead of Grants Pass or Ashland...like I'm use to,and it's honestly nothing.
Joshua 10:25,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous". Granted,Joshua was fighting in an epic battle,killing kings and going nuts in the chapter,but I still want to apply that,regardless if I'm killing kings or driving an armored truck around.
Why is it so easy for us to be worried,or scared? It's like God made that flaw in us intentionally so we have a choice. Think back over your life,if you never once could ever panic or stress anything. How different would your life be? Where would you be? What would you be doing? That's kinda how we're suppose to live,yet it's nearly impossible.
So do it. Plain and simple. Don't be afraid...or discouraged,at all,not one bit. Don't let your life be dulled by your worries. Don't miss out on great opportunities because you're scared. Overcome that and rise above them. You were made "more than a conqueror"(Rom 8:37),so go be one.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Do you ever feel like God is late? Not like normal friends that show up later than they said they were going to,but genuinely like,you thought something should have happened by now? Or that something should be over,but it's still lingering around?
Lately I've kind of felt that way. It sucks to be human,and to actually think that God might just be kicking back and relaxing when you feel like He should be moving. I guess that's my will taking the space in my heart where His should be. I feel like an idiot sometimes for butting heads with Him over it,but it's something I need to work on.
I look at my life,and I'm far from where I want to be when I was little and imagined what it would be to be 24. If you would have asked me 14 years ago what I'd be doing,where I'd be,if I'd be married with kids,etc;I probably would give you a 180 from where I'm at now. My mind tends to wonder between,"God's will was for me to be here,this way,right now" and "Man,I really blew a lot of stuff and now I'm stuck here,probably doing the last thing God ever wanted me to do."
Psalm 31:15 says,"My times are in Your hand." That makes me think that I can't possibly be in the wrong place. Or that I'm doing the wrong thing. I believe God is truly in control,but at the same time He gave me free will. I could chose to love Him,or say screw it and never talk to Him again. Kind of a scary thought.
So back to where my mind was originally,is this what God thought of when He created me? Did he want me in Grants Pass,driving an armored truck,emotionally nuked,physically destroyed,just getting by? Or did He plan to have me being a missionary in Africa? A doctor in North Carolina? A homeless guy in Vegas? It's thoughts like this that rattle me. I can't figure out if it's God telling me to move,or Satan telling me I'm worthless.
I guess today is just another chance to trust Him. To keep moving forward and to not look back and question. He didn't have to give me today,but He did. So there's probably a good chance I shouldn't worry about all of this,right?
Easier said than done.
Lately I've kind of felt that way. It sucks to be human,and to actually think that God might just be kicking back and relaxing when you feel like He should be moving. I guess that's my will taking the space in my heart where His should be. I feel like an idiot sometimes for butting heads with Him over it,but it's something I need to work on.
I look at my life,and I'm far from where I want to be when I was little and imagined what it would be to be 24. If you would have asked me 14 years ago what I'd be doing,where I'd be,if I'd be married with kids,etc;I probably would give you a 180 from where I'm at now. My mind tends to wonder between,"God's will was for me to be here,this way,right now" and "Man,I really blew a lot of stuff and now I'm stuck here,probably doing the last thing God ever wanted me to do."
Psalm 31:15 says,"My times are in Your hand." That makes me think that I can't possibly be in the wrong place. Or that I'm doing the wrong thing. I believe God is truly in control,but at the same time He gave me free will. I could chose to love Him,or say screw it and never talk to Him again. Kind of a scary thought.
So back to where my mind was originally,is this what God thought of when He created me? Did he want me in Grants Pass,driving an armored truck,emotionally nuked,physically destroyed,just getting by? Or did He plan to have me being a missionary in Africa? A doctor in North Carolina? A homeless guy in Vegas? It's thoughts like this that rattle me. I can't figure out if it's God telling me to move,or Satan telling me I'm worthless.
I guess today is just another chance to trust Him. To keep moving forward and to not look back and question. He didn't have to give me today,but He did. So there's probably a good chance I shouldn't worry about all of this,right?
Easier said than done.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Goodness. I feel like no matter where I'm at in life,no matter what day it is,who I'm with,I will always have some worry. 95% it's not even anything major,and 100% of the time time it's nothing too big for God to handle.
What's been on my heart lately is cancer. Not just cancer in general,but childhood cancer. The things these poor children are going through,and how their friends and family feel must be indescribable.
I was talking with a friend about why God would allow it. The conclusion came to,what God does...doesn't have to make sense. Life makes no sense,God makes no sense,things don't have to make any bit of sense if you're trusting Him along the way.
I was reading Matthew 6 tonight,and verse 34 says,"If God cares so much for wildflowers that are bloom and burn in daily,He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" This whole chapter was written to make you feel like an idiot,truly believe it. God cares about the stupidest little things in life because He made them,so do you think He doesn't feel the same about you?
There are millions of analogies to describe a million ideas based around "Christianity". My favorite talks about two farmers. One feels the need to grow a bountiful harvest,but doesn't care about properly going about it. So,when it comes time,he just throws his seeds on top of the earth and expects them to grow. The other,plans it all out and carefully takes a large plow and cuts the dirt deep before he plants his seeds. The first farmer is upset because his plants never grew. He didn't go through all the proper ways in order to grow all he needed. The second had extreme amounts of healthy produce because he tore open the earth and planted his seeds deep where they couldn't be washed away by rain or picked off the ground by birds.
The same idea goes for us. If you ever experience an extremely painful event in your life,it could very well be God plowing your heart,in a sense. Making sure this lesson is planted deep in you so that you can learn a lesson,or mature,or whatever it is He's trying to show you.
If He really does work all these horrible stories we hear about out for some good or glory,then He really does mean all things. That means death,heartache,pain...all things.
What's been on my heart lately is cancer. Not just cancer in general,but childhood cancer. The things these poor children are going through,and how their friends and family feel must be indescribable.
I was talking with a friend about why God would allow it. The conclusion came to,what God does...doesn't have to make sense. Life makes no sense,God makes no sense,things don't have to make any bit of sense if you're trusting Him along the way.
I was reading Matthew 6 tonight,and verse 34 says,"If God cares so much for wildflowers that are bloom and burn in daily,He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" This whole chapter was written to make you feel like an idiot,truly believe it. God cares about the stupidest little things in life because He made them,so do you think He doesn't feel the same about you?
There are millions of analogies to describe a million ideas based around "Christianity". My favorite talks about two farmers. One feels the need to grow a bountiful harvest,but doesn't care about properly going about it. So,when it comes time,he just throws his seeds on top of the earth and expects them to grow. The other,plans it all out and carefully takes a large plow and cuts the dirt deep before he plants his seeds. The first farmer is upset because his plants never grew. He didn't go through all the proper ways in order to grow all he needed. The second had extreme amounts of healthy produce because he tore open the earth and planted his seeds deep where they couldn't be washed away by rain or picked off the ground by birds.
The same idea goes for us. If you ever experience an extremely painful event in your life,it could very well be God plowing your heart,in a sense. Making sure this lesson is planted deep in you so that you can learn a lesson,or mature,or whatever it is He's trying to show you.
If He really does work all these horrible stories we hear about out for some good or glory,then He really does mean all things. That means death,heartache,pain...all things.
Monday, August 1, 2011
My stupid frustrations and worries,they seem to get the best of me. I'm always second guessing myself and where I'm at in life. Am I doing what God wants me to do? Am I where He wants me to be? Is this the right job for me?
I'm so jealous of the people of Israel. They didn't have to wonder about their direction,they had their own GPS...
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:’ Exodus 13:21
I wish God would do that for me. I wish I could walk out and see a cloud pointing the direction I should be going. Fire above the place I should be working. An arrow pointing to the girl I should be with.
I try so hard to tune the world out and hear God whispering to me,yet I can't. Do you have the same problem at all?
I'm so jealous of the people of Israel. They didn't have to wonder about their direction,they had their own GPS...
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:’ Exodus 13:21
I wish God would do that for me. I wish I could walk out and see a cloud pointing the direction I should be going. Fire above the place I should be working. An arrow pointing to the girl I should be with.
I try so hard to tune the world out and hear God whispering to me,yet I can't. Do you have the same problem at all?
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