Today I was doing my normal morning routine. I took my puppy outside and let him run around a bit while I read my devotional. Today,it focused on people having joy in the midst of pain and/or sorrow. Finding their only spark of hope in the Lord while their world is crashing down around them,while nothing makes sense.
Martin Luther said on his deathbed,"These pains and troubles here are like the type that printers set. When we look at them, we see them backwards, and they seem to make no sense and have no meaning. But up there, when the Lord God prints out our life to come, we will find they make splendid reading." Make sense? We can't explain why God allows things to happen,but we have to believe that it's all for some good,right? I was having a conversation with someone the other night about what real Hell we've both been through,yet,we have come out on top because of it. Hardships aren't tests,they're merely a tool God uses to force us to grow our trust in Him. After,we are better,we are stronger,more reliant,and able to encourage others.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says,"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." God says we're gonna go through Hell,but that path will lead to Heaven. We're going to face this world and everything it has to offer,but it won't win. John 16:33 tells us,"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
We're all running a race that's already been won. We just have to tough it out until the end. It may be hard,but finishing this race,no matter how slow we may be,will prove rewarding.

Monday, February 28, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
You know that saying,"you are who you hangout with"? It's so true. If you're a girl who hangs out with a bunch of sluts,people with think you're a slut. If you're a dude that hangs out with gangsters,people will think you're a thug. It's like the law,guilty by association. You can go to jail in this country for doing nothing wrong,just because you were with the wrong people at the wrong time.
I watch Cops,A LOT. I love it. I always wanted to be one,but with state budget cuts and my body falling apart,it didn't happen,but I still love to watch people get tased. Anyways, the other day there was an episode where this kid threw a rock through a car window as it was passing on the street. The cops took 4 kids to jail,even though 1 threw it. They were who they were hanging out with.
In Proverbs,verse 27:17 says,"As iron sharpens iron,a friend sharpens a friend." This goes two ways. Have you ever tried sharpening a knife but did it the wrong way? You can dull it even more by doing it the wrong way. If we want to sharpen our lives,we have to do so with the right tools. Naturally,if you hang around people that party,you will party. If you hang around people that go to church,you will go to church. It's just how human nature is.
I find myself happier when I'm around or talking to people who love the Lord. I find myself dragged down when I don't. That doesn't mean I'm only going to associate with Christians and screw everyone else,but I'll devote my times in which I might feel vulnerable to a group of God fearing people. It's like a crutch. I've been catching up with an old friend lately who wholeheartedly loves Jesus. It's great to just be able to talk,but somehow be encouraged and reminded of God's love through someone,regardless of what they're saying. I want to be more like that. That's something I want to be. I want to be iron to my friends and people I don't know. I want to only sharpen them. I want to be uplifting and encouraging with every word and every action of mine.
What do people see when they talk to you or look at you? Are you sharpening them? Find a way to encourage someone today and maybe someday in the future they'll be able to do the same for you.
I watch Cops,A LOT. I love it. I always wanted to be one,but with state budget cuts and my body falling apart,it didn't happen,but I still love to watch people get tased. Anyways, the other day there was an episode where this kid threw a rock through a car window as it was passing on the street. The cops took 4 kids to jail,even though 1 threw it. They were who they were hanging out with.
In Proverbs,verse 27:17 says,"As iron sharpens iron,a friend sharpens a friend." This goes two ways. Have you ever tried sharpening a knife but did it the wrong way? You can dull it even more by doing it the wrong way. If we want to sharpen our lives,we have to do so with the right tools. Naturally,if you hang around people that party,you will party. If you hang around people that go to church,you will go to church. It's just how human nature is.
I find myself happier when I'm around or talking to people who love the Lord. I find myself dragged down when I don't. That doesn't mean I'm only going to associate with Christians and screw everyone else,but I'll devote my times in which I might feel vulnerable to a group of God fearing people. It's like a crutch. I've been catching up with an old friend lately who wholeheartedly loves Jesus. It's great to just be able to talk,but somehow be encouraged and reminded of God's love through someone,regardless of what they're saying. I want to be more like that. That's something I want to be. I want to be iron to my friends and people I don't know. I want to only sharpen them. I want to be uplifting and encouraging with every word and every action of mine.
What do people see when they talk to you or look at you? Are you sharpening them? Find a way to encourage someone today and maybe someday in the future they'll be able to do the same for you.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This morning when I woke up,I kinda felt the need to encourage someone. While I was reading through Philippians to find the verse I was looking for,I found myself in chapter 4. I love this chapter,it's in my top 10 of the Bible. When I read a series of verses,it instantly sheds any form of fear,anxiety,stress,worry,whatever feeling isn't positive. I usually read 6-8 if I'm ever feeling any bit worried and it always seems to do the trick.
4:8 reads," And now,dear brothers and sisters,one final things. Fix your thoughts on what is true,honorable,right,pure,lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Paul pretty much says,kick all the negativity out of your mind,and you'll be happy. Plain and simple. I think this verse works for non-believers too. It's simple,think about good and happy things,and you'll be happy.
After reading what Paul writes,you kinda feel stupid. Look at that dudes life,then tell me you think yours is rough. That man had a smile on his face while he was in prison because he trusted God so much,that an adversity that could possibly happen,wouldn't shake his faith or his happiness. Wow I wish I could be like that. The more I find myself referring to verses like this,I'm becoming more like that. It works people,let me tell you. If you don't believe me,try it!
Joel Osteen has a pretty cool quote in response to this verse,he says, "Prayer begins by admitting that we are not in control." Now we can control our thoughts,this verse says so. So focus on good things while you're waiting on the Lord. Even during hard times,"thank Him for all He's done."(Phil.4:6b)
You can see a difference in your physical life when you change your mental life.You can see a difference in your mental life when you change your spiritual life. One good thing will always lead to another. Get lined up with God's word in your heart,and watch your life line up. I can't stress it enough,no matter how hard things are in life,no matter how dark a situation may seem,God has nothing but great things planned for you. People always say,"it'll all be ok in the end," well,if it's not ok right now,it's not the end!
Today;trust Him,think about only good and positive things,and watch how He'll work on your behalf.
4:8 reads," And now,dear brothers and sisters,one final things. Fix your thoughts on what is true,honorable,right,pure,lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Paul pretty much says,kick all the negativity out of your mind,and you'll be happy. Plain and simple. I think this verse works for non-believers too. It's simple,think about good and happy things,and you'll be happy.
After reading what Paul writes,you kinda feel stupid. Look at that dudes life,then tell me you think yours is rough. That man had a smile on his face while he was in prison because he trusted God so much,that an adversity that could possibly happen,wouldn't shake his faith or his happiness. Wow I wish I could be like that. The more I find myself referring to verses like this,I'm becoming more like that. It works people,let me tell you. If you don't believe me,try it!
Joel Osteen has a pretty cool quote in response to this verse,he says, "Prayer begins by admitting that we are not in control." Now we can control our thoughts,this verse says so. So focus on good things while you're waiting on the Lord. Even during hard times,"thank Him for all He's done."(Phil.4:6b)
You can see a difference in your physical life when you change your mental life.You can see a difference in your mental life when you change your spiritual life. One good thing will always lead to another. Get lined up with God's word in your heart,and watch your life line up. I can't stress it enough,no matter how hard things are in life,no matter how dark a situation may seem,God has nothing but great things planned for you. People always say,"it'll all be ok in the end," well,if it's not ok right now,it's not the end!
Today;trust Him,think about only good and positive things,and watch how He'll work on your behalf.
Friday, February 25, 2011
This morning was going about as normal as it could be,but within 5 minutes of waking up,I found myself on the floor screaming to God to take away the pain I was in. Never have I ever been in so much agony in my life. The pains shooting through me as if a knife was being stabbed through my back,twisted,then removed only to do it again. I couldn't breathe,I couldn't see straight,I couldn't do anything except pray. Within a half hour I was in the E.R. Triage being asked about my medical history.About an hour later,I was lying in a VCT machine while I was being x-rayed in what looked like an airplane turbine. Still confused,and kinda worried about what was going on,I found myself staring at the ceiling repeating one thing...God is with me.
I don't think anyone can count how many times God tells us in the Bible,to fear not because He is always with us. I really didn't care what the diagnosis would say,I just wanted it to be figured out. I was very fortunate today to find out that I have kidney stones. Yes,they are referred to as "male pregnancy" due to the pain being so severe that it's equal to woman giving birth,but still. I looked around that room thinking about how many people were in that machine when the discovered they had cancer,or tumors,or another serious medical condition. I knew then,how lucky I really was.
Isaiah 41:10 says,"Fear not,for I am with you. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." That was on repeat in my mind today,along with about a thousand verses from Psalms. Today,I looked every fear I've ever had in the eye and spoke that over it. I said,"I won't fear,God is with me. He's here right now helping me and giving me strength through this time." It worked. Now I know this isn't high up on the medical totem pole,and I guarantee you know someone going through a much more difficult time,but this is the hardest thing I've had to deal with in medical terms,and I passed. I gave it to God knowing that He was doing His part,so I had to do mine...simply trust in Him.
The next time you're faced with something tragic,whether it be medical or emotional or whatever it is,remember that verse and see how different the outcome is when you can truly trust Him through it.
I don't think anyone can count how many times God tells us in the Bible,to fear not because He is always with us. I really didn't care what the diagnosis would say,I just wanted it to be figured out. I was very fortunate today to find out that I have kidney stones. Yes,they are referred to as "male pregnancy" due to the pain being so severe that it's equal to woman giving birth,but still. I looked around that room thinking about how many people were in that machine when the discovered they had cancer,or tumors,or another serious medical condition. I knew then,how lucky I really was.
Isaiah 41:10 says,"Fear not,for I am with you. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." That was on repeat in my mind today,along with about a thousand verses from Psalms. Today,I looked every fear I've ever had in the eye and spoke that over it. I said,"I won't fear,God is with me. He's here right now helping me and giving me strength through this time." It worked. Now I know this isn't high up on the medical totem pole,and I guarantee you know someone going through a much more difficult time,but this is the hardest thing I've had to deal with in medical terms,and I passed. I gave it to God knowing that He was doing His part,so I had to do mine...simply trust in Him.
The next time you're faced with something tragic,whether it be medical or emotional or whatever it is,remember that verse and see how different the outcome is when you can truly trust Him through it.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I was driving home today while listening to The Message(It's like Klove but on Sirius Satellite Radio),and Brandon Heath's -"Wait and See" came on. I've listened to this song a few times and I really like it,but something hit home today.
When I think about my life,I don't see a whole lot of monumental things. I've moved a couple times,worked some big jobs,had some serious relationships,but nothing stuck out in a huge way. In this song,he breaks down his life in the same way. He talks about how growing up he wasn't good in school and so on. The lyrics that make me feel like there's hope,are "There is hope for me yet,because God won't forget,all the plans He's made for me,we'll have to wait and see...He's not finished with me yet." That verse brought to mind,Jeremiah 29:11,which reads,"For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord,plans for to prosper you and not harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
Think about it,God says to us, that He has good plans for us,and emphasizes none for bad,none to bring any harm to us. Woohoo. I don't know about you,but that makes me pretty happy. Whether we're seeing it now,or later,the plans God has for us,are ALL for good. I encourage you to embrace that today. Look at your life and what's currently going's all for good. Read Romans 8:28 if you need more emphasis on the fact that it's all for good.
"Still wonderin why I'm here,still wrestlin with my fear,but oh...He's up to something."
You're not here for nothing,believe it.
When I think about my life,I don't see a whole lot of monumental things. I've moved a couple times,worked some big jobs,had some serious relationships,but nothing stuck out in a huge way. In this song,he breaks down his life in the same way. He talks about how growing up he wasn't good in school and so on. The lyrics that make me feel like there's hope,are "There is hope for me yet,because God won't forget,all the plans He's made for me,we'll have to wait and see...He's not finished with me yet." That verse brought to mind,Jeremiah 29:11,which reads,"For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord,plans for to prosper you and not harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
Think about it,God says to us, that He has good plans for us,and emphasizes none for bad,none to bring any harm to us. Woohoo. I don't know about you,but that makes me pretty happy. Whether we're seeing it now,or later,the plans God has for us,are ALL for good. I encourage you to embrace that today. Look at your life and what's currently going's all for good. Read Romans 8:28 if you need more emphasis on the fact that it's all for good.
"Still wonderin why I'm here,still wrestlin with my fear,but oh...He's up to something."
You're not here for nothing,believe it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I have a huge problem with people. I simply don't like a lot of people. It feels like every other person in this world is two-faced or is saying something about someone behind their backs. I'm really not ok with it. Yes,I have done it in the past,who hasn't. But I really wish the world would have grown up along with me.
Saying that,mostly out of anger,I came across a verse this morning. Colossians 3:13 says," Bear with each other,and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
That last part haunts me as I read it. It echos in a vast pit of me that's filled with past depression,anger and resentment. I'm genuinely a nice person. I treat other as I want to be treated,though I've never once felt that in return from someone,I still don't let it change me. What I let change me,is when I bend over backwards to help people,and get treated poorly in return. I've never asked for anything in return from anyone,and I don't expect them to do anything,I just want my friendship. I feel as if I'm disposable to the human race. I know I'm not,but every situation I've gone through has pretty much printed it in black and white. My point here is,I'm suppose to forgive these people? How? How do you look at a girl who's cheated on you and say "no biggie"? How do you look at a friend who's stolen from you and say "don't worry about it bro"?
This is when I wish God could have equipped us with a Recycle Bin. To be able to right-click anf forget the trash of my past. I think no matter how many times I pray about it,I truly hold on to some form of negativity towards people in my past(and present). It's like the whole,"turn the other cheek" proverb...I only have two cheeks.
In the Bible it says we are made in God's image.That doesn't mean we are exactly like Him and able to do everything He can,but we can become Christlike. He was a man. He walked on this Earth. He was tempted by Satan numerous times...yet he conquered it. Why can't we be like that?Why can't I?
When I think about this verse,I want to call up every person in my past,whether it be an ex,a friend,family,whoever and apologize. Good luck trying to do that,most people aren't on this same page. What I've learned to do is,truly ask God for forgiveness and to mend our hearts. I know there's people I'd love to get a hold of,but I couldn't because of past circumstances. So lately if I see someone on the street,or someone pops up on Facebook,I've caught myself praying for them. That makes me feel good,because about 2 years ago,I wouldn't have held back from giving them the finger and forgetting about it.
I like how I've matured. I'm not perfect,nor anywhere near close,but I'm glad that I can stop and look back to see progression towards being Christlike. I'm learning to forgive people and forget about the past.
If God can do it,why can't we?
Saying that,mostly out of anger,I came across a verse this morning. Colossians 3:13 says," Bear with each other,and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
That last part haunts me as I read it. It echos in a vast pit of me that's filled with past depression,anger and resentment. I'm genuinely a nice person. I treat other as I want to be treated,though I've never once felt that in return from someone,I still don't let it change me. What I let change me,is when I bend over backwards to help people,and get treated poorly in return. I've never asked for anything in return from anyone,and I don't expect them to do anything,I just want my friendship. I feel as if I'm disposable to the human race. I know I'm not,but every situation I've gone through has pretty much printed it in black and white. My point here is,I'm suppose to forgive these people? How? How do you look at a girl who's cheated on you and say "no biggie"? How do you look at a friend who's stolen from you and say "don't worry about it bro"?
This is when I wish God could have equipped us with a Recycle Bin. To be able to right-click anf forget the trash of my past. I think no matter how many times I pray about it,I truly hold on to some form of negativity towards people in my past(and present). It's like the whole,"turn the other cheek" proverb...I only have two cheeks.
In the Bible it says we are made in God's image.That doesn't mean we are exactly like Him and able to do everything He can,but we can become Christlike. He was a man. He walked on this Earth. He was tempted by Satan numerous times...yet he conquered it. Why can't we be like that?Why can't I?
When I think about this verse,I want to call up every person in my past,whether it be an ex,a friend,family,whoever and apologize. Good luck trying to do that,most people aren't on this same page. What I've learned to do is,truly ask God for forgiveness and to mend our hearts. I know there's people I'd love to get a hold of,but I couldn't because of past circumstances. So lately if I see someone on the street,or someone pops up on Facebook,I've caught myself praying for them. That makes me feel good,because about 2 years ago,I wouldn't have held back from giving them the finger and forgetting about it.
I like how I've matured. I'm not perfect,nor anywhere near close,but I'm glad that I can stop and look back to see progression towards being Christlike. I'm learning to forgive people and forget about the past.
If God can do it,why can't we?
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm grateful for today. Today was another chance at everything I've failed to do or just put off. When I wake up,I have rituals. I'm almost like a person with OCD when it comes to my spiritual nourishment. In the morning,I usually can't find my laptop which is tangled in my bed,so I go for my phone on my night stand. I log into my email and check the first two that are there everyday. I get daily verses from Air1 and a devotional from Joel Osteen. After that,I mozy my way into the day and within a few hours I find "Stream in the Desert"(Great devotional by L.B. Cowman). I continue my day for a few more hours and find one of my "Christian Inspiration" books,lately Donald Miller stuff. Prior was The Shack and Should We Fire God,both great reads. Then at the end of my evening I'll dive soul first into my Bible. I can't read my Bible in the morning. I use it to comfort myself after a long day,to bring me to peace so I'll be able to sleep.
My point is,I worry a lot. More than the average person and way more than a typical Christian would. Satan has found my weak spot. I'm pretty strong physically and more so emotionally,yet I have a spiritual weakness that he bombards. I try to constantly remind myself through out the day of anything positive. Tv shows,music,but reading seems to hit the homer. Reading 99% of the time can ease my worries.
Philippians 4:6-7 definitely drives my worries out of the park. Paul writes,simply:" Do not worry about anything;instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace,which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ."
Now tell me,could that be any more clear? Granted,that is the NLT version which is so hip that God could be referred as Dude and apostles as bros,but still. All versions are clear and to the point... DO NOT WORRY. Instead,pray. Regardless of what's going on,just pray. Tell God what's up,and thank Him for all He's done. In another version it says, "Then you will be met with peace that passes understanding." Peace so incredible,we can't fathom it. Now that's pretty cool to me,and when you truly stop worrying and pray,you feel that. I've heard this cool quote before,"God won't always calm the storm,but He will calm you in the storm." To me,when I hear that,I see dark skies and clouds and rain and wind,and so on...but I see me standing with a ray of sunshine on me. Completely unharmed and safe.
Life is full of storms. Physical,emotion, and spiritual kinds. No matter what it is,God wants to bring you peace. He wants you to surrender whatever is worrying you. It can be big or small. Even the smallest things can bring us down. In 1 Peter 5:7,it says,"Cast all of your cares on Him,for He cares for you." Isn't that awesome to think about. God says to give Him all your crap and He'll take care of it because He cares for you. The Creator of Heaven and Earth,the Alpha and the Omega,the Man who died for you,wants your cares because He loves you.
Think about that today:)
My point is,I worry a lot. More than the average person and way more than a typical Christian would. Satan has found my weak spot. I'm pretty strong physically and more so emotionally,yet I have a spiritual weakness that he bombards. I try to constantly remind myself through out the day of anything positive. Tv shows,music,but reading seems to hit the homer. Reading 99% of the time can ease my worries.
Philippians 4:6-7 definitely drives my worries out of the park. Paul writes,simply:" Do not worry about anything;instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace,which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ."
Now tell me,could that be any more clear? Granted,that is the NLT version which is so hip that God could be referred as Dude and apostles as bros,but still. All versions are clear and to the point... DO NOT WORRY. Instead,pray. Regardless of what's going on,just pray. Tell God what's up,and thank Him for all He's done. In another version it says, "Then you will be met with peace that passes understanding." Peace so incredible,we can't fathom it. Now that's pretty cool to me,and when you truly stop worrying and pray,you feel that. I've heard this cool quote before,"God won't always calm the storm,but He will calm you in the storm." To me,when I hear that,I see dark skies and clouds and rain and wind,and so on...but I see me standing with a ray of sunshine on me. Completely unharmed and safe.
Life is full of storms. Physical,emotion, and spiritual kinds. No matter what it is,God wants to bring you peace. He wants you to surrender whatever is worrying you. It can be big or small. Even the smallest things can bring us down. In 1 Peter 5:7,it says,"Cast all of your cares on Him,for He cares for you." Isn't that awesome to think about. God says to give Him all your crap and He'll take care of it because He cares for you. The Creator of Heaven and Earth,the Alpha and the Omega,the Man who died for you,wants your cares because He loves you.
Think about that today:)
Saturday, February 19, 2011
When you hear the word conqueror,what do you think of? I think instantly of great armies defeating lesser ones. I think of old empires sweeping the nations and putting anything to rest that they didn't like. I think of a single person overcoming any obstacle in their path to whatever glory they search for.
In Romans 8(probably one of the coolest chapters of the Bible,in my opinion):37,Paul says..."No,in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Soak that up for a second. Take the visual you have when you hear that word,then add to it. Paul simply puts, with God on our side,and with His love,we are MORE than able to conquer. Whether it be an addiction,a problem,a goal you're trying to achieve...with God,you can more than conquer it.
To be honest,I read the Bible a lot as a little kid because I was the strongest I've ever been with the Lord when I was 8,but didn't start reading it again(genuinely out of my own desire) until about 2009. I had just gotten through a really rough patch of alcoholism and girls and the whole 9 yards. I had met a girl who loves the Lord dearly with all of her heart,and one day she shared a verse with me that sparked my interest to start reading again. It was Romans 8:28 (For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God according to His will.) That's a great verse to hear after a long time of not being close with Him. Knowing that no matter what happens,whether it be of sin or from God,He has allowed it work in a positive way for you if you love Him. Pretty epic to think,huh?
That one verse caused a burning desire to read more. I first started in this chapter of course because I know it had some pretty powerful stuff going on in it. Then it eventually grew to the rest of the Bible,devotionals and anything in Barnes & Nobles "Christian Inspiration" section,(Check out Donald Miller!). Anyways,this is one chapter I read constantly,but mostly the first verse I spoke of (Rom 8:37).
I don't know about you,but usually anything encouraging is a great thing to read. If you're depressed,angry,sad,lonely,whatever it may be;something uplifting is always a good start. This verse,should jazz you. You should read this,and want to go to the gym,or run a marathon up hill,or win a battle over something in your life. This verse caused me to want to overcome obstacles in my life that were holding me back from any beneficial growth in my life. To know that God says,with Him,we are more than a conqueror...that should release anything you hold onto or holds onto you and break free from it! You know how people talk with their hands to emphasize something?I'm doing that while typing right now,that's how much impression it leaves on me to go and win something over. Like the Oregon Ducks Football slogan "Win The Day"! Imagine Paul saying that back in the day,because he was.
Take this verse to heart. Know that God is fighting for you. He's jealous of you. He wants anything that blocks a straight path between you and Him gone. Conquer whatever that may be today,and know that He loves you dearly and wants nothing more than to be with you.
In Romans 8(probably one of the coolest chapters of the Bible,in my opinion):37,Paul says..."No,in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Soak that up for a second. Take the visual you have when you hear that word,then add to it. Paul simply puts, with God on our side,and with His love,we are MORE than able to conquer. Whether it be an addiction,a problem,a goal you're trying to achieve...with God,you can more than conquer it.
To be honest,I read the Bible a lot as a little kid because I was the strongest I've ever been with the Lord when I was 8,but didn't start reading it again(genuinely out of my own desire) until about 2009. I had just gotten through a really rough patch of alcoholism and girls and the whole 9 yards. I had met a girl who loves the Lord dearly with all of her heart,and one day she shared a verse with me that sparked my interest to start reading again. It was Romans 8:28 (For we know that all things work together for good for those who love God according to His will.) That's a great verse to hear after a long time of not being close with Him. Knowing that no matter what happens,whether it be of sin or from God,He has allowed it work in a positive way for you if you love Him. Pretty epic to think,huh?
That one verse caused a burning desire to read more. I first started in this chapter of course because I know it had some pretty powerful stuff going on in it. Then it eventually grew to the rest of the Bible,devotionals and anything in Barnes & Nobles "Christian Inspiration" section,(Check out Donald Miller!). Anyways,this is one chapter I read constantly,but mostly the first verse I spoke of (Rom 8:37).
I don't know about you,but usually anything encouraging is a great thing to read. If you're depressed,angry,sad,lonely,whatever it may be;something uplifting is always a good start. This verse,should jazz you. You should read this,and want to go to the gym,or run a marathon up hill,or win a battle over something in your life. This verse caused me to want to overcome obstacles in my life that were holding me back from any beneficial growth in my life. To know that God says,with Him,we are more than a conqueror...that should release anything you hold onto or holds onto you and break free from it! You know how people talk with their hands to emphasize something?I'm doing that while typing right now,that's how much impression it leaves on me to go and win something over. Like the Oregon Ducks Football slogan "Win The Day"! Imagine Paul saying that back in the day,because he was.
Take this verse to heart. Know that God is fighting for you. He's jealous of you. He wants anything that blocks a straight path between you and Him gone. Conquer whatever that may be today,and know that He loves you dearly and wants nothing more than to be with you.
Friday, February 18, 2011
In the Bible,there's book of the Old Testament called Proverbs. This isn't a "typical" book of the Bible by any means. It's what the title is,proverbs. Short,quick to the point guides to life,you could say. There's quite a few and not to value any more than the other,but there are some very good ones. My favorite has to be chapter 3,verse 5.
According to it,we are to; "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart,and lean not on your own understanding."
This is one of the shortest and sweetest verses in the Bible. It's straight to the point. Trust in God,don't rely on your own mind to figure out/comprehend who He is or what He's doing. He made us in a way where we can never fully understand Him,or why things happen,or why men have nipples. By doing so,leaving out that one part of us that's able to fully understand everything,it makes us dependent on Him. He's a smart cookie,let me tell you. Doing that,ultimately makes us always need something. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol or sex,whatever it may be. But you'll never feed that hunger until you find Him. He's the doughnut hole to fill the center of our doughnut(That's a reference from a video I watched in church when I was 5,it's stuck with me since).
But one aspect of this verse I love,one thing I picture when I read sitting in a car. A car has a driver seat and a passenger seat. I see God looking at us,giving us the option to take the wheel and try and navigate our life in an area we don't know,or the option to sit in the passenger seat and let "Jesus Take the Wheel" as Carrie Underwood puts it. As lame as it sounds,I'd much rather ride shotgun in life. I battle this verse constantly because I have trouble understanding things and if I don't understand things,I tend to not believe them.
I'm a walking contradiction. I don't believe in what I don't see...yet I believe in a dude that created everything with His words. One who loves me,who guides me,who pours out His love in tender and stern ways,and one who loves you as well. It's a hard thing to imagine,it really is. People who believe it are some crazy people,but I give all of them credit for walking in faith,believing what is not seen.
I hope you can remember this verse daily. Apply it to circumstances when things don't make sense or when you're stressing something,important or not. Let God deal with it. He says to trust in Him and not rely on yourself...would you believe that coming from a Man that would die for you?
According to it,we are to; "Trust in the Lord with all of your heart,and lean not on your own understanding."
This is one of the shortest and sweetest verses in the Bible. It's straight to the point. Trust in God,don't rely on your own mind to figure out/comprehend who He is or what He's doing. He made us in a way where we can never fully understand Him,or why things happen,or why men have nipples. By doing so,leaving out that one part of us that's able to fully understand everything,it makes us dependent on Him. He's a smart cookie,let me tell you. Doing that,ultimately makes us always need something. Some people turn to drugs or alcohol or sex,whatever it may be. But you'll never feed that hunger until you find Him. He's the doughnut hole to fill the center of our doughnut(That's a reference from a video I watched in church when I was 5,it's stuck with me since).
But one aspect of this verse I love,one thing I picture when I read sitting in a car. A car has a driver seat and a passenger seat. I see God looking at us,giving us the option to take the wheel and try and navigate our life in an area we don't know,or the option to sit in the passenger seat and let "Jesus Take the Wheel" as Carrie Underwood puts it. As lame as it sounds,I'd much rather ride shotgun in life. I battle this verse constantly because I have trouble understanding things and if I don't understand things,I tend to not believe them.
I'm a walking contradiction. I don't believe in what I don't see...yet I believe in a dude that created everything with His words. One who loves me,who guides me,who pours out His love in tender and stern ways,and one who loves you as well. It's a hard thing to imagine,it really is. People who believe it are some crazy people,but I give all of them credit for walking in faith,believing what is not seen.
I hope you can remember this verse daily. Apply it to circumstances when things don't make sense or when you're stressing something,important or not. Let God deal with it. He says to trust in Him and not rely on yourself...would you believe that coming from a Man that would die for you?
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