This morning when I woke up,I kinda felt the need to encourage someone. While I was reading through Philippians to find the verse I was looking for,I found myself in chapter 4. I love this chapter,it's in my top 10 of the Bible. When I read a series of verses,it instantly sheds any form of fear,anxiety,stress,worry,whatever feeling isn't positive. I usually read 6-8 if I'm ever feeling any bit worried and it always seems to do the trick.
4:8 reads," And now,dear brothers and sisters,one final things. Fix your thoughts on what is true,honorable,right,pure,lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Paul pretty much says,kick all the negativity out of your mind,and you'll be happy. Plain and simple. I think this verse works for non-believers too. It's simple,think about good and happy things,and you'll be happy.
After reading what Paul writes,you kinda feel stupid. Look at that dudes life,then tell me you think yours is rough. That man had a smile on his face while he was in prison because he trusted God so much,that an adversity that could possibly happen,wouldn't shake his faith or his happiness. Wow I wish I could be like that. The more I find myself referring to verses like this,I'm becoming more like that. It works people,let me tell you. If you don't believe me,try it!
Joel Osteen has a pretty cool quote in response to this verse,he says, "Prayer begins by admitting that we are not in control." Now we can control our thoughts,this verse says so. So focus on good things while you're waiting on the Lord. Even during hard times,"thank Him for all He's done."(Phil.4:6b)
You can see a difference in your physical life when you change your mental life.You can see a difference in your mental life when you change your spiritual life. One good thing will always lead to another. Get lined up with God's word in your heart,and watch your life line up. I can't stress it enough,no matter how hard things are in life,no matter how dark a situation may seem,God has nothing but great things planned for you. People always say,"it'll all be ok in the end," well,if it's not ok right now,it's not the end!
Today;trust Him,think about only good and positive things,and watch how He'll work on your behalf.
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