I'm pretty sure that there's no other human on this planet that hates rain/clouds/fog more than I do. It's instant depression for me. I really hate spring because that's what it is almost everyday. The only hope I find during this time,is that dumb old saying,"April showers bring may flowers".
I've been better lately at getting the whole scheme of "seasons" down. In life,in the weather and so on. The weather is the easiest to explain and everyone gets it: the more crappy our spring is,the nicer summer will be. Our lives can kinda be the same,whether it referencing later in life or in Heaven. In Ecclesiastes 3:1,it says ,"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." So God is saying that it's all planned out,everything has a "season" of some sort.
Well,your season is probably a rough patch for example. They don't say "rain on your parade" in a good aspect,it's meant to say something negatively. But think of your life like the transition spring to summer. Who doesn't like summer?! The next time you find yourself getting rained down upon with hardships and trails...think about what good it will bring you. Maybe God is just watering you so you'll be more vibrant in your summer and the healthier you are,the longer you'll last and the stronger you'll be in life.
"Jesus isn't our security from storms of life,he's our security during them. He never promised smooth sailing,just a soft landing."-LB Cowman

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I like the word "will",but only in certain aspects. When referring to the Lord's Will I get excited. It's so awesome to think that God actually has a good plan for me and for nothing bad. I hate that word when I think of my own.
In the bible,in Matthew,Jesus tells us how to pray. It's called the Lord's Prayer...you know,"Our Father in Heaven,hallowed be thy name" and so on. To be honest,I never thought much about it. I don't pray like that. I pray for what's going on in my life and pretty much complain to God until He changes things...it doesn't work like that.
The verse I'm focused on today is 6:10b,which simply says,"THY will be done",not mine or his or hers,Gods. I've gone down my own paths before,and ended up right on my butt. Showbread has a lyric in "The Journey" and it simply says,"My will be done, done did it,did the everything that leads to nothing." He says he did his own thing and came out with nothing,that's how life is. I always come across awesome opportunities,but I rarely pray for God's will. I assume that if something is in my life,it was God's will...not always.
I can't count how many times I've been completely pissed off at God,literally screaming at the sky at Him,only to realize that God didn't forsake me,I did. When you give your life to God,you have to give all of it. We may go to church once or twice a week,but that doesn't mean we're Christians once or twice a week,it's a constant. That includes your ambitions and dreams too. God knows what's best for us. I think I'll leave all the hard decision making parts to the Guy who made me,and stop trying to find my own means to a salvation.
In the bible,in Matthew,Jesus tells us how to pray. It's called the Lord's Prayer...you know,"Our Father in Heaven,hallowed be thy name" and so on. To be honest,I never thought much about it. I don't pray like that. I pray for what's going on in my life and pretty much complain to God until He changes things...it doesn't work like that.
The verse I'm focused on today is 6:10b,which simply says,"THY will be done",not mine or his or hers,Gods. I've gone down my own paths before,and ended up right on my butt. Showbread has a lyric in "The Journey" and it simply says,"My will be done, done did it,did the everything that leads to nothing." He says he did his own thing and came out with nothing,that's how life is. I always come across awesome opportunities,but I rarely pray for God's will. I assume that if something is in my life,it was God's will...not always.
I can't count how many times I've been completely pissed off at God,literally screaming at the sky at Him,only to realize that God didn't forsake me,I did. When you give your life to God,you have to give all of it. We may go to church once or twice a week,but that doesn't mean we're Christians once or twice a week,it's a constant. That includes your ambitions and dreams too. God knows what's best for us. I think I'll leave all the hard decision making parts to the Guy who made me,and stop trying to find my own means to a salvation.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I think we all try to live "better lives" at some point in time. I know I've been in horrible situations and chose to leave them behind to live more of the life God has planned for me,but it's not always easy.
How often do you find yourself trying to live a "Holy" life,and you seem to just end up doing the opposite? I do it daily,we all stumble,but it seems to come even more when we strive for that better life. I love what Paul says in Romans 7:15,because it's exactly how I feel. It says,"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I don't do, but what I hate I do." Knowing that one of the strongest men in history had the same problem as me,makes me feel a little better,but it doesn't solve it.
Our intentions and our actions are different from each other. Our intentions come from our mind/spirit/heart,and our actions come from our body. Now getting those two things to line up is quite a challenge. You could want to fight crime with your intentions,but you actions could end up causing more. It's tough trying to get them in sync,but it's very possible.
I think "practice makes perfect" is a great example here. What do you practice daily? I don't have any patience,and I practice that quite a bit each day so little by little my patience gets shorter. If you practice something positive,it'll become more and more. So practice peace,happiness,or even patience if you're like me. You'll find that your intentions and your actions can become the same and you won't be talking like Paul does in complete confusion over yourself.
How often do you find yourself trying to live a "Holy" life,and you seem to just end up doing the opposite? I do it daily,we all stumble,but it seems to come even more when we strive for that better life. I love what Paul says in Romans 7:15,because it's exactly how I feel. It says,"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I don't do, but what I hate I do." Knowing that one of the strongest men in history had the same problem as me,makes me feel a little better,but it doesn't solve it.
Our intentions and our actions are different from each other. Our intentions come from our mind/spirit/heart,and our actions come from our body. Now getting those two things to line up is quite a challenge. You could want to fight crime with your intentions,but you actions could end up causing more. It's tough trying to get them in sync,but it's very possible.
I think "practice makes perfect" is a great example here. What do you practice daily? I don't have any patience,and I practice that quite a bit each day so little by little my patience gets shorter. If you practice something positive,it'll become more and more. So practice peace,happiness,or even patience if you're like me. You'll find that your intentions and your actions can become the same and you won't be talking like Paul does in complete confusion over yourself.
Monday, March 28, 2011
How often do you limit God? Honestly? I do it daily,several times daily. I'm so use to my minimal and "natural" thinking,that I don't remember that I belong to a "supernatural" God. He spoke,just said words,and everything came from that...do you think He wouldn't do the same thing in a situation of yours?
I look at my dreams and goals,and tend to think a lot,if not all of them,are impossible. I kept that same mentality until I read Mark 9:23,it says, "Jesus said,'Everything is possible for one who believes." Not just one thing,or a couple,He said everything.
So the next time you believe something can't change for you,or your dream may be dying,remember that God has no limits. He can speak and your world can change in an instant,all you have to do is believe He will.
I look at my dreams and goals,and tend to think a lot,if not all of them,are impossible. I kept that same mentality until I read Mark 9:23,it says, "Jesus said,'Everything is possible for one who believes." Not just one thing,or a couple,He said everything.
So the next time you believe something can't change for you,or your dream may be dying,remember that God has no limits. He can speak and your world can change in an instant,all you have to do is believe He will.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Today I was sitting outside and I saw a group of birds land in the middle of a parking lot. Now,I can't really tell facial expression because I don't know if they can smile or frown,but I can tell they were quite happy. They chirped and splashed water in a small puddle like it was their spring break. If you were in Grants Pass today,you would have noticed how dark and dreary it was,then all of the sudden a huge spot of blue sky took over the valley. It got warm and the sun was shinning bright. As I sat and watched those birds,Matthew 6 came to mind. Verse 26 says,"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Kinda makes you think that if a bird trusts God to provide for them,shouldn't we?
I'm pretty bad with this. I believe God will always provide for me,yet it's when He stretches my faith,that's when I tend to worry. That's kinda funny because the next verse(6:27) says,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Nope,you can't. In fact,I'm pretty sure it'll slowly kill you. This is something I need to remind myself of daily,and I'm glad God was able to remind me in such a simple way,by watching a few birds play in a parking lot.
I don't know why God chooses to do things the way He does,but it seems that I learn the greatest lessons,or am at least reminded of something,in the most random ways. I love it. If anything,it shows that He wants to remind me constantly of His provisions and love,even when I don't actually see either of them.
I'm pretty bad with this. I believe God will always provide for me,yet it's when He stretches my faith,that's when I tend to worry. That's kinda funny because the next verse(6:27) says,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Nope,you can't. In fact,I'm pretty sure it'll slowly kill you. This is something I need to remind myself of daily,and I'm glad God was able to remind me in such a simple way,by watching a few birds play in a parking lot.
I don't know why God chooses to do things the way He does,but it seems that I learn the greatest lessons,or am at least reminded of something,in the most random ways. I love it. If anything,it shows that He wants to remind me constantly of His provisions and love,even when I don't actually see either of them.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
We,as humans,can concoct some of the most illegitimate fears. I know I've had my fair share of them growing up,but the more I actually understand God's promises,the fewer they seem. I'm really starting to think that God doesn't want us to ever be afraid because He's with is...I think I just read that for the 20th time in His word.
In Psalm,David is one happy dude. He had his ups and downs,but if you've ever read even any part of it,you know He was faithful to God,and He knew God was faithful to him. In Chapter 118:6 it says,"The Lord is with me,I will not be afraid." I think that is one of the most expressed things in the Bible. God REALLY wants us to not be afraid. I said something this morning,and it applies to this as well...
"When you're worried,you aren't trusting God. When you're scared,you aren't believing God is with you. When you're nervous,you aren't accepting God's promise of peace."
In a world that's in the fast lane to Hell,don't worry about anything! No matter what the world throws at us,we're gonna be alright! God's got the best intentions for you and me,and all He asks for in return is your faith in trusting Him.
In Psalm,David is one happy dude. He had his ups and downs,but if you've ever read even any part of it,you know He was faithful to God,and He knew God was faithful to him. In Chapter 118:6 it says,"The Lord is with me,I will not be afraid." I think that is one of the most expressed things in the Bible. God REALLY wants us to not be afraid. I said something this morning,and it applies to this as well...
"When you're worried,you aren't trusting God. When you're scared,you aren't believing God is with you. When you're nervous,you aren't accepting God's promise of peace."
In a world that's in the fast lane to Hell,don't worry about anything! No matter what the world throws at us,we're gonna be alright! God's got the best intentions for you and me,and all He asks for in return is your faith in trusting Him.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I love how hard it is for us as humans to make a sacrifice. Giving up something always seems to be difficult no matter what it is. But what do our sacrifices bring us?
Now,this is something I don't always think about since I've already got it covered,but how often do you think about the sacrifices God has made for you? It's hard to understand it or even think about it without it seeming like a big deal.Like hey,God can do anything,so His sacrifices are simple...I don't think so. I honestly believe that God felt the pain when Jesus died on the Cross. If you read The Shack,in the story,God's character has the same wound marks on His hands,as did Jesus;since they're a three-in-one bundle package.
Isaiah 53:5 (even before it actually happened),says "He was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.He was whipped so we could be healed." Now,Jesus didn't have to go through that. He could have stayed in Heaven and have never came. I couldn't imagine how different the world would be though. We'd still be slaying little lambs left and right in sacrifices for forgiveness,and who knows what else.
I guess my point here,is that God makes huge sacrifices,I still think He does to this day but I can't see them. Knowing that He gave up such a huge part of His life for us makes me want to do the same. I'm far from perfect,I sin A LOT,but He still loves me just the same. That makes me want to throw up,trying to understand a perfect love makes my mind read "Tilt". How hard would it be to give up something that puts a barrier in between you and Him? I mean,look at what He did...shouldn't we be able to do something back,even if it's minimal? We can't come to Earth and die for all of humanity and sin,but we should be able to throw down something in our lives that isn't pleasing to Him.
I love that God doesn't ask for a lot,but I still find it hard to meet all of His requirements. I get so engulfed in my own life,ways,and sin,that I feel like it's too hard. I think today I just changed.
Now,this is something I don't always think about since I've already got it covered,but how often do you think about the sacrifices God has made for you? It's hard to understand it or even think about it without it seeming like a big deal.Like hey,God can do anything,so His sacrifices are simple...I don't think so. I honestly believe that God felt the pain when Jesus died on the Cross. If you read The Shack,in the story,God's character has the same wound marks on His hands,as did Jesus;since they're a three-in-one bundle package.
Isaiah 53:5 (even before it actually happened),says "He was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.He was whipped so we could be healed." Now,Jesus didn't have to go through that. He could have stayed in Heaven and have never came. I couldn't imagine how different the world would be though. We'd still be slaying little lambs left and right in sacrifices for forgiveness,and who knows what else.
I guess my point here,is that God makes huge sacrifices,I still think He does to this day but I can't see them. Knowing that He gave up such a huge part of His life for us makes me want to do the same. I'm far from perfect,I sin A LOT,but He still loves me just the same. That makes me want to throw up,trying to understand a perfect love makes my mind read "Tilt". How hard would it be to give up something that puts a barrier in between you and Him? I mean,look at what He did...shouldn't we be able to do something back,even if it's minimal? We can't come to Earth and die for all of humanity and sin,but we should be able to throw down something in our lives that isn't pleasing to Him.
I love that God doesn't ask for a lot,but I still find it hard to meet all of His requirements. I get so engulfed in my own life,ways,and sin,that I feel like it's too hard. I think today I just changed.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I've been having a bad day.Not a normal bad day,but one in my own control. I'm actually choosing to have a bad day...but why?
Satan tends to attack us at key points in our lives. He's pretty good at it,he knows just the right times when we're weak and not relying on God for our strength. For me,it's usually when I come off of my "high" from the Holy Spirit. I guess last night I made a difference in someones life without even realizing it,well,this morning was a great time for him to come at me with all he had,and he won. I let myself cave and fall into an angry and depressing state of mind. I looked at my problems and let them overwhelm me.
When I got home this afternoon I was reading in Romans,and I wish I would have this morning because I could have used what I read to instead bring me up instead of letting myself get down. Romans 5:3-5 says, "And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
I like knowing that God uses even bad times in our lives to brighten us up. Even in those times,He still wants the best for me.I feel like I'm learning a lot more these days than my mind can handle. It seems as if every corner I turn,there's a lesson waiting for me in the weirdest way. I felt like I was getting stale for a while;like just reading to know stuff,not reading to grow. God reconnected me in a way last night that I really can't describe,but it was enough to get me wanting to grow again. I want my spirit to be huge too,not just me.
I truly feel like I'm understanding James 1:2 more now,"when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy", because it seems as soon as I go through some "storm" in life,I always come out better.
Satan tends to attack us at key points in our lives. He's pretty good at it,he knows just the right times when we're weak and not relying on God for our strength. For me,it's usually when I come off of my "high" from the Holy Spirit. I guess last night I made a difference in someones life without even realizing it,well,this morning was a great time for him to come at me with all he had,and he won. I let myself cave and fall into an angry and depressing state of mind. I looked at my problems and let them overwhelm me.
When I got home this afternoon I was reading in Romans,and I wish I would have this morning because I could have used what I read to instead bring me up instead of letting myself get down. Romans 5:3-5 says, "And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
I like knowing that God uses even bad times in our lives to brighten us up. Even in those times,He still wants the best for me.I feel like I'm learning a lot more these days than my mind can handle. It seems as if every corner I turn,there's a lesson waiting for me in the weirdest way. I felt like I was getting stale for a while;like just reading to know stuff,not reading to grow. God reconnected me in a way last night that I really can't describe,but it was enough to get me wanting to grow again. I want my spirit to be huge too,not just me.
I truly feel like I'm understanding James 1:2 more now,"when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy", because it seems as soon as I go through some "storm" in life,I always come out better.
Monday, March 21, 2011
In life,everyday is different. We could wake up to bad news,or clear and sunny day. How we go about that day,regardless of what we're dealt,is up to us.
I have a lot of bad days. I tend to let the world drag me down more than anyone should ever allow,but I'm human. I was made to learn and apply what I learn to my life to better it. One thing that can always get me out of a certain funk;is to stop and just remember the love I have. Yeah,the love of my friends,family or girlfriend is great...not a whole lot of other things feel better,but that's just for now. God's love is forever. I can't comprehend it and it bugs me since I love to understand things otherwise I get irritated,but I believe it. I feel it. I know it. I try to show it.
Psalm 106:1 says,(if you know Chris Tomlin's "Forever",then you know it already)"Give thanks to the Lord,for He is good. His love endures forever." I love the word endure. I think of endurance and imagine some intense moment when everything is caving yet you're pulling through regardless because you have something on the other end waiting for you. His love makes it past all the crap of this world. No matter where you are or what you're doing,His love is there.
Try and show His love to those who don't know it. Unconditional love is a rare thing,but in the midst of it,there's nothing better.
I have a lot of bad days. I tend to let the world drag me down more than anyone should ever allow,but I'm human. I was made to learn and apply what I learn to my life to better it. One thing that can always get me out of a certain funk;is to stop and just remember the love I have. Yeah,the love of my friends,family or girlfriend is great...not a whole lot of other things feel better,but that's just for now. God's love is forever. I can't comprehend it and it bugs me since I love to understand things otherwise I get irritated,but I believe it. I feel it. I know it. I try to show it.
Psalm 106:1 says,(if you know Chris Tomlin's "Forever",then you know it already)"Give thanks to the Lord,for He is good. His love endures forever." I love the word endure. I think of endurance and imagine some intense moment when everything is caving yet you're pulling through regardless because you have something on the other end waiting for you. His love makes it past all the crap of this world. No matter where you are or what you're doing,His love is there.
Try and show His love to those who don't know it. Unconditional love is a rare thing,but in the midst of it,there's nothing better.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Today is March sixteenth,or 3-16. In the bible,the most recognized and most Googled verse is John 3:16,"For God so loved the world,that He gave His only begotten Son. That who shall believes in Him will not perish,but have everlasting life."
Now I won't get into the whole story,but you should reflect on that today. Soak it up. God loves us so much. Jesus loves us so much. Take today and share that love with someone who might not feel it. I love living a life of example. Like the Newsboys sing,"Shine,make 'em wonder what you got!" Live your life today and everyday in a way that makes people question why you're so happy or genuine or friendly. Live a life that leads.
We are ambassadors for God. Some people might not see Him,but they'll see us. So show the love of God to everyone you know and "make them wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored."
Now I won't get into the whole story,but you should reflect on that today. Soak it up. God loves us so much. Jesus loves us so much. Take today and share that love with someone who might not feel it. I love living a life of example. Like the Newsboys sing,"Shine,make 'em wonder what you got!" Live your life today and everyday in a way that makes people question why you're so happy or genuine or friendly. Live a life that leads.
We are ambassadors for God. Some people might not see Him,but they'll see us. So show the love of God to everyone you know and "make them wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I love God's comparisons. He nonchalantly calls out people quite a bit,it's true,but kinda funny how He does it.
Isaiah 41:14-15 says,"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD,your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains and crush them,and reduce the hills to chaff."
He tells Jacob that he's a worm. Whens the last time that word ever struck fear in your heart? In the verses to follow it starts to get scary. He tell Jacob that he can go from a work,so something that could chew through iron. That's a huge difference. I see this comparison as someone who has God,and someone who doesn't.We are told that "we can do all things through Christ,who strengthens us",well He has the ability to take us from a lowly worm,to a mighty sledge.
God is always available to us.He's always with us. He's always allowing everything to work together for good in your life.The more you read in these verses,the more you see how God has so much favor in His people. Saying that we can throw our enemies in the air and watch them become dust and the wind carry them away...can you picture that? It's awesome.
Today and until we see Him,don't fear anything. Don't be worried about your enemies,don't be worried about the weather,don't be worried about your bills. It's the times when you worry,that you give your enemy a chance to take hold of you. God wants to uphold us with His victorious right hand...so why not let Him?
Isaiah 41:14-15 says,"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD,your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains and crush them,and reduce the hills to chaff."
He tells Jacob that he's a worm. Whens the last time that word ever struck fear in your heart? In the verses to follow it starts to get scary. He tell Jacob that he can go from a work,so something that could chew through iron. That's a huge difference. I see this comparison as someone who has God,and someone who doesn't.We are told that "we can do all things through Christ,who strengthens us",well He has the ability to take us from a lowly worm,to a mighty sledge.
God is always available to us.He's always with us. He's always allowing everything to work together for good in your life.The more you read in these verses,the more you see how God has so much favor in His people. Saying that we can throw our enemies in the air and watch them become dust and the wind carry them away...can you picture that? It's awesome.
Today and until we see Him,don't fear anything. Don't be worried about your enemies,don't be worried about the weather,don't be worried about your bills. It's the times when you worry,that you give your enemy a chance to take hold of you. God wants to uphold us with His victorious right hand...so why not let Him?
Monday, March 14, 2011
You will stumble,and you will fall. You will make mistakes,and you will get worn out. Good thing is,God knows this.
Isaiah 40:28-31 says,"Do you not know? Or have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary,and His understanding no one can fathom. He give power to the weak,and strength to the powerless. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;but those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles,the will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint." Simply put,that's my question and answer for you. Yeah,life gets tough,it can really bad. But,God says if you trust Him,you'll get strength,and won't go tired,and you'll soar on wings like eagles. I can't imagine that...how great it would be. The problem is,it's always available to us;you just have to believe it.
It's hard believing in the unseen,to trust someone you've never met. By faith,we have to walk. By faith,we have to believe in what we can't see. By faith,we have to trust in a God with every bit of our heart,withouth relying on our own mind. We are all being guided by someone who has a map. If you went on a tour,would you follow the tour guide and listen to what they're trying to teach you,or would you wonder off and try to figure out the place on your own? We all lose are way every so often,but we just need to get back up again and remember it's never too late. We may be knocked down temporarily,but it's not forever.
Isaiah 40:28-31 says,"Do you not know? Or have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary,and His understanding no one can fathom. He give power to the weak,and strength to the powerless. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;but those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles,the will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint." Simply put,that's my question and answer for you. Yeah,life gets tough,it can really bad. But,God says if you trust Him,you'll get strength,and won't go tired,and you'll soar on wings like eagles. I can't imagine that...how great it would be. The problem is,it's always available to us;you just have to believe it.
It's hard believing in the unseen,to trust someone you've never met. By faith,we have to walk. By faith,we have to believe in what we can't see. By faith,we have to trust in a God with every bit of our heart,withouth relying on our own mind. We are all being guided by someone who has a map. If you went on a tour,would you follow the tour guide and listen to what they're trying to teach you,or would you wonder off and try to figure out the place on your own? We all lose are way every so often,but we just need to get back up again and remember it's never too late. We may be knocked down temporarily,but it's not forever.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I don't know about you,but I like to give a lot. I rarely keep anything or do anything for myself. I was raised with that motto, "It's better to give than to receive" and that's how it's been since I can remember.
I started volunteering when I was young,like around 8 or 9. I never fully understood what it meant until I was much older. It can mean the world to someone if you give a hand or a few bucks to someone in need. You'll never fully understand it until you're the person in need. I know in some cases giving money can be hard. You're worried about bills,and food and so on,but I believe God will always take care of me. He's never once forsaken me. He's gotten pretty close,and really stretched my faith,but He's always prevailed in any circumstance I've come across.
I like to think of it as a system,but only in good manner. This verse I'm focusing on,Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Now,let me clarify. I don't do things because I want something in return,that would just be pointless. I do it out of good nature and a servants heart...but the cool thing is,God sees it and says He'll repay us. I love knowing that God sees everything and remembers it.
There's been times when I didn't tithe,and still made it. There's been times that I did tithe,and still made it. I'm not saying that if you don't give to someone in need or give to God,that you'll burn in hell and live in poverty until you die,doesn't work like that.You will reap what you sow. I use a really easy system for my priorities. In case you didn't know,my mothers name is Joy. Joy in my mind,represents [Jesus,Others,and You...J.O.Y.]. That's how our life should be lived;for Jesus(first),others(second),and then yourself(last).
Try giving to someone in need. A homeless man on the corner,someone in the grocery store in line with you,at the gas station...there's no set amount. Just give and help someone out. You could help them out with it in so many ways. Maybe they're broke,or had a bad day,or maybe they don't know the Lord and your case of kindness could lead them to questions about Him. You never know until you try. Start out small and see how it feels,and see how God repays you.
You could make a big difference in someones life by doing such the littlest thing.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Right now can be a scary time. There's a lot going on in the world;between natural disaster,crime,sickness and so on. But,one thing has always kept me at some peace even without thinking about it...God.
I tend to worry about the dumbest things sometimes,and other times I'm extremely strong in my faith knowing that everything happens for some good and that it'll all be alright. One verse that always brings my soul some rest is John 16:33. It reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Man,think about that verse right now. In the midst of all this chaos,trouble and pain,we can have peace knowing that God has overcome all of it.
I encourage you today to not worry,not to fear a single thing. Matthew 6:27 puts it pretty clear,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?". You can't. You do two things when you worry: You let Satan win,and you tell God you don't trust Him and His plans. Knowing that,I never want to worry again because those are two things I don't want to ever happen.
I tend to worry about the dumbest things sometimes,and other times I'm extremely strong in my faith knowing that everything happens for some good and that it'll all be alright. One verse that always brings my soul some rest is John 16:33. It reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Man,think about that verse right now. In the midst of all this chaos,trouble and pain,we can have peace knowing that God has overcome all of it.
I encourage you today to not worry,not to fear a single thing. Matthew 6:27 puts it pretty clear,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?". You can't. You do two things when you worry: You let Satan win,and you tell God you don't trust Him and His plans. Knowing that,I never want to worry again because those are two things I don't want to ever happen.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
God really likes to emphasize things to us. Whether it be His love,His protection,anything...He kinda likes to ram it down our throats. I don't mean that in a bad way at all,but He wants to make it clear.
Two verses I love reading when I feel "defeated",in a way, are Isaiah 54:17A "No weapon forged against you will ever prevail",and Romans 8:31B "If our God is for us,then who could be against us?"
Take a second,and read those over again. Those two verses pretty much say plain and simple,that God has your back. There's no way around it. If God is on our side,who in their right mind would ever be against that?! Also,that nothing in this world could prosper against you for evil. I don't know how that makes you feel,but it kinda jacks me up. I actually get excited. My mood goes from depressed to impressed. Knowing the Creator of the universe is looking out for me enough to say,"I got your back",that should strip you of any fear you could possibly imagine.
Remember those two verses anytime you feel like you haven't won,or the world is out to get you. I know I feel that a lot if I let my mind drift. Yet,as soon as those words come out of my mouth,I'm unstoppable.
Two verses I love reading when I feel "defeated",in a way, are Isaiah 54:17A "No weapon forged against you will ever prevail",and Romans 8:31B "If our God is for us,then who could be against us?"
Take a second,and read those over again. Those two verses pretty much say plain and simple,that God has your back. There's no way around it. If God is on our side,who in their right mind would ever be against that?! Also,that nothing in this world could prosper against you for evil. I don't know how that makes you feel,but it kinda jacks me up. I actually get excited. My mood goes from depressed to impressed. Knowing the Creator of the universe is looking out for me enough to say,"I got your back",that should strip you of any fear you could possibly imagine.
Remember those two verses anytime you feel like you haven't won,or the world is out to get you. I know I feel that a lot if I let my mind drift. Yet,as soon as those words come out of my mouth,I'm unstoppable.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Think about the times in your life when you've had massive burdens weighing you down. Whether it be bills,medical problems,relationship issues,and so on. Now,think about when you overcame them,did you feel relived or stronger or at peace? I truly believe that God floods our lives with crap intentionally. When you're at rock bottom,you can only look up. When you're at your worst and lowest point,you can only look to the better.
God allows trials to build us up,not bring us down. They might do that for a while,until you pull your head out and realize that our God has only good plans for us. I can think of times when I lost a job,or a relationship went bad...because I wasn't relying on God. He's jealous for me,and for you. So,if it takes Him steering a storm into your path to get your attention,He'll do it.
I was reading something this morning and they mention Psalm 55:22,"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;He will never let the righteous be shaken." Pretty cool to think that He cares about you to say,"Give Me all the crap in your life,I'll deal with it." There are several times in the Bible that He says stuff like that. In 1 Peter 5:7,"Cast all your cares on Him,for He cares for you",two examples...need more?Open your Bible and soak up all the love that Dude is trying to pour out to you. He LOVES you enough to ask for your problems. He LOVES you enough to send His son to die for you.
I can't count how many times I forget this daily. I have "Jesus Loves Me" tattooed on my wrist,and I still forget it. Once you accept that,and try to fully understand it,thing's will change. You'll see trials as rewards,because if you pass it,you've scored. All things will come together for your own good here. Death, heartbreak, poverty... it'll all lead to some good. We may not understand it,but I believe it.
God allows trials to build us up,not bring us down. They might do that for a while,until you pull your head out and realize that our God has only good plans for us. I can think of times when I lost a job,or a relationship went bad...because I wasn't relying on God. He's jealous for me,and for you. So,if it takes Him steering a storm into your path to get your attention,He'll do it.
I was reading something this morning and they mention Psalm 55:22,"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;He will never let the righteous be shaken." Pretty cool to think that He cares about you to say,"Give Me all the crap in your life,I'll deal with it." There are several times in the Bible that He says stuff like that. In 1 Peter 5:7,"Cast all your cares on Him,for He cares for you",two examples...need more?Open your Bible and soak up all the love that Dude is trying to pour out to you. He LOVES you enough to ask for your problems. He LOVES you enough to send His son to die for you.
I can't count how many times I forget this daily. I have "Jesus Loves Me" tattooed on my wrist,and I still forget it. Once you accept that,and try to fully understand it,thing's will change. You'll see trials as rewards,because if you pass it,you've scored. All things will come together for your own good here. Death, heartbreak, poverty... it'll all lead to some good. We may not understand it,but I believe it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
No one is perfect,yet that shouldn't stop us from trying to be more like Jesus. In life we are always told to be more "Christ-like". What does that mean? If I can't come to earth and live in a perfect human form and die for the sins of man...what can I do?
I love,let me emphasize,LOVE Matthew. The book is absolutely incredible. My favorite verses are in chapter 5. Verses 46-48 say,"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I love how Jesus talks to us like we're stupid. The way He spoke,makes me tremble in how dumb I can be sometimes. Those verses are so simple and straight to the point:Don't just love people you like,love everyone;because even the evil of this earth will love someone,yet it's only people they like.
I don't think there's anyone on this planet that dislikes more people than I do. I've given up on almost everyone I know. Yet,I read verses like this,and it changes my thinking...I'm becoming more like Jesus. I see someone that says bad things about me,or an old girlfriend that cheated on me...and I don't feel hate anymore. I love them. I usually pray for them when I see whoever it may be.
It's amazing to see changes come in your life,just from reading a simple verse or two. Imagine if you spent a few minutes each day for a week,how much different would you be?
I love,let me emphasize,LOVE Matthew. The book is absolutely incredible. My favorite verses are in chapter 5. Verses 46-48 say,"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I love how Jesus talks to us like we're stupid. The way He spoke,makes me tremble in how dumb I can be sometimes. Those verses are so simple and straight to the point:Don't just love people you like,love everyone;because even the evil of this earth will love someone,yet it's only people they like.
I don't think there's anyone on this planet that dislikes more people than I do. I've given up on almost everyone I know. Yet,I read verses like this,and it changes my thinking...I'm becoming more like Jesus. I see someone that says bad things about me,or an old girlfriend that cheated on me...and I don't feel hate anymore. I love them. I usually pray for them when I see whoever it may be.
It's amazing to see changes come in your life,just from reading a simple verse or two. Imagine if you spent a few minutes each day for a week,how much different would you be?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I love knowing that God is always there to help us. There's a million verses that insure us that He's always here and always able to help. But I believe that God won't until you believe it. That in your daily life,you expect to see God work in your life on your behalf.
One verse I love,is Philippians 4:13. It says,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I'm not saying if you believe that verse,you'll win the $350,000,000 lottery or be able to run up Mt.Everest;but in your daily trials,you'll be able to overcome them. I sometimes take the Bible too literally,but that's a good thing when it comes to certain context. If I had faith the size of a mustard seed,I wouldn't waste it on telling a mountain to swan dive into the Pacific,I'd use it for some good. I'd believe that He has the best interest for me,that He wants to see me do great things,to better His kingdom somehow.
How often do you find yourself feeling defeated? I'm going pro in the division. I let Satan get to me a lot. I'm usually quick to recover,but I want to get the point where I can stop it before it happens. God promises to strengthen me. "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"-Isa 40:30. Wait meaning those who trust in Him. I should be world's strongest man status by now,but I let these stupid thoughts get to me. I let the enemy defeat me before I've even started something.
I want to dwell more on knowing that God is ever-present. To actually remember,every second of everyday,that He's ready to help me in anything I have to do. I want to be stronger in Him,because He says we can do all things,but only with Him.
One verse I love,is Philippians 4:13. It says,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I'm not saying if you believe that verse,you'll win the $350,000,000 lottery or be able to run up Mt.Everest;but in your daily trials,you'll be able to overcome them. I sometimes take the Bible too literally,but that's a good thing when it comes to certain context. If I had faith the size of a mustard seed,I wouldn't waste it on telling a mountain to swan dive into the Pacific,I'd use it for some good. I'd believe that He has the best interest for me,that He wants to see me do great things,to better His kingdom somehow.
How often do you find yourself feeling defeated? I'm going pro in the division. I let Satan get to me a lot. I'm usually quick to recover,but I want to get the point where I can stop it before it happens. God promises to strengthen me. "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"-Isa 40:30. Wait meaning those who trust in Him. I should be world's strongest man status by now,but I let these stupid thoughts get to me. I let the enemy defeat me before I've even started something.
I want to dwell more on knowing that God is ever-present. To actually remember,every second of everyday,that He's ready to help me in anything I have to do. I want to be stronger in Him,because He says we can do all things,but only with Him.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
I have no mess of emotions and interpretations of verses to spill out today. I just wanted to share my devotional this morning. Just a verse,and a poem.
"Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvesy if we do not give up."-Galatians 6:9
"In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about;
By the sullen winds that blow,
From the desolate shores of doubt.
When the anchors that faith has cast,
Are dragging in the gale;
I am quietly holding fast,
To the things that cannot fail.
And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide;
I know that truth and right,
Have the universe on their side.
And that somewhere beyond the stars,
Is a love better than fate;
When the night unlocks her bars,
I will see Him and I will wait."
"Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvesy if we do not give up."-Galatians 6:9
"In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about;
By the sullen winds that blow,
From the desolate shores of doubt.
When the anchors that faith has cast,
Are dragging in the gale;
I am quietly holding fast,
To the things that cannot fail.
And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide;
I know that truth and right,
Have the universe on their side.
And that somewhere beyond the stars,
Is a love better than fate;
When the night unlocks her bars,
I will see Him and I will wait."
Friday, March 4, 2011
I really don't know what to write about today. Today I feel different. I was up all night in the most awful pain I have ever experienced in my life. More prayers were screamed last night than ever before. Having kidney stones seems to be the most pointless thing God could use for any glory. He says that all things will come together for good,so how do those fit in there?And mosquitoes.
I have a picture in my room of an Ichthus and in the background of it is Psalm 136:1. It reads,"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." I found myself laying in bed,it tears,singing that ("Forever"-Chris Tomlin). I have no clue as to why anyone in their right mind would praise God during such an awful time...but that's what He wants. Why though?
In the midst of our pain,God is good. In the midst of our joy,God is still good. He always loves us. Whether you have just won the lottery,or you're in the hospital dying of cancer;God loves you just the same. His love does amazing things in the darkest of situations,even if it seems wrong and unjust. It always seems like the strongest people suffer the hardest trials and tribulations(Read James 1:2).
It's probably the hardest thing to understand,but I'm trying it. The next time you face some sort of trial or pain or anything negative,praise God during it. Complaining and worrying won't do anything except make your situation worse. Give thanks to God,because He's always good,and His love endures forever.
I have a picture in my room of an Ichthus and in the background of it is Psalm 136:1. It reads,"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." I found myself laying in bed,it tears,singing that ("Forever"-Chris Tomlin). I have no clue as to why anyone in their right mind would praise God during such an awful time...but that's what He wants. Why though?
In the midst of our pain,God is good. In the midst of our joy,God is still good. He always loves us. Whether you have just won the lottery,or you're in the hospital dying of cancer;God loves you just the same. His love does amazing things in the darkest of situations,even if it seems wrong and unjust. It always seems like the strongest people suffer the hardest trials and tribulations(Read James 1:2).
It's probably the hardest thing to understand,but I'm trying it. The next time you face some sort of trial or pain or anything negative,praise God during it. Complaining and worrying won't do anything except make your situation worse. Give thanks to God,because He's always good,and His love endures forever.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I try to do things my way a lot,and seem to always fail. I go on my own wants and what I think I hear God say...well there's no use in praying if you'll only hear what you want to hear.
I read Joshua 1 last night,and came across an awesome verse that sums up the Bible pretty well. In 1:8,it says "Study this Book of instruction continually,meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." I like how God says that, read My book and think about it all the time,then good things will happen and you'll go places;that's my definition of it.
It's incredible to think that God wants so little from us,compared whatever else I have going on in my life,I hardly give Him anytime. I read the Bible everyday,and I usually think about what I read,but lately I've actually been meditating on it. I've remembered it and used it in times of need. I never thought in a million years that would be me,but let me tell you,this old book...has some pretty helpful stuff in it.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,is how I remembered it when I was a kid. That's such a true acronym. I love that people see it as being outdated,I mean,technically some of the Old Testament is because we don't have to sacrifice lambs blood and so on,but the ideal life styles are still the same. We are still to love God,enjoy life,and share His love with others. It's been that way since day one.
Today,meditate on one verse throughout the day. It can be one verse,or a chapter. Just think about it all day and even apply it to your life...maybe it'll make a difference in your life or others?
I read Joshua 1 last night,and came across an awesome verse that sums up the Bible pretty well. In 1:8,it says "Study this Book of instruction continually,meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." I like how God says that, read My book and think about it all the time,then good things will happen and you'll go places;that's my definition of it.
It's incredible to think that God wants so little from us,compared whatever else I have going on in my life,I hardly give Him anytime. I read the Bible everyday,and I usually think about what I read,but lately I've actually been meditating on it. I've remembered it and used it in times of need. I never thought in a million years that would be me,but let me tell you,this old book...has some pretty helpful stuff in it.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,is how I remembered it when I was a kid. That's such a true acronym. I love that people see it as being outdated,I mean,technically some of the Old Testament is because we don't have to sacrifice lambs blood and so on,but the ideal life styles are still the same. We are still to love God,enjoy life,and share His love with others. It's been that way since day one.
Today,meditate on one verse throughout the day. It can be one verse,or a chapter. Just think about it all day and even apply it to your life...maybe it'll make a difference in your life or others?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I'm a huge hypocrite. I've been even more so lately.
A buddy of mine was in a band last year,and their hit single had a lyric of "Love your Savior and your neighbor,like yourself." It's a quote out of Matthew 22. The verses say,"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." I've always been GREAT at that. For the longest time,people told me my heart was too big for me. I was extremely compassionate and caring towards everyone,whether I knew them or not.
When you get older,things change. Your friends bail on you,they lie to you,girls cheat on you,and so on. Life was much easier when I was 18.
I was talking to a friend the other night,and she reminded me of the Golden Rule,which I base off this verse,it's just too bad that no matter how much you do it,the world won't in return. In life,you love,and get dumped on. You're there for friends,who aren't there for you. I don't know if that means they don't love themselves or not,but if you base that verse off their lives,they don't.
I love listening to that song that I was talking about in the first paragraph (Above The Golden State-"The Golden Rule",check it out),because it's a good reminder of it. Even if you'll never be loved by someone,you should still love them. You should always be faithful to someone,if they aren't to you. You should be a good friend to someone,even if they aren't to you.
If I'm living a negative,hate filled life towards people,what does that say about how I love my Savior?
Let your life reflect that love. If you love your Savior;love your friends,and yourself the same way.
A buddy of mine was in a band last year,and their hit single had a lyric of "Love your Savior and your neighbor,like yourself." It's a quote out of Matthew 22. The verses say,"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." I've always been GREAT at that. For the longest time,people told me my heart was too big for me. I was extremely compassionate and caring towards everyone,whether I knew them or not.
When you get older,things change. Your friends bail on you,they lie to you,girls cheat on you,and so on. Life was much easier when I was 18.
I was talking to a friend the other night,and she reminded me of the Golden Rule,which I base off this verse,it's just too bad that no matter how much you do it,the world won't in return. In life,you love,and get dumped on. You're there for friends,who aren't there for you. I don't know if that means they don't love themselves or not,but if you base that verse off their lives,they don't.
I love listening to that song that I was talking about in the first paragraph (Above The Golden State-"The Golden Rule",check it out),because it's a good reminder of it. Even if you'll never be loved by someone,you should still love them. You should always be faithful to someone,if they aren't to you. You should be a good friend to someone,even if they aren't to you.
If I'm living a negative,hate filled life towards people,what does that say about how I love my Savior?
Let your life reflect that love. If you love your Savior;love your friends,and yourself the same way.
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