Today is March sixteenth,or 3-16. In the bible,the most recognized and most Googled verse is John 3:16,"For God so loved the world,that He gave His only begotten Son. That who shall believes in Him will not perish,but have everlasting life."
Now I won't get into the whole story,but you should reflect on that today. Soak it up. God loves us so much. Jesus loves us so much. Take today and share that love with someone who might not feel it. I love living a life of example. Like the Newsboys sing,"Shine,make 'em wonder what you got!" Live your life today and everyday in a way that makes people question why you're so happy or genuine or friendly. Live a life that leads.
We are ambassadors for God. Some people might not see Him,but they'll see us. So show the love of God to everyone you know and "make them wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored."
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