I like encouragement. I like reading God's word in excitement of learning something new and helpful. I like dwelling on a promise from God in hopes of joy and peace or wisdom and guidance...I just hate waiting.
So many times,God makes us wait,or He'll put us in an uncomfortable place where we really don't want to be,but we need to be. These are those horribly awesome times,when we need to be still and know He's in control. We have seasons just the like the weather. Read Galatians,we reap and sow,just like the earth does. We go through drought,rain,harvest,and then start all over again. I constantly have to remind myself of this,otherwise I get angry and wonder if it's my fault or not.
Moses said in Exodus 14:13,"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today." Now,that was to the people of Israel,but I believe that goes for all of us. You might not win the lottery,or get a job,or have your cancer cured 'today',but God is moving in your life to a point of completion. It might happen tomorrow,or in 3 months,or a year,but know that God is always working behind the scenes on your behalf. We can't always see it,but He's always up to something.
The next time you feel like you're losing,or there's no where to run...don't. Dig your heels in and hang on. "Lose the weight of defeat,it's time to stand your ground." as Oh,Sleeper says it. God has a purpose for what's going on,or for where you are right now. Trust in Him that He'll always make a way for you,even when there isn't one you can see.
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