Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today has been such a horrible day for me. I can't count how many things went wrong,how many times I wanted to give up or punch someone in the face. At the same time,I'm very glad I felt that way. It's at the breaking point,when God puts us in that situation to give in and submit to Him.

I go through various trials weekly.Ones where I usually lose it,scream at God,tell people off,and go hit my heavy bag for an hour...but not today. I almost lost it,but I let it go. I almost screamed at God,but I prayed instead. I didn't tell anyone off,kinda. And I didn't have to go punch my bag. Instead,I read Job.

Job is amazing,to say the least. He was the richest man on the earth at the time. He had thousands of animals,a hot wife,cash like no other,and a dozen kids. God let Satan test him by literally turning his life upside down. I mean,hell was on earth on this guys property. God allowed his family to be killed,his animals to taken and his crops to be burned to the ground...and he STILL gave God glory. I want to be this guy so bad,and today,I kinda felt like him. God eventually paid him back double for his faith and let him live for 140 awesome years with his "new" life(part 2).

Just because God allows all things to come together for good,doesn't mean that it's all going to come as good. You will face horrible things. Bad things will happen to good people,but He will allow that to purify you in a sense. It's almost like how a weld works. A piece of metal is obviously strong,but when welding occurs,for a split second,the metal is heated to temperatures in the thousands of degrees. It's damaged. But after it cools down,a weld is actually stronger than the metal itself.

Consider yourself a piece of steel,and your afflictions as welds. The more you go through,the stronger you will be. The pain might last for a short while,but in the end it'll only make you stronger.

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