I have a sort of weird and bad habit. I like reflecting on one verse at a time,and usually neglect the rest of the chapter. I've been doing this for a while,and I can't really seem to get over it. I've done it for as long as I can remember. I remember when I found my first "favorite" verse.The one I always turned to and recited to myself to reassure my confidence in the Lord. It was Romans 8:28. For about 6 months,that's the only verse that existed in my mind in that chapter,but one day I actually read all of it,now that whole chapter is my favorite. Not only for what it says,but for the complete intensity of it. But that's not the point of my thought.
Today I woke up,again,feeling pretty stale. So what I decided to do was read another chapter from my "second favorite" verse. That would be Jeremiah 29:11,"For I know that plans I have for you,says the Lord.They are plans for good and not for disaster,to give you a future and hope." But I decided to keep reading,when normally I'd stop after getting my fix. It goes on to say in 12-14,"In those days when you pray,I will listen.If you look for me wholeheartedly,you will find Me. I will be found by you,says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes."
I don't get how I can have a bad day,knowing there are promises like that. It's getting really easy to worry on the negative,than rest in the positive of life. That right there was my red flag that I'm doing something wrong. I think I'm just stressing too much on the future and not staying in today. "So don't worry about tomorrow..."(Matt 6:34) That's what I've always done. I've always "planned" and it's hard for me to let go of that and just relax. I heard a cool quote once about that verse,it went,"Don't worry about tomorrow,for God is already there." Now that's a cool thought,because it's true. He holds time in His hands,He's the beginning and the end. That right there should subside the worrying from my life.

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I was going to ask,"Are you ever scared to do something? To move forward past your comfort zone,or make a drastic change in your life but you're worried of the outcome?";then I thought,wow Matt...everyone has.
I'm afraid of that. I've done extremely sporadic things,I've done carefully planned out things and watched both fail. I get into the modes or routines,where I want to know exactly when everything is going to happen and where and so forth. This week,my biggest concern,has been a route change at work. Yeah,I'm stressing over doing a run in Klamath,instead of Grants Pass or Ashland...like I'm use to,and it's honestly nothing.
Joshua 10:25,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous". Granted,Joshua was fighting in an epic battle,killing kings and going nuts in the chapter,but I still want to apply that,regardless if I'm killing kings or driving an armored truck around.
Why is it so easy for us to be worried,or scared? It's like God made that flaw in us intentionally so we have a choice. Think back over your life,if you never once could ever panic or stress anything. How different would your life be? Where would you be? What would you be doing? That's kinda how we're suppose to live,yet it's nearly impossible.
So do it. Plain and simple. Don't be afraid...or discouraged,at all,not one bit. Don't let your life be dulled by your worries. Don't miss out on great opportunities because you're scared. Overcome that and rise above them. You were made "more than a conqueror"(Rom 8:37),so go be one.
I'm afraid of that. I've done extremely sporadic things,I've done carefully planned out things and watched both fail. I get into the modes or routines,where I want to know exactly when everything is going to happen and where and so forth. This week,my biggest concern,has been a route change at work. Yeah,I'm stressing over doing a run in Klamath,instead of Grants Pass or Ashland...like I'm use to,and it's honestly nothing.
Joshua 10:25,"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous". Granted,Joshua was fighting in an epic battle,killing kings and going nuts in the chapter,but I still want to apply that,regardless if I'm killing kings or driving an armored truck around.
Why is it so easy for us to be worried,or scared? It's like God made that flaw in us intentionally so we have a choice. Think back over your life,if you never once could ever panic or stress anything. How different would your life be? Where would you be? What would you be doing? That's kinda how we're suppose to live,yet it's nearly impossible.
So do it. Plain and simple. Don't be afraid...or discouraged,at all,not one bit. Don't let your life be dulled by your worries. Don't miss out on great opportunities because you're scared. Overcome that and rise above them. You were made "more than a conqueror"(Rom 8:37),so go be one.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Do you ever feel like God is late? Not like normal friends that show up later than they said they were going to,but genuinely like,you thought something should have happened by now? Or that something should be over,but it's still lingering around?
Lately I've kind of felt that way. It sucks to be human,and to actually think that God might just be kicking back and relaxing when you feel like He should be moving. I guess that's my will taking the space in my heart where His should be. I feel like an idiot sometimes for butting heads with Him over it,but it's something I need to work on.
I look at my life,and I'm far from where I want to be when I was little and imagined what it would be to be 24. If you would have asked me 14 years ago what I'd be doing,where I'd be,if I'd be married with kids,etc;I probably would give you a 180 from where I'm at now. My mind tends to wonder between,"God's will was for me to be here,this way,right now" and "Man,I really blew a lot of stuff and now I'm stuck here,probably doing the last thing God ever wanted me to do."
Psalm 31:15 says,"My times are in Your hand." That makes me think that I can't possibly be in the wrong place. Or that I'm doing the wrong thing. I believe God is truly in control,but at the same time He gave me free will. I could chose to love Him,or say screw it and never talk to Him again. Kind of a scary thought.
So back to where my mind was originally,is this what God thought of when He created me? Did he want me in Grants Pass,driving an armored truck,emotionally nuked,physically destroyed,just getting by? Or did He plan to have me being a missionary in Africa? A doctor in North Carolina? A homeless guy in Vegas? It's thoughts like this that rattle me. I can't figure out if it's God telling me to move,or Satan telling me I'm worthless.
I guess today is just another chance to trust Him. To keep moving forward and to not look back and question. He didn't have to give me today,but He did. So there's probably a good chance I shouldn't worry about all of this,right?
Easier said than done.
Lately I've kind of felt that way. It sucks to be human,and to actually think that God might just be kicking back and relaxing when you feel like He should be moving. I guess that's my will taking the space in my heart where His should be. I feel like an idiot sometimes for butting heads with Him over it,but it's something I need to work on.
I look at my life,and I'm far from where I want to be when I was little and imagined what it would be to be 24. If you would have asked me 14 years ago what I'd be doing,where I'd be,if I'd be married with kids,etc;I probably would give you a 180 from where I'm at now. My mind tends to wonder between,"God's will was for me to be here,this way,right now" and "Man,I really blew a lot of stuff and now I'm stuck here,probably doing the last thing God ever wanted me to do."
Psalm 31:15 says,"My times are in Your hand." That makes me think that I can't possibly be in the wrong place. Or that I'm doing the wrong thing. I believe God is truly in control,but at the same time He gave me free will. I could chose to love Him,or say screw it and never talk to Him again. Kind of a scary thought.
So back to where my mind was originally,is this what God thought of when He created me? Did he want me in Grants Pass,driving an armored truck,emotionally nuked,physically destroyed,just getting by? Or did He plan to have me being a missionary in Africa? A doctor in North Carolina? A homeless guy in Vegas? It's thoughts like this that rattle me. I can't figure out if it's God telling me to move,or Satan telling me I'm worthless.
I guess today is just another chance to trust Him. To keep moving forward and to not look back and question. He didn't have to give me today,but He did. So there's probably a good chance I shouldn't worry about all of this,right?
Easier said than done.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Goodness. I feel like no matter where I'm at in life,no matter what day it is,who I'm with,I will always have some worry. 95% it's not even anything major,and 100% of the time time it's nothing too big for God to handle.
What's been on my heart lately is cancer. Not just cancer in general,but childhood cancer. The things these poor children are going through,and how their friends and family feel must be indescribable.
I was talking with a friend about why God would allow it. The conclusion came to,what God does...doesn't have to make sense. Life makes no sense,God makes no sense,things don't have to make any bit of sense if you're trusting Him along the way.
I was reading Matthew 6 tonight,and verse 34 says,"If God cares so much for wildflowers that are bloom and burn in daily,He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" This whole chapter was written to make you feel like an idiot,truly believe it. God cares about the stupidest little things in life because He made them,so do you think He doesn't feel the same about you?
There are millions of analogies to describe a million ideas based around "Christianity". My favorite talks about two farmers. One feels the need to grow a bountiful harvest,but doesn't care about properly going about it. So,when it comes time,he just throws his seeds on top of the earth and expects them to grow. The other,plans it all out and carefully takes a large plow and cuts the dirt deep before he plants his seeds. The first farmer is upset because his plants never grew. He didn't go through all the proper ways in order to grow all he needed. The second had extreme amounts of healthy produce because he tore open the earth and planted his seeds deep where they couldn't be washed away by rain or picked off the ground by birds.
The same idea goes for us. If you ever experience an extremely painful event in your life,it could very well be God plowing your heart,in a sense. Making sure this lesson is planted deep in you so that you can learn a lesson,or mature,or whatever it is He's trying to show you.
If He really does work all these horrible stories we hear about out for some good or glory,then He really does mean all things. That means death,heartache,pain...all things.
What's been on my heart lately is cancer. Not just cancer in general,but childhood cancer. The things these poor children are going through,and how their friends and family feel must be indescribable.
I was talking with a friend about why God would allow it. The conclusion came to,what God does...doesn't have to make sense. Life makes no sense,God makes no sense,things don't have to make any bit of sense if you're trusting Him along the way.
I was reading Matthew 6 tonight,and verse 34 says,"If God cares so much for wildflowers that are bloom and burn in daily,He will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?" This whole chapter was written to make you feel like an idiot,truly believe it. God cares about the stupidest little things in life because He made them,so do you think He doesn't feel the same about you?
There are millions of analogies to describe a million ideas based around "Christianity". My favorite talks about two farmers. One feels the need to grow a bountiful harvest,but doesn't care about properly going about it. So,when it comes time,he just throws his seeds on top of the earth and expects them to grow. The other,plans it all out and carefully takes a large plow and cuts the dirt deep before he plants his seeds. The first farmer is upset because his plants never grew. He didn't go through all the proper ways in order to grow all he needed. The second had extreme amounts of healthy produce because he tore open the earth and planted his seeds deep where they couldn't be washed away by rain or picked off the ground by birds.
The same idea goes for us. If you ever experience an extremely painful event in your life,it could very well be God plowing your heart,in a sense. Making sure this lesson is planted deep in you so that you can learn a lesson,or mature,or whatever it is He's trying to show you.
If He really does work all these horrible stories we hear about out for some good or glory,then He really does mean all things. That means death,heartache,pain...all things.
Monday, August 1, 2011
My stupid frustrations and worries,they seem to get the best of me. I'm always second guessing myself and where I'm at in life. Am I doing what God wants me to do? Am I where He wants me to be? Is this the right job for me?
I'm so jealous of the people of Israel. They didn't have to wonder about their direction,they had their own GPS...
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:’ Exodus 13:21
I wish God would do that for me. I wish I could walk out and see a cloud pointing the direction I should be going. Fire above the place I should be working. An arrow pointing to the girl I should be with.
I try so hard to tune the world out and hear God whispering to me,yet I can't. Do you have the same problem at all?
I'm so jealous of the people of Israel. They didn't have to wonder about their direction,they had their own GPS...
And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night:’ Exodus 13:21
I wish God would do that for me. I wish I could walk out and see a cloud pointing the direction I should be going. Fire above the place I should be working. An arrow pointing to the girl I should be with.
I try so hard to tune the world out and hear God whispering to me,yet I can't. Do you have the same problem at all?
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Oh worrying...you're a jerk. It's the most pointless thing we can do,yet we ALL do it! But why?
I'm probably the biggest idiot ever to walk the face of this Earth. I stress and worry daily. I let it get the best of me so many times. Last week I was faced with something massive. I had to come up with astronomical amounts of money to pay for training and certifications for work. This was a ridiculous amount,nowhere near what I could afford. I freaked.
Then I kinda thought about what God was doing. Was He worrying? Nah,He was probably pointing and laughing at me because I was letting my problems get bigger than Him. So I actually gave it to Him,honestly 100% all to Him.
Matthew 6:32 says,"For your heavenly Father knows that you need."
A week later(today),I find out that it's all changing. Instead,my training not only became free,but my certifications became discounted and all my gear I can write off in my taxes. I got a 3-for-1 deal!!! Just by simply trusting that God still is God,that He's still the same as He was in the Bible,He was able to do phenominal things!
Guys,don't be dumb! God is still kickin butt for us like He did back in the Bible. Seriously,believe He can and He will!
I'm probably the biggest idiot ever to walk the face of this Earth. I stress and worry daily. I let it get the best of me so many times. Last week I was faced with something massive. I had to come up with astronomical amounts of money to pay for training and certifications for work. This was a ridiculous amount,nowhere near what I could afford. I freaked.
Then I kinda thought about what God was doing. Was He worrying? Nah,He was probably pointing and laughing at me because I was letting my problems get bigger than Him. So I actually gave it to Him,honestly 100% all to Him.
Matthew 6:32 says,"For your heavenly Father knows that you need."
A week later(today),I find out that it's all changing. Instead,my training not only became free,but my certifications became discounted and all my gear I can write off in my taxes. I got a 3-for-1 deal!!! Just by simply trusting that God still is God,that He's still the same as He was in the Bible,He was able to do phenominal things!
Guys,don't be dumb! God is still kickin butt for us like He did back in the Bible. Seriously,believe He can and He will!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
What's bigger in your heart,God or your problems? It's extremely easy to let your day to day issues get big in your mind. You start dwelling on money,or your health,or whatever and before you know it;it's bigger than God...so you think.
I was reading in Pslams this morning and came across a cool verse for this problem. 34:3 says "Let us tell of the Lord's greatness;let us exalt His name." Now in another translation of that,it says to magnify Him. To emphasize Him would mean to make Him more. More than what though? Everything...
When God is smaller than our problems,the world is a bad place to be. But when we come to realize He is greater than anything we could fathom,your problems become less. He's greater than you biggest fear. He's greater than your largest debt. He's more than anything in your life.
Put Him in the place He belongs in your life,and I guarantee you'll see your problems immediately become smaller. You'll worry less. And you'll learn to be content with what's going on because it's part of His great plan for you.
I was reading in Pslams this morning and came across a cool verse for this problem. 34:3 says "Let us tell of the Lord's greatness;let us exalt His name." Now in another translation of that,it says to magnify Him. To emphasize Him would mean to make Him more. More than what though? Everything...
When God is smaller than our problems,the world is a bad place to be. But when we come to realize He is greater than anything we could fathom,your problems become less. He's greater than you biggest fear. He's greater than your largest debt. He's more than anything in your life.
Put Him in the place He belongs in your life,and I guarantee you'll see your problems immediately become smaller. You'll worry less. And you'll learn to be content with what's going on because it's part of His great plan for you.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
I have a really short fuse when it comes to people. My heart has become so dark and hard because of how awful people are these days. I still put them ahead of myself and serve others in any way I can...but I'm just tired of it. I'm tired of bending over backwards for someone that will just eventually lie to me,steal from me,and trash talk me. When is it time to say enough?
I was reminded today by a friend of a verse that I usually have no problem with,but being at my ends lately,I've lost sight of it. Galatians 6:9 says,"Let us not grow weary in doing good." I've passed that. I'm retired. I've been burned more times than I could even begin to count. There's just no point anymore...
That's what Satan wants me to think. He wants my heart black and cold. He wants me to hang on to all the drama and negativity because it'll just wreck me like it has been. Ah,well,times are a changin. I'm going to do exactly what that says,I'm not going to get tired of being nice,or helping someone,or doing good. How they go about their life isn't my problem and it's between them and God. I'm going to keep on keepin on and fight the good fight.
I hope that you don't get discouraged by the fake or mean people in this world. If I can brush it off and let go,I know you can too.
I was reminded today by a friend of a verse that I usually have no problem with,but being at my ends lately,I've lost sight of it. Galatians 6:9 says,"Let us not grow weary in doing good." I've passed that. I'm retired. I've been burned more times than I could even begin to count. There's just no point anymore...
That's what Satan wants me to think. He wants my heart black and cold. He wants me to hang on to all the drama and negativity because it'll just wreck me like it has been. Ah,well,times are a changin. I'm going to do exactly what that says,I'm not going to get tired of being nice,or helping someone,or doing good. How they go about their life isn't my problem and it's between them and God. I'm going to keep on keepin on and fight the good fight.
I hope that you don't get discouraged by the fake or mean people in this world. If I can brush it off and let go,I know you can too.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I'm an emotional dumpster. I feel like every person I know,and even people I don't know,like to pour out their lives to me. I really don't have a problem with it at all. I love listening. I love hearing about how poorly people think they have it and those who actually do. But what I really like and appreciate,is what people have done about it.
I was having a heart to heart last night with a new friend,and they told me the epic story of their childhood up until their current adult life. I was pretty much in tears the whole time hearing one awful thing after another,but what really got me is how they saw it. How they took so much bad,and used it for good. This person is such a huge blessing and they don't even know it yet. It makes me realize how God works. We know that He works everything for good,somehow;but it's so cool to see the outcome.
It's like 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." God loads us up and beats us down with events in our lives...but He doesn't kill us. He pushes us to a fraction short of our breaking points,but never over the edge. In doing so,He builds up our faith,our strength,our hearts and genuine compassion for those who are in similar dark places that we've been in. James 1:2-3 says it best,"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."
The next time you find yourself in this place,remember that it's not for bad. God only has the best plans for you and I've seen proof of that each time I hear a story like this.
I was having a heart to heart last night with a new friend,and they told me the epic story of their childhood up until their current adult life. I was pretty much in tears the whole time hearing one awful thing after another,but what really got me is how they saw it. How they took so much bad,and used it for good. This person is such a huge blessing and they don't even know it yet. It makes me realize how God works. We know that He works everything for good,somehow;but it's so cool to see the outcome.
It's like 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." God loads us up and beats us down with events in our lives...but He doesn't kill us. He pushes us to a fraction short of our breaking points,but never over the edge. In doing so,He builds up our faith,our strength,our hearts and genuine compassion for those who are in similar dark places that we've been in. James 1:2-3 says it best,"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters,[a] whenever you face trials of many kinds,because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance."
The next time you find yourself in this place,remember that it's not for bad. God only has the best plans for you and I've seen proof of that each time I hear a story like this.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
A lot of people in life see bad circumstances as just that,bad. I've learned that every single thing in life can be/is for good.
A couple months ago we had a gnarly storm and some heavy winds broke a few large branches off in a tree in my backyard. I couldnt get to them because they're too high for me to reach,so I left them. This morning I noticed a large one was still up there. The more I looked at it,I noticed it had made a base for a birds nest. How it rested up against the actual tree trunk worked out perfectly for a bird to make it's home there.
In our lives,we're going to have storms. They'll wreck us,but the outcome could be a blessing for you or for someone else. That's just an example for how God really does work everything out for some good. That's just the birds,what do you think He's doing with us?!
A couple months ago we had a gnarly storm and some heavy winds broke a few large branches off in a tree in my backyard. I couldnt get to them because they're too high for me to reach,so I left them. This morning I noticed a large one was still up there. The more I looked at it,I noticed it had made a base for a birds nest. How it rested up against the actual tree trunk worked out perfectly for a bird to make it's home there.
In our lives,we're going to have storms. They'll wreck us,but the outcome could be a blessing for you or for someone else. That's just an example for how God really does work everything out for some good. That's just the birds,what do you think He's doing with us?!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
As I grow older and mature,I find myself stressing things a little bit less each day. But it's hard to live in a world like this and be completely worry free.
Reading the Bible isn't always easy,but you have to look at it as just a big instruction manual written with a bunch of awkward words. There's so much practical advice in it,like Jesus is talking to us as a friend who's been in the same situations we've been. I mean,He kinda did overcome the world,so I'd take any tips I could from Him!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 gets really short and straight to the point,"Rejoice always, pray continually." Those are real Bible verses;two words each. That to me can sum up life,just my opinion. God wants us to be happy and be grateful,and pray. The end.
Whether you're having an amazing day,or a crappy one,follow those verses today. You have so much to be grateful for regardless of who you are,and you have a God that's always listening to your prayers. It doesn't get any easier than that.
Reading the Bible isn't always easy,but you have to look at it as just a big instruction manual written with a bunch of awkward words. There's so much practical advice in it,like Jesus is talking to us as a friend who's been in the same situations we've been. I mean,He kinda did overcome the world,so I'd take any tips I could from Him!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-17 gets really short and straight to the point,"Rejoice always, pray continually." Those are real Bible verses;two words each. That to me can sum up life,just my opinion. God wants us to be happy and be grateful,and pray. The end.
Whether you're having an amazing day,or a crappy one,follow those verses today. You have so much to be grateful for regardless of who you are,and you have a God that's always listening to your prayers. It doesn't get any easier than that.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
As I lay here,in what seems to come as the second worst pain I've ever been in,I'm thinking a lot. Along with thinking,I'm reading a lot. Probably not what you guessed,but I'm finding a lot of relief in the book "Coming Back Stronger"-The Drew Brees Memoir. If you don't know who he is,he's the New Orleans Saints Quarterback. You'd be surprised at what goes on in this guys life and heart.
On one page,I've already determined he's my new favorite quote-ster. So many things he's said are haunting me,and kinda cleaning out any crap that's clogging my heart and mind.
"God's refining process is never easy. It's kind of like a blacksmith creating a sword. The metal is strengthened when it is repeatedly put in the fire and then pounded with a hammer. But the end result is perfection. All the heat and pounding create strength and beauty,not only on the outside,but especially on the inside. God sometimes puts us in fire,and it's going to hurt,but it will mold and shape us into the people He intends for us to be. When I went through that fire,I didn't know what was ahead for me,and I didn't know what the end result would be. I had to trust and believe that there was a purpose for all of this and take things one day at a time."
On one page,I've already determined he's my new favorite quote-ster. So many things he's said are haunting me,and kinda cleaning out any crap that's clogging my heart and mind.
"God's refining process is never easy. It's kind of like a blacksmith creating a sword. The metal is strengthened when it is repeatedly put in the fire and then pounded with a hammer. But the end result is perfection. All the heat and pounding create strength and beauty,not only on the outside,but especially on the inside. God sometimes puts us in fire,and it's going to hurt,but it will mold and shape us into the people He intends for us to be. When I went through that fire,I didn't know what was ahead for me,and I didn't know what the end result would be. I had to trust and believe that there was a purpose for all of this and take things one day at a time."
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
I've been struggling a lot lately,more than I normally do. I mean,as humans we all have stuff we face each day,like sorrow or temptations or anything that brings you down and makes you feel like you're carrying a weight around. I'm not sure what it is,but I think as we drift from God,He allows things to kinda kick us when we're down so we'll realize what's actually going on.
Do you ever get haunted by a verse?Like no matter what you're doing it seems to come up and repeat itself? That was Luke 22:40 for me today. "There He told them,'Pray that you will not give into temptation'". I love how direct that is. It's like Jesus knows we're going to be facing it,but He says to pray about it and let Him help you make a better choice than one that will hurt you or someone around you.
Whether it be drugs,sexual desires,getting drunk,anything that isn't what God wants for you,that's a temptation. I seem to overlook a lot of these,but I still deal with them. Some are easier to say no to and not let them affect me. Some are extremely difficult and I seem to get mad at God after,even though it was my choice. He won't stop the temptations from coming. The more you deal with and reject by taking the high road,the better you'll be. It's just one test after another. The more you pass,the stronger you'll be.
So the next time you find yourself in a situation like that,or any that doesn't feel right...just pray. You don't even have to be formal. Just talk to God,ask Him to help you and He promises that He always will:)
Do you ever get haunted by a verse?Like no matter what you're doing it seems to come up and repeat itself? That was Luke 22:40 for me today. "There He told them,'Pray that you will not give into temptation'". I love how direct that is. It's like Jesus knows we're going to be facing it,but He says to pray about it and let Him help you make a better choice than one that will hurt you or someone around you.
Whether it be drugs,sexual desires,getting drunk,anything that isn't what God wants for you,that's a temptation. I seem to overlook a lot of these,but I still deal with them. Some are easier to say no to and not let them affect me. Some are extremely difficult and I seem to get mad at God after,even though it was my choice. He won't stop the temptations from coming. The more you deal with and reject by taking the high road,the better you'll be. It's just one test after another. The more you pass,the stronger you'll be.
So the next time you find yourself in a situation like that,or any that doesn't feel right...just pray. You don't even have to be formal. Just talk to God,ask Him to help you and He promises that He always will:)
Friday, May 13, 2011
I feel like no matter where I turn in my Bible,I find myself in Romans. I can't even begin to explain why I love it so much,but it just always speaks to me whatever it is I'm going through or searching for. I found myself in 8 today which is my favorite chapter of all. Paul really summed up life so perfectly in it.
Do you ever feel like God won't/can't do something in your life? Like something might seem not important or too hard? It's very natural to think that every so often,even though it's terribly wrong. One verse I love,but never seem to dwell on is found in that chapter. Verse 32 says,"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Soak that up. Paul is saying,that if God would give us His Son,in place of our sins,why wouldn't He do anything else? It's like being scared to ask someone for a buck when you know they would give you billions.
I know I've done this many times. I just forget that I'm just as important to Him as you are; no more,no less. He wants to bless us with everything we need(2 Corinthians 9:8),and give us the desires of our hearts(Psalm 37:4). All we have to do is follow Him,love Him,and share His love.
Do you ever feel like God won't/can't do something in your life? Like something might seem not important or too hard? It's very natural to think that every so often,even though it's terribly wrong. One verse I love,but never seem to dwell on is found in that chapter. Verse 32 says,"He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?" Soak that up. Paul is saying,that if God would give us His Son,in place of our sins,why wouldn't He do anything else? It's like being scared to ask someone for a buck when you know they would give you billions.
I know I've done this many times. I just forget that I'm just as important to Him as you are; no more,no less. He wants to bless us with everything we need(2 Corinthians 9:8),and give us the desires of our hearts(Psalm 37:4). All we have to do is follow Him,love Him,and share His love.
Monday, May 9, 2011
The greatest thing I've ever read,came from a fictional book about reality. I still remember getting chills the second I finished the sentence. The Shack was a book written about a mans weekend with God,Jesus,and the Holy Spirit. It's really hard to explain unless you read it. Anyways,the part that still haunts me with complete and total peace went like this.
In the book,Mac(the main character) is siting on a boat dock with Jesus one night. He was worried and totally scared by things going on in his life. He looked over at Jesus and said,"but I'm so scared." Jesus looked back at him and said,"Why? I'm not,and I'm always with you."
Just thinking about that kills me. The fact that I have no reason to worry or be scared,yet I am sometimes just makes me feel horrible. Psalm 62:8 says,"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." He's always with us,and He's always waiting on us. All we have to do is submit ourselves,our pain,our fear to Him and He'll take care of the rest. It's sometimes almost too easy to serve a God of such incredible power...
In the book,Mac(the main character) is siting on a boat dock with Jesus one night. He was worried and totally scared by things going on in his life. He looked over at Jesus and said,"but I'm so scared." Jesus looked back at him and said,"Why? I'm not,and I'm always with you."
Just thinking about that kills me. The fact that I have no reason to worry or be scared,yet I am sometimes just makes me feel horrible. Psalm 62:8 says,"Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge." He's always with us,and He's always waiting on us. All we have to do is submit ourselves,our pain,our fear to Him and He'll take care of the rest. It's sometimes almost too easy to serve a God of such incredible power...
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Truthfully,answer this question: Is it easier and more enjoyable to be happy or to worry? The right answer is to be happy,if you said worry please call me so we can talk.
Times can be good and times can be bad. We all have ups and downs,no matter who you are,you will face times of joy and happiness,and sometimes you'll face dark and troublesome times. One thing I want you to ponder today is this,
"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other."
Think about that. God makes good times,and bad times. They're only bad if we perceive them as bad,and the same goes for the good. If your mind is out of whack,sunshine could be bad to you and rain could be great! It's all about how you think about what is going on,then act on it. God never promises that life will be easy,He just promises to be there for us. He never promises smooth sailing,He just gives you inner peace during a storm.
Know that God works in the weirdest ways that you can never understand. All things,good or bad,can workout for the best. I don't care if you're broke,if you're sick,if your family abandoned you...God is with you,God is for you,God is working these things out to make you stronger.
Times can be good and times can be bad. We all have ups and downs,no matter who you are,you will face times of joy and happiness,and sometimes you'll face dark and troublesome times. One thing I want you to ponder today is this,
"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other."
Think about that. God makes good times,and bad times. They're only bad if we perceive them as bad,and the same goes for the good. If your mind is out of whack,sunshine could be bad to you and rain could be great! It's all about how you think about what is going on,then act on it. God never promises that life will be easy,He just promises to be there for us. He never promises smooth sailing,He just gives you inner peace during a storm.
Know that God works in the weirdest ways that you can never understand. All things,good or bad,can workout for the best. I don't care if you're broke,if you're sick,if your family abandoned you...God is with you,God is for you,God is working these things out to make you stronger.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
How often do you find yourself content when the world is crashing down on you and when there seems to be no hope in your life? I'm assuming you probably said never because that's near impossible. But,with an unfailing and always present Savior,we can get better at it.
I feel content when it's sunny out,when I'm with my friends,when I have money,and so on;but I'm usually not when it's pouring rain,alone,broke and so on. In Philippians 4:11 Paul says,"For I have learned to be content,whatever the circumstances." Coming from a guy who holds the record for the worst life story,I can believe it's possible. This dude use to persecute Christians,lie,cheat,steal,you name it. Then one day God made it all flip turn upside down. He later went on to write over half the New Testament,but in that journey he faced a lot of hard times. He was nearly killed over a dozen times,starved for weeks,didn't have shelter or even water...and he's saying that he has 'learned' to be content. I emphasize learned because he wasn't born with that feeling. He had to go through some rough times to get it down,that no matter what's going on in life,his Savior was there with him and for him.
It's easy to get dragged down when things don't happen in our time or way,but we need to remember that God is working on things in our lives that we can't even see. We can't fathom how hard He is working in and around us. So until you see it,be content knowing that our God is greater,stronger,always with you and nothing can be against you.
I feel content when it's sunny out,when I'm with my friends,when I have money,and so on;but I'm usually not when it's pouring rain,alone,broke and so on. In Philippians 4:11 Paul says,"For I have learned to be content,whatever the circumstances." Coming from a guy who holds the record for the worst life story,I can believe it's possible. This dude use to persecute Christians,lie,cheat,steal,you name it. Then one day God made it all flip turn upside down. He later went on to write over half the New Testament,but in that journey he faced a lot of hard times. He was nearly killed over a dozen times,starved for weeks,didn't have shelter or even water...and he's saying that he has 'learned' to be content. I emphasize learned because he wasn't born with that feeling. He had to go through some rough times to get it down,that no matter what's going on in life,his Savior was there with him and for him.
It's easy to get dragged down when things don't happen in our time or way,but we need to remember that God is working on things in our lives that we can't even see. We can't fathom how hard He is working in and around us. So until you see it,be content knowing that our God is greater,stronger,always with you and nothing can be against you.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
I like thinking that each day I'm alive is a privelage. To think that today didn't have to happen if God didn't want it to. He's in control of everything,and He could have taken me home or come back today,but He didn't. Each day neither of those happen,I feel like I'm here for a reason...regardless of what's going on that day.
I think we take each day for granted. Seriously,how many people wake up and immediately thank God for letting them wake up and live another day? I don't because I'm one of those people,it's something I don't think about every second,even though I should. David writes,"Today is the day that the Lord has made,I will rejoice and be glad in it."(Psalm 118:24). I love that,because he isn't just glad that God made today,he's glad that we have reasons to rejoice as well,kind of a two for one deal.
Whether you read that verse in the morning,noon,or night;be glad and rejoice that you're here for enough reason for God to make another day for you.
I think we take each day for granted. Seriously,how many people wake up and immediately thank God for letting them wake up and live another day? I don't because I'm one of those people,it's something I don't think about every second,even though I should. David writes,"Today is the day that the Lord has made,I will rejoice and be glad in it."(Psalm 118:24). I love that,because he isn't just glad that God made today,he's glad that we have reasons to rejoice as well,kind of a two for one deal.
Whether you read that verse in the morning,noon,or night;be glad and rejoice that you're here for enough reason for God to make another day for you.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
"When you're the most vulnerable,is when God has the greatest chance to work."
Think about this; if you have everything you could ever imagine. I'm talking financial security,the perfect spouse,a huge house,and so on...what do you need? We as humans can often let that get to our heads and we'd think nothing. Have you ever wondered why God would allow things to happen to someone such as job less,or sickness or something like that? If we're depenedent on Him,He's happy. He's a big jealous guy,and when we "don't need" Him,I can imagine He gets pretty hurt. Maybe He allows something to slow you down and make you focus on something else other than yourself or anything in the world that distracts you from Him.
I love Matthew. One of the best books in the Bible,and not a half bad name either. Matthew 7:11 says," If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" God knows what you need and what you want. He promises to always provide,but I've learned you have to do three things first:
1)Ask him for whatever it is. Of course He knows,but I think He likes to hear you ask.
2)Believe He will do it. I could ask Him for 14 billion dollars,but if I didn't believe it would happen,it couldn't.
3)Know it's in His time. We are always in such a rush that we forget He is in control and we aren't.
So the next time you're set back,or feel in a rut,you're there for a reason. God might be slowing you down or trying to get your attention elsewhere. You have to believe He works everything out for good,whether you see it right now or not.
Think about this; if you have everything you could ever imagine. I'm talking financial security,the perfect spouse,a huge house,and so on...what do you need? We as humans can often let that get to our heads and we'd think nothing. Have you ever wondered why God would allow things to happen to someone such as job less,or sickness or something like that? If we're depenedent on Him,He's happy. He's a big jealous guy,and when we "don't need" Him,I can imagine He gets pretty hurt. Maybe He allows something to slow you down and make you focus on something else other than yourself or anything in the world that distracts you from Him.
I love Matthew. One of the best books in the Bible,and not a half bad name either. Matthew 7:11 says," If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!" God knows what you need and what you want. He promises to always provide,but I've learned you have to do three things first:
1)Ask him for whatever it is. Of course He knows,but I think He likes to hear you ask.
2)Believe He will do it. I could ask Him for 14 billion dollars,but if I didn't believe it would happen,it couldn't.
3)Know it's in His time. We are always in such a rush that we forget He is in control and we aren't.
So the next time you're set back,or feel in a rut,you're there for a reason. God might be slowing you down or trying to get your attention elsewhere. You have to believe He works everything out for good,whether you see it right now or not.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Never in a million years did I ever think I could hear something that would make me ponder and want to develop my relationship more with God...from a reality show on Bravo.
I watch Millionaire Matchmaker just because it's funny and almost ridiculous how people treat what they think is "love". The host said something that made me think today,which is kinda weird seeing as it's the most shallow show on television. She said,"Love is like a flower. You have to water it everyday and care for it,otherwise it'll die." That made me think about relationships and dating and so on,but it clicked with my relationship with God. People call themselves "Christians" all the time,even on this show,but when was the last time they spent time growing in it?
It made me think,that I really need to put effort into it daily to keep it alive and healthy;we all do. If we don't,it can get boring and might even seem pointless if it gets bad enough. If God is always with us,why can't we always be with Him?
I watch Millionaire Matchmaker just because it's funny and almost ridiculous how people treat what they think is "love". The host said something that made me think today,which is kinda weird seeing as it's the most shallow show on television. She said,"Love is like a flower. You have to water it everyday and care for it,otherwise it'll die." That made me think about relationships and dating and so on,but it clicked with my relationship with God. People call themselves "Christians" all the time,even on this show,but when was the last time they spent time growing in it?
It made me think,that I really need to put effort into it daily to keep it alive and healthy;we all do. If we don't,it can get boring and might even seem pointless if it gets bad enough. If God is always with us,why can't we always be with Him?
Monday, April 25, 2011
You haven't lived until you've found yourself with no friends,until you've been hurt by everyone,been to lied to by your closest friend,been cheated on by the perfect girl,and been abandoned by your own family. That's pretty common these days,but you have to let that go. People will make mistakes and intentionally hurt you,but you have to forgive them and move on.
Being mad at someone doesn't hurt them. If you're angry at someone,there isn't a psychological power you can harness to hurt them by having negative thoughts and emotions towards them,it'll only hurt you. Countless times in the Bible you hear about forgiveness. That's a hard task sometimes. I've honestly gave up on so many people because of the constant garbage they caused in my life,but I've always forgiven them,but it also hasn't been easy.
Peter plays the best role of this in the Bible,I think. Jesus tells him that he's not suppose to forgive someone once,or twice or even seven times. He actually says to forgive those who hurt us seven times seventy times. So,the 491st time we don't have to do it? No,Jesus was emphasizing the extreme amount of forgiveness we should have. If you have to forgive someone 490 times,there might be a problem,but that's not the point. I find myself having to do it with people constantly,and then I kinda reevaluate if that person should be in my life or not,either way,I always forgive.
We have to,as believers,forgive everyone otherwise God won't forgive us. That comes along the lines of being "Christlike". He forgave everyone and looks past their faults and sins,and we should always do the same.
Being mad at someone doesn't hurt them. If you're angry at someone,there isn't a psychological power you can harness to hurt them by having negative thoughts and emotions towards them,it'll only hurt you. Countless times in the Bible you hear about forgiveness. That's a hard task sometimes. I've honestly gave up on so many people because of the constant garbage they caused in my life,but I've always forgiven them,but it also hasn't been easy.
Peter plays the best role of this in the Bible,I think. Jesus tells him that he's not suppose to forgive someone once,or twice or even seven times. He actually says to forgive those who hurt us seven times seventy times. So,the 491st time we don't have to do it? No,Jesus was emphasizing the extreme amount of forgiveness we should have. If you have to forgive someone 490 times,there might be a problem,but that's not the point. I find myself having to do it with people constantly,and then I kinda reevaluate if that person should be in my life or not,either way,I always forgive.
We have to,as believers,forgive everyone otherwise God won't forgive us. That comes along the lines of being "Christlike". He forgave everyone and looks past their faults and sins,and we should always do the same.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I don't know about you,but I've been learning to appreciate more,but also value less. Yes,that makes sense,hear me out.
We have a lot to be thankful for. Our houses,heat and air conditioning,cars,food and so on. At the end of the day though,those don't matter. Who we are as a person matters. We should be the same person if we have a million dollars or two. I've been reading Job a lot lately and again,it's one of the best stories. He said,"the Lord gives and the Lord takes away,blessed be the name of the Lord."(Job 1:21) Job says that if we have all we want and need,bless His name. He says that if we have nothing and we need,bless His name. As hard as that is,it's what we have to do. God knows all of our needs,and will fulfill them at the most perfect times. So don't ever worry about His provisions,they'll never be delayed.
We're so reliant on Facebook,money,and fancy clothes...are you taking that to Heaven with you?
We have a lot to be thankful for. Our houses,heat and air conditioning,cars,food and so on. At the end of the day though,those don't matter. Who we are as a person matters. We should be the same person if we have a million dollars or two. I've been reading Job a lot lately and again,it's one of the best stories. He said,"the Lord gives and the Lord takes away,blessed be the name of the Lord."(Job 1:21) Job says that if we have all we want and need,bless His name. He says that if we have nothing and we need,bless His name. As hard as that is,it's what we have to do. God knows all of our needs,and will fulfill them at the most perfect times. So don't ever worry about His provisions,they'll never be delayed.
We're so reliant on Facebook,money,and fancy clothes...are you taking that to Heaven with you?
Thursday, April 21, 2011
At times,I feel like I have nothing. Even though I'm blessed beyond any word can begin to describe,I still get the sense that I don't have all that I need. Like my car has a problem,but I don't have the money to fix it,that to me is a "need". I put that in quotes because I don't think God sees it the same.
We're always going to have all that God feels we should have. Of course,He knows what's best for us at all times. But when it comes to certain physical things,I don't know how far that works. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says,"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." I love that,because to me it says that if you have the drive and ambitions to do good things,God will give you what you need to accomplish them. But when He doesn't provide,it almost seems like He might trying to tell me something else regarding my problem.
I've seen God do this,countless times. I've seen the greatest,most perfect chances in life get crushed because of Him not providing;but afterwards I saw it wasn't meant to be. I've also seen things that I didn't think I need or wanted to do get served to me on a silver platter when it seemed absolutely impossible. He knows what's best,He always makes a way when there isn't.
I think our problem,is that we limit God. We can only go off what we see. The difference is,we live in natural,when our God is supernatural.
"What is impossible with men is possible with God."-Luke 18:27
We're always going to have all that God feels we should have. Of course,He knows what's best for us at all times. But when it comes to certain physical things,I don't know how far that works. 2 Corinthians 9:8 says,"And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work." I love that,because to me it says that if you have the drive and ambitions to do good things,God will give you what you need to accomplish them. But when He doesn't provide,it almost seems like He might trying to tell me something else regarding my problem.
I've seen God do this,countless times. I've seen the greatest,most perfect chances in life get crushed because of Him not providing;but afterwards I saw it wasn't meant to be. I've also seen things that I didn't think I need or wanted to do get served to me on a silver platter when it seemed absolutely impossible. He knows what's best,He always makes a way when there isn't.
I think our problem,is that we limit God. We can only go off what we see. The difference is,we live in natural,when our God is supernatural.
"What is impossible with men is possible with God."-Luke 18:27
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Today has been such a horrible day for me. I can't count how many things went wrong,how many times I wanted to give up or punch someone in the face. At the same time,I'm very glad I felt that way. It's at the breaking point,when God puts us in that situation to give in and submit to Him.
I go through various trials weekly.Ones where I usually lose it,scream at God,tell people off,and go hit my heavy bag for an hour...but not today. I almost lost it,but I let it go. I almost screamed at God,but I prayed instead. I didn't tell anyone off,kinda. And I didn't have to go punch my bag. Instead,I read Job.
Job is amazing,to say the least. He was the richest man on the earth at the time. He had thousands of animals,a hot wife,cash like no other,and a dozen kids. God let Satan test him by literally turning his life upside down. I mean,hell was on earth on this guys property. God allowed his family to be killed,his animals to taken and his crops to be burned to the ground...and he STILL gave God glory. I want to be this guy so bad,and today,I kinda felt like him. God eventually paid him back double for his faith and let him live for 140 awesome years with his "new" life(part 2).
Just because God allows all things to come together for good,doesn't mean that it's all going to come as good. You will face horrible things. Bad things will happen to good people,but He will allow that to purify you in a sense. It's almost like how a weld works. A piece of metal is obviously strong,but when welding occurs,for a split second,the metal is heated to temperatures in the thousands of degrees. It's damaged. But after it cools down,a weld is actually stronger than the metal itself.
Consider yourself a piece of steel,and your afflictions as welds. The more you go through,the stronger you will be. The pain might last for a short while,but in the end it'll only make you stronger.
I go through various trials weekly.Ones where I usually lose it,scream at God,tell people off,and go hit my heavy bag for an hour...but not today. I almost lost it,but I let it go. I almost screamed at God,but I prayed instead. I didn't tell anyone off,kinda. And I didn't have to go punch my bag. Instead,I read Job.
Job is amazing,to say the least. He was the richest man on the earth at the time. He had thousands of animals,a hot wife,cash like no other,and a dozen kids. God let Satan test him by literally turning his life upside down. I mean,hell was on earth on this guys property. God allowed his family to be killed,his animals to taken and his crops to be burned to the ground...and he STILL gave God glory. I want to be this guy so bad,and today,I kinda felt like him. God eventually paid him back double for his faith and let him live for 140 awesome years with his "new" life(part 2).
Just because God allows all things to come together for good,doesn't mean that it's all going to come as good. You will face horrible things. Bad things will happen to good people,but He will allow that to purify you in a sense. It's almost like how a weld works. A piece of metal is obviously strong,but when welding occurs,for a split second,the metal is heated to temperatures in the thousands of degrees. It's damaged. But after it cools down,a weld is actually stronger than the metal itself.
Consider yourself a piece of steel,and your afflictions as welds. The more you go through,the stronger you will be. The pain might last for a short while,but in the end it'll only make you stronger.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
I like encouragement. I like reading God's word in excitement of learning something new and helpful. I like dwelling on a promise from God in hopes of joy and peace or wisdom and guidance...I just hate waiting.
So many times,God makes us wait,or He'll put us in an uncomfortable place where we really don't want to be,but we need to be. These are those horribly awesome times,when we need to be still and know He's in control. We have seasons just the like the weather. Read Galatians,we reap and sow,just like the earth does. We go through drought,rain,harvest,and then start all over again. I constantly have to remind myself of this,otherwise I get angry and wonder if it's my fault or not.
Moses said in Exodus 14:13,"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today." Now,that was to the people of Israel,but I believe that goes for all of us. You might not win the lottery,or get a job,or have your cancer cured 'today',but God is moving in your life to a point of completion. It might happen tomorrow,or in 3 months,or a year,but know that God is always working behind the scenes on your behalf. We can't always see it,but He's always up to something.
The next time you feel like you're losing,or there's no where to run...don't. Dig your heels in and hang on. "Lose the weight of defeat,it's time to stand your ground." as Oh,Sleeper says it. God has a purpose for what's going on,or for where you are right now. Trust in Him that He'll always make a way for you,even when there isn't one you can see.
So many times,God makes us wait,or He'll put us in an uncomfortable place where we really don't want to be,but we need to be. These are those horribly awesome times,when we need to be still and know He's in control. We have seasons just the like the weather. Read Galatians,we reap and sow,just like the earth does. We go through drought,rain,harvest,and then start all over again. I constantly have to remind myself of this,otherwise I get angry and wonder if it's my fault or not.
Moses said in Exodus 14:13,"Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today." Now,that was to the people of Israel,but I believe that goes for all of us. You might not win the lottery,or get a job,or have your cancer cured 'today',but God is moving in your life to a point of completion. It might happen tomorrow,or in 3 months,or a year,but know that God is always working behind the scenes on your behalf. We can't always see it,but He's always up to something.
The next time you feel like you're losing,or there's no where to run...don't. Dig your heels in and hang on. "Lose the weight of defeat,it's time to stand your ground." as Oh,Sleeper says it. God has a purpose for what's going on,or for where you are right now. Trust in Him that He'll always make a way for you,even when there isn't one you can see.
Monday, April 18, 2011
"Faith is like a rubber band,it only works when it's stretched."
Think about how true that is. Anyone can have faith when everything is going their way,and the sun is shining down on them...but what about when the world is crashing down on you and there seems to be no way out...still have faith then?
God uses hardships and trials to strengthen us. Whether you believe it or not,it's true. How do you think rocks get smooth on the ocean shore? From constant waves crashing down on the and throwing them against abrasive sand. Those that are faithful,are like those rocks. We started out rough and odd shaped,but after our trials,we'll be smooth and shiny.
Hebrews 11:1 says,"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." We can't see God,but what we can see is His love and guidance and provisions. With our hope,we can see God when others can't. Faith should be defined in the dictionary as "crazy". We are able to see things that others can't,and we know where it's from. We can see bad things as blessings. We can see light in the darkest hours.
Today,use that faith. Grow in it. "Faith without actions is dead." Show the world that yours is alive.
Think about how true that is. Anyone can have faith when everything is going their way,and the sun is shining down on them...but what about when the world is crashing down on you and there seems to be no way out...still have faith then?
God uses hardships and trials to strengthen us. Whether you believe it or not,it's true. How do you think rocks get smooth on the ocean shore? From constant waves crashing down on the and throwing them against abrasive sand. Those that are faithful,are like those rocks. We started out rough and odd shaped,but after our trials,we'll be smooth and shiny.
Hebrews 11:1 says,"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." We can't see God,but what we can see is His love and guidance and provisions. With our hope,we can see God when others can't. Faith should be defined in the dictionary as "crazy". We are able to see things that others can't,and we know where it's from. We can see bad things as blessings. We can see light in the darkest hours.
Today,use that faith. Grow in it. "Faith without actions is dead." Show the world that yours is alive.
Saturday, April 16, 2011
I love the few people I have in my life that are encouragers and won't stop until they've lifted me up out of the rut I'm in occasionally. I'm so blessed and I always make sure that they know they're appreciated and I would do the same for them if they ever needed it.
I've always been a positive person,but we all stumble sometimes. I feel as if the closer we get to God,the more satan tries to tempt us and cause us to fall. I've had my share of rough times,and more so recently over the past year. But one thing I've noticed,my lack of friends is showing me the few genuine people I can count on. Not to put my faith in,but to know I can come to them and ask for prayer.
"So encourage each other and build each other up"(1 Thessalonians 5:11),is my verse for the day. I always try to do this,but I don't do it with everyone. There are people that I've tried and tried to encourage and they don't want it,so I tend to move on. Today,I want to encourage everyone to encourage someone else. Joy and hope and peace are all addicting. Once you have it,you want more. You don't just have it one day and say,meh...it was ok. People love to be happy and hopeful,so I want to share that with everyone I see today.
Like I said yesterday,you can be an encouragment without even speaking a word. Just from how people see you act or what you do can really make an impact in someone,and that may cause them to mimic that aswell.
I've always been a positive person,but we all stumble sometimes. I feel as if the closer we get to God,the more satan tries to tempt us and cause us to fall. I've had my share of rough times,and more so recently over the past year. But one thing I've noticed,my lack of friends is showing me the few genuine people I can count on. Not to put my faith in,but to know I can come to them and ask for prayer.
"So encourage each other and build each other up"(1 Thessalonians 5:11),is my verse for the day. I always try to do this,but I don't do it with everyone. There are people that I've tried and tried to encourage and they don't want it,so I tend to move on. Today,I want to encourage everyone to encourage someone else. Joy and hope and peace are all addicting. Once you have it,you want more. You don't just have it one day and say,meh...it was ok. People love to be happy and hopeful,so I want to share that with everyone I see today.
Like I said yesterday,you can be an encouragment without even speaking a word. Just from how people see you act or what you do can really make an impact in someone,and that may cause them to mimic that aswell.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Today,something weird happened to me. I took my mom some lunch to her work and sat with her for a bit. While I was in her office,a woman who works with her who is older,came up to me and asked if I could help her out. So,I said sure. She told me about how her daughter had been getting into trouble with the law and so on,well she has a young son. After hearing the story,the woman asked me if I could spend some time with him,as a mentor. That's something I've never really done before,but it kinda felt good to be asked,so I said of course I would.
This woman,who probably doesn't know the Lord,who doesn't even really know me that well,asked me to help this young boy out. She said that I'm always so positive, encouraging and good morale. I was kind of in shock,but when I was hearing all of this,a song popped into my head. Newsboys have a song called "Shine". If you don't know it,the chorus is based off of Matthew 5:16,"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
I've been portraying someone good,someone honest and trustwothy when I'm around these people just for a few minutes at a time. I've been trusted with another life,in a way to bring someone who's in an early developmental stage and in a horrible home,to help bring him up in a better way. I couldn't believe it,but I felt so blessed to have the chance to do it.
Remember,you never know who's watching you and your actions really speak louder than any word you could ever say...I'm just glad it worked out for something great.
This woman,who probably doesn't know the Lord,who doesn't even really know me that well,asked me to help this young boy out. She said that I'm always so positive, encouraging and good morale. I was kind of in shock,but when I was hearing all of this,a song popped into my head. Newsboys have a song called "Shine". If you don't know it,the chorus is based off of Matthew 5:16,"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
I've been portraying someone good,someone honest and trustwothy when I'm around these people just for a few minutes at a time. I've been trusted with another life,in a way to bring someone who's in an early developmental stage and in a horrible home,to help bring him up in a better way. I couldn't believe it,but I felt so blessed to have the chance to do it.
Remember,you never know who's watching you and your actions really speak louder than any word you could ever say...I'm just glad it worked out for something great.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
I think about how fortunate I am on so many levels,but never actually realize it. I know everything there is to know,yet I don't apply it to my life. I have all the answers,but I don't use it ace the test of life.
People who actually have a relationship with God have already won. There's a song by Seven Stories Up I really like,and a lyric from it is "All you have to do is stand up and join the fight,and live like you've already won." We don't need to worry about anything if we've already done our part in accepting Jesus as our Savior. We're equipped with everything we will ever need. When we have Jesus in our hearts,we're "like trees planted along the riverbank,bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,and they prosper in all they do."(Psalm 1:3)
I feel like I always have to turn to Philippians 4:6 and remind myself every single day not to worry about anything and to just pray about everything. Truly dwelling on that verse will do exactly what the following verse says,it gives us peace that passes any understanding. God will take always take care of us,He is always with us,and He is always for us. Let that brighten up your day.
People who actually have a relationship with God have already won. There's a song by Seven Stories Up I really like,and a lyric from it is "All you have to do is stand up and join the fight,and live like you've already won." We don't need to worry about anything if we've already done our part in accepting Jesus as our Savior. We're equipped with everything we will ever need. When we have Jesus in our hearts,we're "like trees planted along the riverbank,bearing fruit each season.Their leaves never wither,and they prosper in all they do."(Psalm 1:3)
I feel like I always have to turn to Philippians 4:6 and remind myself every single day not to worry about anything and to just pray about everything. Truly dwelling on that verse will do exactly what the following verse says,it gives us peace that passes any understanding. God will take always take care of us,He is always with us,and He is always for us. Let that brighten up your day.
Monday, April 11, 2011
I don't have a verse today,just some thoughts to reflect on:
Over the past week,I've seen the greatest things become the worst,and the worst become the greatest. I can't emphasize enough how great it is to know that God works everything together for good. Yes,even death,illness and heartache. But one thing He does,is He reroutes a path I'm on. I could be cruising along everything going great and then all of the sudden I'm instantly turned upside down and going somewhere else or doing another thing.
God blesses me so much when He helps me dodge bullets. If I never had another thing,I'd still be content and grateful for all the horrible things He's helped me avoid. I've seen first hand God's power and care for me. I've seen things ripped away from me or dreams shattered,only to see it workout for my own good.
One thing I want to dwell on,is that God really knows what He's doing. It's hard to think about sometimes and you always want to be in the drivers seat,but it's worth surrendering. He's never once forsaken me,and won't forsake you. The only thing in life that will ever be shot down is your own will. Anything of God will prosper and provide the greatest and unfathomable blessings.
Over the past week,I've seen the greatest things become the worst,and the worst become the greatest. I can't emphasize enough how great it is to know that God works everything together for good. Yes,even death,illness and heartache. But one thing He does,is He reroutes a path I'm on. I could be cruising along everything going great and then all of the sudden I'm instantly turned upside down and going somewhere else or doing another thing.
God blesses me so much when He helps me dodge bullets. If I never had another thing,I'd still be content and grateful for all the horrible things He's helped me avoid. I've seen first hand God's power and care for me. I've seen things ripped away from me or dreams shattered,only to see it workout for my own good.
One thing I want to dwell on,is that God really knows what He's doing. It's hard to think about sometimes and you always want to be in the drivers seat,but it's worth surrendering. He's never once forsaken me,and won't forsake you. The only thing in life that will ever be shot down is your own will. Anything of God will prosper and provide the greatest and unfathomable blessings.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
I'm probably the last person in the world that should be talking about "letting things go" because I don't remember the last time I honestly did.
I'm learning to see garbage in life as chances to rise above and to grow stronger in whatever it is I'm dealing with. Ephesians has been following me everywhere I go lately. No matter what,I see a verse from it,so I gave in and read. 4:31-32 really hit a homer with me,"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
I have a huge problem with people,more so self-righteous and judgemental people...it's even worse when they're both. I've been knee deep in people like that in the past few weeks and I'm getting tested every second with them. Well,I've been failing a lot. I get so angry sometimes that I scare myself,so I'm learning to let it go and it's been a challenge.
God says to forgive them and let it go,so why not do it? Holding on to things will only bring you down. I honestly believe He will always take care of me and my problems,and the same goes for you too.
I'm learning to see garbage in life as chances to rise above and to grow stronger in whatever it is I'm dealing with. Ephesians has been following me everywhere I go lately. No matter what,I see a verse from it,so I gave in and read. 4:31-32 really hit a homer with me,"Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."
I have a huge problem with people,more so self-righteous and judgemental people...it's even worse when they're both. I've been knee deep in people like that in the past few weeks and I'm getting tested every second with them. Well,I've been failing a lot. I get so angry sometimes that I scare myself,so I'm learning to let it go and it's been a challenge.
God says to forgive them and let it go,so why not do it? Holding on to things will only bring you down. I honestly believe He will always take care of me and my problems,and the same goes for you too.
Friday, April 8, 2011
I woke up in a great mood today. It's sunny,I feel great,but there's still a lot of bad things going on. Today,I'm choosing to dwell on only positive things and immediately forgetting any negative.
In Philippians 4:8,Paul says,"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." He pretty much is telling us to only dwell on good. If you notice in life,if you think about negative things you'll probably be a negative person. If you think about positive things,you'll become optimistic and you'll learn to milk all the good and happiness you can out of life.
Ecclesiastes 3:12 pretty much says the same thing,"So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can." So why not do that today? We all have so much to be thankful for,even if we don't see it. You have to believe that God only has the greatest plans for you and that every little thing that happens eventually works out for your good:)
In Philippians 4:8,Paul says,"And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." He pretty much is telling us to only dwell on good. If you notice in life,if you think about negative things you'll probably be a negative person. If you think about positive things,you'll become optimistic and you'll learn to milk all the good and happiness you can out of life.
Ecclesiastes 3:12 pretty much says the same thing,"So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can." So why not do that today? We all have so much to be thankful for,even if we don't see it. You have to believe that God only has the greatest plans for you and that every little thing that happens eventually works out for your good:)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
These days,genuine people are hard to come by. People that will stick through anything with you,or even be there in an instant if you ever need them are rare.
I'm an only child,so growing up was kinda quiet and at sometimes boring. I've known people my entire life that are family-ish,but few that feel like family. I've only met a few people who I fully trust and that kinda bums me out. Proverbs has a lot of great verses on friendship and brotherhood.Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times,and a brother is born for adversity." When I read that,I think back to the times in life when I was in trouble and remember those few people who were there for me. My two closest guy friends feel like brothers. They've helped me out in the hardest of times and I love them to death for it. I'm truly blessed.
I truly believe God puts people in our lives to help us out each day. Whether it be financially,spiritually or physically. God lines up people to come across our path or even walk it with us at just the right times. Make sure you appreciate those who stick by you and do the same for them,they might need you someday too.
I'm an only child,so growing up was kinda quiet and at sometimes boring. I've known people my entire life that are family-ish,but few that feel like family. I've only met a few people who I fully trust and that kinda bums me out. Proverbs has a lot of great verses on friendship and brotherhood.Proverbs 17:17 says, "A friend loves at all times,and a brother is born for adversity." When I read that,I think back to the times in life when I was in trouble and remember those few people who were there for me. My two closest guy friends feel like brothers. They've helped me out in the hardest of times and I love them to death for it. I'm truly blessed.
I truly believe God puts people in our lives to help us out each day. Whether it be financially,spiritually or physically. God lines up people to come across our path or even walk it with us at just the right times. Make sure you appreciate those who stick by you and do the same for them,they might need you someday too.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
I'm no saint,but one thing I've always remembered was to treat other people the way I wanted to be treated. It's a sad day when you realize the world doesn't see it the same.
I'm extremely tired,but I can't sleep. I've got so much crud on my mind that I'll never doze off. I normally write in the morning,but this is something that's just rattling my mind straight. Why don't people follow that rule anymore? Like I said,I'm far from anything close to perfect,but the last thing I ever do is treat someone poorly. Luke 6:31 is where that motto came from,seeing as the verse clearly says,"Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Now,I'm pretty sure you and I both want to be treated good,right? So this verse says to treat other people,like you want to be treated. If you want to be treated like a king,treat other people the same way. Now,where's the hard part in all of this? I feel like a rocket scientist being able to comprehend it. I guess I'm just angry with how people have been towards me lately when all I do is treat people better than they deserve. It's something God and I have been battling for I guess. It's hard to let go of someone being mean or rude to you,but as followers of Jesus,it's out duty to turn the other cheek. To still treat them the way you'd expect to be,even if that's not what they're giving you.
I'm going to spend my night praying for this garbage to go away. It's really been taking a toll on me emotionally and physically. If you have something similar going on,release it to God. Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for us:)
I'm extremely tired,but I can't sleep. I've got so much crud on my mind that I'll never doze off. I normally write in the morning,but this is something that's just rattling my mind straight. Why don't people follow that rule anymore? Like I said,I'm far from anything close to perfect,but the last thing I ever do is treat someone poorly. Luke 6:31 is where that motto came from,seeing as the verse clearly says,"Do to others as you would have them do to you."
Now,I'm pretty sure you and I both want to be treated good,right? So this verse says to treat other people,like you want to be treated. If you want to be treated like a king,treat other people the same way. Now,where's the hard part in all of this? I feel like a rocket scientist being able to comprehend it. I guess I'm just angry with how people have been towards me lately when all I do is treat people better than they deserve. It's something God and I have been battling for I guess. It's hard to let go of someone being mean or rude to you,but as followers of Jesus,it's out duty to turn the other cheek. To still treat them the way you'd expect to be,even if that's not what they're giving you.
I'm going to spend my night praying for this garbage to go away. It's really been taking a toll on me emotionally and physically. If you have something similar going on,release it to God. Cast all your cares on Him because He cares for us:)
I'm being tested a lot lately,mostly with people. I just don't care for a lot lately. I'm tired of them,to be honest.
Last night was quite the evening,and I was reminded of a lot of things in the midst of some drama. Some people are on high horses and it's kind of ridiculous. I don't get how people can talk down to others because they think they're high,mighty and perfect. While this was going on last night,I was reminded of an awesome verse in Matthew 7. In verse 3,Jesus simply says,"Why are you worried about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?" That verse is so true. We have no right to cast a stone while we're just as wrong if not even more.
I've had a lot of chances to argue lately,but I've been passing on most. I see no point in it. I'd rather live,I want to say harmoniously,but I'm not a hippie...I just don't like fighting. I can't stand when people have nothing better to do than to try and bring people down. All I know is that God allows it to strengthen us and make us more reliant on Him during the not so pleasant times.
Last night was quite the evening,and I was reminded of a lot of things in the midst of some drama. Some people are on high horses and it's kind of ridiculous. I don't get how people can talk down to others because they think they're high,mighty and perfect. While this was going on last night,I was reminded of an awesome verse in Matthew 7. In verse 3,Jesus simply says,"Why are you worried about a speck in your friend’s eye when you have a log in your own?" That verse is so true. We have no right to cast a stone while we're just as wrong if not even more.
I've had a lot of chances to argue lately,but I've been passing on most. I see no point in it. I'd rather live,I want to say harmoniously,but I'm not a hippie...I just don't like fighting. I can't stand when people have nothing better to do than to try and bring people down. All I know is that God allows it to strengthen us and make us more reliant on Him during the not so pleasant times.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
As I sit outside in the warm sunshine,I'm reading and listening to Five Iron Frenzy,just dwelling on how blessed I am. I don't have a lot of money,I don't have a fancy car,and my health lacks in a lot of categories. But I realize something,I have a roof over my head. I don't miss meals. I have clothes,television,people who love me and a Savior...I'm the richest guy in the world in my own mind.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,praise Him all creatures here below,praise Him above ye heavenly host,praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
That's been on repeat in my head all morning. I have so many reasons to praise God today and everyday. I take everything He's given me for granted and the thought kinda kills me,but I realize it now more than ever. People are dying of cancer,people don't have heat or food to eat...and I'm complaining over a kidney stone? I really feel like kicking my own butt today.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
tell of all His wondrous works!
-Psalm 105:2
That's what I'm doing today,and I'm going to try my hardest to do everyday. We are all so blessed,even in ways we can't see it. Forget the bad and dwell on the good today. God is working out everything for good in your life at this moment,so give Him some praise.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow,praise Him all creatures here below,praise Him above ye heavenly host,praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.
That's been on repeat in my head all morning. I have so many reasons to praise God today and everyday. I take everything He's given me for granted and the thought kinda kills me,but I realize it now more than ever. People are dying of cancer,people don't have heat or food to eat...and I'm complaining over a kidney stone? I really feel like kicking my own butt today.
Sing to Him, sing praises to Him;
tell of all His wondrous works!
-Psalm 105:2
That's what I'm doing today,and I'm going to try my hardest to do everyday. We are all so blessed,even in ways we can't see it. Forget the bad and dwell on the good today. God is working out everything for good in your life at this moment,so give Him some praise.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
I go through so many seemingly pointless trials and afflictions in my life. At first,I'm usually pretty upset over what's going on because I see no good,just something bringing me down,we're all like that at some point.
In the Bible,a lot of people suffered some majorly huge trials. Daniel in the lions den,and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace. I want to talk about those three guys. Now,their trial is pretty different,but it just shows what amazing faith really is. If you don't know,they were just three young guys who loved God. They were told to bow down to a huge gold idol and they said "heck no,we serve the Lord and no one else",so the king at the time ordered them to be burned in a furnace for their disobedience. These three guys were tied up with rope and thrown into pretty much an oven that was heated seven times the normal temperature. Their faith in God saved them. God was with them during this. Daniel 3:25 even says."Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods." They were able to walk out of the furnace and( 3:27,"They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them").
Now,what I like about this story is a cool kind of analogy. They went in there bound by ropes and came out walking free. Think about this,if we're bound by sin of some sort and we get thrown into a furnace of trials...we can walk out free. The fire burned the ropes off of them and actually freed them. Whatever that trial is in your life,it can help us if we keep our faith strong.
So the next time you find yourself in a furnace of trial,think that God might be using it to burn your ropes off. He does work everything together for good,remember that.
In the Bible,a lot of people suffered some majorly huge trials. Daniel in the lions den,and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the furnace. I want to talk about those three guys. Now,their trial is pretty different,but it just shows what amazing faith really is. If you don't know,they were just three young guys who loved God. They were told to bow down to a huge gold idol and they said "heck no,we serve the Lord and no one else",so the king at the time ordered them to be burned in a furnace for their disobedience. These three guys were tied up with rope and thrown into pretty much an oven that was heated seven times the normal temperature. Their faith in God saved them. God was with them during this. Daniel 3:25 even says."Look! I see four men walking around in the fire, unbound and unharmed, and the fourth looks like a son of the gods." They were able to walk out of the furnace and( 3:27,"They saw that the fire had not harmed their bodies, nor was a hair of their heads singed; their robes were not scorched, and there was no smell of fire on them").
Now,what I like about this story is a cool kind of analogy. They went in there bound by ropes and came out walking free. Think about this,if we're bound by sin of some sort and we get thrown into a furnace of trials...we can walk out free. The fire burned the ropes off of them and actually freed them. Whatever that trial is in your life,it can help us if we keep our faith strong.
So the next time you find yourself in a furnace of trial,think that God might be using it to burn your ropes off. He does work everything together for good,remember that.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
"You'll never see the sunrise if you're always looking to the west."-Japanese Proverb
I love that because life is pretty simple;it's so simple that by simply looking the wrong way you can miss something. I apply that to everything from the sun rising,to God. I'm a realist,I don't believe a lot of crap and normally have to have proof before I believe something...I don't know how I have faith sometimes.
Jesus says it in an awesome way. You gotta believe like a kid. You could tell a kid that the moon is made of cheese and they'd believe it. God and His infinite plans are the same. They aren't a lie,we just can't physically comprehend it at a mature age,so we have to think like a child. Matthew 18:3 simply says,"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
I never had problems with it as a kid,but as I grew up,I didn't doubt it...but I was confused. Confusion led to anger,anger led to fear,and so on. Lately though,my faith has surpassed my own thinking and led to me a form of peace that I don't ever remember. My thinking is going back to that of when I was a child. I still take everything literally,but I don't put any limits on God. It's that simple now,fact only can go so far,then faith kicks in.
If you ever have a problem with believing God for something,change for your faith to what a child believes...you'll see God do things you could never have imagined.
I love that because life is pretty simple;it's so simple that by simply looking the wrong way you can miss something. I apply that to everything from the sun rising,to God. I'm a realist,I don't believe a lot of crap and normally have to have proof before I believe something...I don't know how I have faith sometimes.
Jesus says it in an awesome way. You gotta believe like a kid. You could tell a kid that the moon is made of cheese and they'd believe it. God and His infinite plans are the same. They aren't a lie,we just can't physically comprehend it at a mature age,so we have to think like a child. Matthew 18:3 simply says,"And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
I never had problems with it as a kid,but as I grew up,I didn't doubt it...but I was confused. Confusion led to anger,anger led to fear,and so on. Lately though,my faith has surpassed my own thinking and led to me a form of peace that I don't ever remember. My thinking is going back to that of when I was a child. I still take everything literally,but I don't put any limits on God. It's that simple now,fact only can go so far,then faith kicks in.
If you ever have a problem with believing God for something,change for your faith to what a child believes...you'll see God do things you could never have imagined.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
I'm pretty sure that there's no other human on this planet that hates rain/clouds/fog more than I do. It's instant depression for me. I really hate spring because that's what it is almost everyday. The only hope I find during this time,is that dumb old saying,"April showers bring may flowers".
I've been better lately at getting the whole scheme of "seasons" down. In life,in the weather and so on. The weather is the easiest to explain and everyone gets it: the more crappy our spring is,the nicer summer will be. Our lives can kinda be the same,whether it referencing later in life or in Heaven. In Ecclesiastes 3:1,it says ,"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." So God is saying that it's all planned out,everything has a "season" of some sort.
Well,your season is probably a rough patch for example. They don't say "rain on your parade" in a good aspect,it's meant to say something negatively. But think of your life like the transition spring to summer. Who doesn't like summer?! The next time you find yourself getting rained down upon with hardships and trails...think about what good it will bring you. Maybe God is just watering you so you'll be more vibrant in your summer and the healthier you are,the longer you'll last and the stronger you'll be in life.
"Jesus isn't our security from storms of life,he's our security during them. He never promised smooth sailing,just a soft landing."-LB Cowman
I've been better lately at getting the whole scheme of "seasons" down. In life,in the weather and so on. The weather is the easiest to explain and everyone gets it: the more crappy our spring is,the nicer summer will be. Our lives can kinda be the same,whether it referencing later in life or in Heaven. In Ecclesiastes 3:1,it says ,"For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven." So God is saying that it's all planned out,everything has a "season" of some sort.
Well,your season is probably a rough patch for example. They don't say "rain on your parade" in a good aspect,it's meant to say something negatively. But think of your life like the transition spring to summer. Who doesn't like summer?! The next time you find yourself getting rained down upon with hardships and trails...think about what good it will bring you. Maybe God is just watering you so you'll be more vibrant in your summer and the healthier you are,the longer you'll last and the stronger you'll be in life.
"Jesus isn't our security from storms of life,he's our security during them. He never promised smooth sailing,just a soft landing."-LB Cowman
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I like the word "will",but only in certain aspects. When referring to the Lord's Will I get excited. It's so awesome to think that God actually has a good plan for me and for nothing bad. I hate that word when I think of my own.
In the bible,in Matthew,Jesus tells us how to pray. It's called the Lord's Prayer...you know,"Our Father in Heaven,hallowed be thy name" and so on. To be honest,I never thought much about it. I don't pray like that. I pray for what's going on in my life and pretty much complain to God until He changes things...it doesn't work like that.
The verse I'm focused on today is 6:10b,which simply says,"THY will be done",not mine or his or hers,Gods. I've gone down my own paths before,and ended up right on my butt. Showbread has a lyric in "The Journey" and it simply says,"My will be done, done did it,did the everything that leads to nothing." He says he did his own thing and came out with nothing,that's how life is. I always come across awesome opportunities,but I rarely pray for God's will. I assume that if something is in my life,it was God's will...not always.
I can't count how many times I've been completely pissed off at God,literally screaming at the sky at Him,only to realize that God didn't forsake me,I did. When you give your life to God,you have to give all of it. We may go to church once or twice a week,but that doesn't mean we're Christians once or twice a week,it's a constant. That includes your ambitions and dreams too. God knows what's best for us. I think I'll leave all the hard decision making parts to the Guy who made me,and stop trying to find my own means to a salvation.
In the bible,in Matthew,Jesus tells us how to pray. It's called the Lord's Prayer...you know,"Our Father in Heaven,hallowed be thy name" and so on. To be honest,I never thought much about it. I don't pray like that. I pray for what's going on in my life and pretty much complain to God until He changes things...it doesn't work like that.
The verse I'm focused on today is 6:10b,which simply says,"THY will be done",not mine or his or hers,Gods. I've gone down my own paths before,and ended up right on my butt. Showbread has a lyric in "The Journey" and it simply says,"My will be done, done did it,did the everything that leads to nothing." He says he did his own thing and came out with nothing,that's how life is. I always come across awesome opportunities,but I rarely pray for God's will. I assume that if something is in my life,it was God's will...not always.
I can't count how many times I've been completely pissed off at God,literally screaming at the sky at Him,only to realize that God didn't forsake me,I did. When you give your life to God,you have to give all of it. We may go to church once or twice a week,but that doesn't mean we're Christians once or twice a week,it's a constant. That includes your ambitions and dreams too. God knows what's best for us. I think I'll leave all the hard decision making parts to the Guy who made me,and stop trying to find my own means to a salvation.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
I think we all try to live "better lives" at some point in time. I know I've been in horrible situations and chose to leave them behind to live more of the life God has planned for me,but it's not always easy.
How often do you find yourself trying to live a "Holy" life,and you seem to just end up doing the opposite? I do it daily,we all stumble,but it seems to come even more when we strive for that better life. I love what Paul says in Romans 7:15,because it's exactly how I feel. It says,"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I don't do, but what I hate I do." Knowing that one of the strongest men in history had the same problem as me,makes me feel a little better,but it doesn't solve it.
Our intentions and our actions are different from each other. Our intentions come from our mind/spirit/heart,and our actions come from our body. Now getting those two things to line up is quite a challenge. You could want to fight crime with your intentions,but you actions could end up causing more. It's tough trying to get them in sync,but it's very possible.
I think "practice makes perfect" is a great example here. What do you practice daily? I don't have any patience,and I practice that quite a bit each day so little by little my patience gets shorter. If you practice something positive,it'll become more and more. So practice peace,happiness,or even patience if you're like me. You'll find that your intentions and your actions can become the same and you won't be talking like Paul does in complete confusion over yourself.
How often do you find yourself trying to live a "Holy" life,and you seem to just end up doing the opposite? I do it daily,we all stumble,but it seems to come even more when we strive for that better life. I love what Paul says in Romans 7:15,because it's exactly how I feel. It says,"I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I don't do, but what I hate I do." Knowing that one of the strongest men in history had the same problem as me,makes me feel a little better,but it doesn't solve it.
Our intentions and our actions are different from each other. Our intentions come from our mind/spirit/heart,and our actions come from our body. Now getting those two things to line up is quite a challenge. You could want to fight crime with your intentions,but you actions could end up causing more. It's tough trying to get them in sync,but it's very possible.
I think "practice makes perfect" is a great example here. What do you practice daily? I don't have any patience,and I practice that quite a bit each day so little by little my patience gets shorter. If you practice something positive,it'll become more and more. So practice peace,happiness,or even patience if you're like me. You'll find that your intentions and your actions can become the same and you won't be talking like Paul does in complete confusion over yourself.
Monday, March 28, 2011
How often do you limit God? Honestly? I do it daily,several times daily. I'm so use to my minimal and "natural" thinking,that I don't remember that I belong to a "supernatural" God. He spoke,just said words,and everything came from that...do you think He wouldn't do the same thing in a situation of yours?
I look at my dreams and goals,and tend to think a lot,if not all of them,are impossible. I kept that same mentality until I read Mark 9:23,it says, "Jesus said,'Everything is possible for one who believes." Not just one thing,or a couple,He said everything.
So the next time you believe something can't change for you,or your dream may be dying,remember that God has no limits. He can speak and your world can change in an instant,all you have to do is believe He will.
I look at my dreams and goals,and tend to think a lot,if not all of them,are impossible. I kept that same mentality until I read Mark 9:23,it says, "Jesus said,'Everything is possible for one who believes." Not just one thing,or a couple,He said everything.
So the next time you believe something can't change for you,or your dream may be dying,remember that God has no limits. He can speak and your world can change in an instant,all you have to do is believe He will.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Today I was sitting outside and I saw a group of birds land in the middle of a parking lot. Now,I can't really tell facial expression because I don't know if they can smile or frown,but I can tell they were quite happy. They chirped and splashed water in a small puddle like it was their spring break. If you were in Grants Pass today,you would have noticed how dark and dreary it was,then all of the sudden a huge spot of blue sky took over the valley. It got warm and the sun was shinning bright. As I sat and watched those birds,Matthew 6 came to mind. Verse 26 says,"Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Kinda makes you think that if a bird trusts God to provide for them,shouldn't we?
I'm pretty bad with this. I believe God will always provide for me,yet it's when He stretches my faith,that's when I tend to worry. That's kinda funny because the next verse(6:27) says,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Nope,you can't. In fact,I'm pretty sure it'll slowly kill you. This is something I need to remind myself of daily,and I'm glad God was able to remind me in such a simple way,by watching a few birds play in a parking lot.
I don't know why God chooses to do things the way He does,but it seems that I learn the greatest lessons,or am at least reminded of something,in the most random ways. I love it. If anything,it shows that He wants to remind me constantly of His provisions and love,even when I don't actually see either of them.
I'm pretty bad with this. I believe God will always provide for me,yet it's when He stretches my faith,that's when I tend to worry. That's kinda funny because the next verse(6:27) says,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Nope,you can't. In fact,I'm pretty sure it'll slowly kill you. This is something I need to remind myself of daily,and I'm glad God was able to remind me in such a simple way,by watching a few birds play in a parking lot.
I don't know why God chooses to do things the way He does,but it seems that I learn the greatest lessons,or am at least reminded of something,in the most random ways. I love it. If anything,it shows that He wants to remind me constantly of His provisions and love,even when I don't actually see either of them.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
We,as humans,can concoct some of the most illegitimate fears. I know I've had my fair share of them growing up,but the more I actually understand God's promises,the fewer they seem. I'm really starting to think that God doesn't want us to ever be afraid because He's with is...I think I just read that for the 20th time in His word.
In Psalm,David is one happy dude. He had his ups and downs,but if you've ever read even any part of it,you know He was faithful to God,and He knew God was faithful to him. In Chapter 118:6 it says,"The Lord is with me,I will not be afraid." I think that is one of the most expressed things in the Bible. God REALLY wants us to not be afraid. I said something this morning,and it applies to this as well...
"When you're worried,you aren't trusting God. When you're scared,you aren't believing God is with you. When you're nervous,you aren't accepting God's promise of peace."
In a world that's in the fast lane to Hell,don't worry about anything! No matter what the world throws at us,we're gonna be alright! God's got the best intentions for you and me,and all He asks for in return is your faith in trusting Him.
In Psalm,David is one happy dude. He had his ups and downs,but if you've ever read even any part of it,you know He was faithful to God,and He knew God was faithful to him. In Chapter 118:6 it says,"The Lord is with me,I will not be afraid." I think that is one of the most expressed things in the Bible. God REALLY wants us to not be afraid. I said something this morning,and it applies to this as well...
"When you're worried,you aren't trusting God. When you're scared,you aren't believing God is with you. When you're nervous,you aren't accepting God's promise of peace."
In a world that's in the fast lane to Hell,don't worry about anything! No matter what the world throws at us,we're gonna be alright! God's got the best intentions for you and me,and all He asks for in return is your faith in trusting Him.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I love how hard it is for us as humans to make a sacrifice. Giving up something always seems to be difficult no matter what it is. But what do our sacrifices bring us?
Now,this is something I don't always think about since I've already got it covered,but how often do you think about the sacrifices God has made for you? It's hard to understand it or even think about it without it seeming like a big deal.Like hey,God can do anything,so His sacrifices are simple...I don't think so. I honestly believe that God felt the pain when Jesus died on the Cross. If you read The Shack,in the story,God's character has the same wound marks on His hands,as did Jesus;since they're a three-in-one bundle package.
Isaiah 53:5 (even before it actually happened),says "He was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.He was whipped so we could be healed." Now,Jesus didn't have to go through that. He could have stayed in Heaven and have never came. I couldn't imagine how different the world would be though. We'd still be slaying little lambs left and right in sacrifices for forgiveness,and who knows what else.
I guess my point here,is that God makes huge sacrifices,I still think He does to this day but I can't see them. Knowing that He gave up such a huge part of His life for us makes me want to do the same. I'm far from perfect,I sin A LOT,but He still loves me just the same. That makes me want to throw up,trying to understand a perfect love makes my mind read "Tilt". How hard would it be to give up something that puts a barrier in between you and Him? I mean,look at what He did...shouldn't we be able to do something back,even if it's minimal? We can't come to Earth and die for all of humanity and sin,but we should be able to throw down something in our lives that isn't pleasing to Him.
I love that God doesn't ask for a lot,but I still find it hard to meet all of His requirements. I get so engulfed in my own life,ways,and sin,that I feel like it's too hard. I think today I just changed.
Now,this is something I don't always think about since I've already got it covered,but how often do you think about the sacrifices God has made for you? It's hard to understand it or even think about it without it seeming like a big deal.Like hey,God can do anything,so His sacrifices are simple...I don't think so. I honestly believe that God felt the pain when Jesus died on the Cross. If you read The Shack,in the story,God's character has the same wound marks on His hands,as did Jesus;since they're a three-in-one bundle package.
Isaiah 53:5 (even before it actually happened),says "He was pierced for our rebellion,crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole.He was whipped so we could be healed." Now,Jesus didn't have to go through that. He could have stayed in Heaven and have never came. I couldn't imagine how different the world would be though. We'd still be slaying little lambs left and right in sacrifices for forgiveness,and who knows what else.
I guess my point here,is that God makes huge sacrifices,I still think He does to this day but I can't see them. Knowing that He gave up such a huge part of His life for us makes me want to do the same. I'm far from perfect,I sin A LOT,but He still loves me just the same. That makes me want to throw up,trying to understand a perfect love makes my mind read "Tilt". How hard would it be to give up something that puts a barrier in between you and Him? I mean,look at what He did...shouldn't we be able to do something back,even if it's minimal? We can't come to Earth and die for all of humanity and sin,but we should be able to throw down something in our lives that isn't pleasing to Him.
I love that God doesn't ask for a lot,but I still find it hard to meet all of His requirements. I get so engulfed in my own life,ways,and sin,that I feel like it's too hard. I think today I just changed.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
I've been having a bad day.Not a normal bad day,but one in my own control. I'm actually choosing to have a bad day...but why?
Satan tends to attack us at key points in our lives. He's pretty good at it,he knows just the right times when we're weak and not relying on God for our strength. For me,it's usually when I come off of my "high" from the Holy Spirit. I guess last night I made a difference in someones life without even realizing it,well,this morning was a great time for him to come at me with all he had,and he won. I let myself cave and fall into an angry and depressing state of mind. I looked at my problems and let them overwhelm me.
When I got home this afternoon I was reading in Romans,and I wish I would have this morning because I could have used what I read to instead bring me up instead of letting myself get down. Romans 5:3-5 says, "And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
I like knowing that God uses even bad times in our lives to brighten us up. Even in those times,He still wants the best for me.I feel like I'm learning a lot more these days than my mind can handle. It seems as if every corner I turn,there's a lesson waiting for me in the weirdest way. I felt like I was getting stale for a while;like just reading to know stuff,not reading to grow. God reconnected me in a way last night that I really can't describe,but it was enough to get me wanting to grow again. I want my spirit to be huge too,not just me.
I truly feel like I'm understanding James 1:2 more now,"when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy", because it seems as soon as I go through some "storm" in life,I always come out better.
Satan tends to attack us at key points in our lives. He's pretty good at it,he knows just the right times when we're weak and not relying on God for our strength. For me,it's usually when I come off of my "high" from the Holy Spirit. I guess last night I made a difference in someones life without even realizing it,well,this morning was a great time for him to come at me with all he had,and he won. I let myself cave and fall into an angry and depressing state of mind. I looked at my problems and let them overwhelm me.
When I got home this afternoon I was reading in Romans,and I wish I would have this morning because I could have used what I read to instead bring me up instead of letting myself get down. Romans 5:3-5 says, "And we boast in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us."
I like knowing that God uses even bad times in our lives to brighten us up. Even in those times,He still wants the best for me.I feel like I'm learning a lot more these days than my mind can handle. It seems as if every corner I turn,there's a lesson waiting for me in the weirdest way. I felt like I was getting stale for a while;like just reading to know stuff,not reading to grow. God reconnected me in a way last night that I really can't describe,but it was enough to get me wanting to grow again. I want my spirit to be huge too,not just me.
I truly feel like I'm understanding James 1:2 more now,"when troubles come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy", because it seems as soon as I go through some "storm" in life,I always come out better.
Monday, March 21, 2011
In life,everyday is different. We could wake up to bad news,or clear and sunny day. How we go about that day,regardless of what we're dealt,is up to us.
I have a lot of bad days. I tend to let the world drag me down more than anyone should ever allow,but I'm human. I was made to learn and apply what I learn to my life to better it. One thing that can always get me out of a certain funk;is to stop and just remember the love I have. Yeah,the love of my friends,family or girlfriend is great...not a whole lot of other things feel better,but that's just for now. God's love is forever. I can't comprehend it and it bugs me since I love to understand things otherwise I get irritated,but I believe it. I feel it. I know it. I try to show it.
Psalm 106:1 says,(if you know Chris Tomlin's "Forever",then you know it already)"Give thanks to the Lord,for He is good. His love endures forever." I love the word endure. I think of endurance and imagine some intense moment when everything is caving yet you're pulling through regardless because you have something on the other end waiting for you. His love makes it past all the crap of this world. No matter where you are or what you're doing,His love is there.
Try and show His love to those who don't know it. Unconditional love is a rare thing,but in the midst of it,there's nothing better.
I have a lot of bad days. I tend to let the world drag me down more than anyone should ever allow,but I'm human. I was made to learn and apply what I learn to my life to better it. One thing that can always get me out of a certain funk;is to stop and just remember the love I have. Yeah,the love of my friends,family or girlfriend is great...not a whole lot of other things feel better,but that's just for now. God's love is forever. I can't comprehend it and it bugs me since I love to understand things otherwise I get irritated,but I believe it. I feel it. I know it. I try to show it.
Psalm 106:1 says,(if you know Chris Tomlin's "Forever",then you know it already)"Give thanks to the Lord,for He is good. His love endures forever." I love the word endure. I think of endurance and imagine some intense moment when everything is caving yet you're pulling through regardless because you have something on the other end waiting for you. His love makes it past all the crap of this world. No matter where you are or what you're doing,His love is there.
Try and show His love to those who don't know it. Unconditional love is a rare thing,but in the midst of it,there's nothing better.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Today is March sixteenth,or 3-16. In the bible,the most recognized and most Googled verse is John 3:16,"For God so loved the world,that He gave His only begotten Son. That who shall believes in Him will not perish,but have everlasting life."
Now I won't get into the whole story,but you should reflect on that today. Soak it up. God loves us so much. Jesus loves us so much. Take today and share that love with someone who might not feel it. I love living a life of example. Like the Newsboys sing,"Shine,make 'em wonder what you got!" Live your life today and everyday in a way that makes people question why you're so happy or genuine or friendly. Live a life that leads.
We are ambassadors for God. Some people might not see Him,but they'll see us. So show the love of God to everyone you know and "make them wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored."
Now I won't get into the whole story,but you should reflect on that today. Soak it up. God loves us so much. Jesus loves us so much. Take today and share that love with someone who might not feel it. I love living a life of example. Like the Newsboys sing,"Shine,make 'em wonder what you got!" Live your life today and everyday in a way that makes people question why you're so happy or genuine or friendly. Live a life that leads.
We are ambassadors for God. Some people might not see Him,but they'll see us. So show the love of God to everyone you know and "make them wish that they were not on the outside lookin bored."
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I love God's comparisons. He nonchalantly calls out people quite a bit,it's true,but kinda funny how He does it.
Isaiah 41:14-15 says,"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD,your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains and crush them,and reduce the hills to chaff."
He tells Jacob that he's a worm. Whens the last time that word ever struck fear in your heart? In the verses to follow it starts to get scary. He tell Jacob that he can go from a work,so something that could chew through iron. That's a huge difference. I see this comparison as someone who has God,and someone who doesn't.We are told that "we can do all things through Christ,who strengthens us",well He has the ability to take us from a lowly worm,to a mighty sledge.
God is always available to us.He's always with us. He's always allowing everything to work together for good in your life.The more you read in these verses,the more you see how God has so much favor in His people. Saying that we can throw our enemies in the air and watch them become dust and the wind carry them away...can you picture that? It's awesome.
Today and until we see Him,don't fear anything. Don't be worried about your enemies,don't be worried about the weather,don't be worried about your bills. It's the times when you worry,that you give your enemy a chance to take hold of you. God wants to uphold us with His victorious right hand...so why not let Him?
Isaiah 41:14-15 says,"Do not be afraid, you worm Jacob,little Israel, do not fear,for I myself will help you,” declares the LORD,your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel.“See, I will make you into a threshing sledge,new and sharp, with many teeth.
You will thresh the mountains and crush them,and reduce the hills to chaff."
He tells Jacob that he's a worm. Whens the last time that word ever struck fear in your heart? In the verses to follow it starts to get scary. He tell Jacob that he can go from a work,so something that could chew through iron. That's a huge difference. I see this comparison as someone who has God,and someone who doesn't.We are told that "we can do all things through Christ,who strengthens us",well He has the ability to take us from a lowly worm,to a mighty sledge.
God is always available to us.He's always with us. He's always allowing everything to work together for good in your life.The more you read in these verses,the more you see how God has so much favor in His people. Saying that we can throw our enemies in the air and watch them become dust and the wind carry them away...can you picture that? It's awesome.
Today and until we see Him,don't fear anything. Don't be worried about your enemies,don't be worried about the weather,don't be worried about your bills. It's the times when you worry,that you give your enemy a chance to take hold of you. God wants to uphold us with His victorious right hand...so why not let Him?
Monday, March 14, 2011
You will stumble,and you will fall. You will make mistakes,and you will get worn out. Good thing is,God knows this.
Isaiah 40:28-31 says,"Do you not know? Or have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary,and His understanding no one can fathom. He give power to the weak,and strength to the powerless. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;but those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles,the will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint." Simply put,that's my question and answer for you. Yeah,life gets tough,it can really bad. But,God says if you trust Him,you'll get strength,and won't go tired,and you'll soar on wings like eagles. I can't imagine that...how great it would be. The problem is,it's always available to us;you just have to believe it.
It's hard believing in the unseen,to trust someone you've never met. By faith,we have to walk. By faith,we have to believe in what we can't see. By faith,we have to trust in a God with every bit of our heart,withouth relying on our own mind. We are all being guided by someone who has a map. If you went on a tour,would you follow the tour guide and listen to what they're trying to teach you,or would you wonder off and try to figure out the place on your own? We all lose are way every so often,but we just need to get back up again and remember it's never too late. We may be knocked down temporarily,but it's not forever.
Isaiah 40:28-31 says,"Do you not know? Or have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God,the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary,and His understanding no one can fathom. He give power to the weak,and strength to the powerless. Even youths grow tired and weary,and young men stumble and fall;but those who trust in the Lord will find new strength. They will soar on wings like eagles,the will run and not grow weary,they will walk and not be faint." Simply put,that's my question and answer for you. Yeah,life gets tough,it can really bad. But,God says if you trust Him,you'll get strength,and won't go tired,and you'll soar on wings like eagles. I can't imagine that...how great it would be. The problem is,it's always available to us;you just have to believe it.
It's hard believing in the unseen,to trust someone you've never met. By faith,we have to walk. By faith,we have to believe in what we can't see. By faith,we have to trust in a God with every bit of our heart,withouth relying on our own mind. We are all being guided by someone who has a map. If you went on a tour,would you follow the tour guide and listen to what they're trying to teach you,or would you wonder off and try to figure out the place on your own? We all lose are way every so often,but we just need to get back up again and remember it's never too late. We may be knocked down temporarily,but it's not forever.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
I don't know about you,but I like to give a lot. I rarely keep anything or do anything for myself. I was raised with that motto, "It's better to give than to receive" and that's how it's been since I can remember.
I started volunteering when I was young,like around 8 or 9. I never fully understood what it meant until I was much older. It can mean the world to someone if you give a hand or a few bucks to someone in need. You'll never fully understand it until you're the person in need. I know in some cases giving money can be hard. You're worried about bills,and food and so on,but I believe God will always take care of me. He's never once forsaken me. He's gotten pretty close,and really stretched my faith,but He's always prevailed in any circumstance I've come across.
I like to think of it as a system,but only in good manner. This verse I'm focusing on,Luke 6:38 says, "Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you." Now,let me clarify. I don't do things because I want something in return,that would just be pointless. I do it out of good nature and a servants heart...but the cool thing is,God sees it and says He'll repay us. I love knowing that God sees everything and remembers it.
There's been times when I didn't tithe,and still made it. There's been times that I did tithe,and still made it. I'm not saying that if you don't give to someone in need or give to God,that you'll burn in hell and live in poverty until you die,doesn't work like that.You will reap what you sow. I use a really easy system for my priorities. In case you didn't know,my mothers name is Joy. Joy in my mind,represents [Jesus,Others,and You...J.O.Y.]. That's how our life should be lived;for Jesus(first),others(second),and then yourself(last).
Try giving to someone in need. A homeless man on the corner,someone in the grocery store in line with you,at the gas station...there's no set amount. Just give and help someone out. You could help them out with it in so many ways. Maybe they're broke,or had a bad day,or maybe they don't know the Lord and your case of kindness could lead them to questions about Him. You never know until you try. Start out small and see how it feels,and see how God repays you.
You could make a big difference in someones life by doing such the littlest thing.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Right now can be a scary time. There's a lot going on in the world;between natural disaster,crime,sickness and so on. But,one thing has always kept me at some peace even without thinking about it...God.
I tend to worry about the dumbest things sometimes,and other times I'm extremely strong in my faith knowing that everything happens for some good and that it'll all be alright. One verse that always brings my soul some rest is John 16:33. It reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Man,think about that verse right now. In the midst of all this chaos,trouble and pain,we can have peace knowing that God has overcome all of it.
I encourage you today to not worry,not to fear a single thing. Matthew 6:27 puts it pretty clear,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?". You can't. You do two things when you worry: You let Satan win,and you tell God you don't trust Him and His plans. Knowing that,I never want to worry again because those are two things I don't want to ever happen.
I tend to worry about the dumbest things sometimes,and other times I'm extremely strong in my faith knowing that everything happens for some good and that it'll all be alright. One verse that always brings my soul some rest is John 16:33. It reads, "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Man,think about that verse right now. In the midst of all this chaos,trouble and pain,we can have peace knowing that God has overcome all of it.
I encourage you today to not worry,not to fear a single thing. Matthew 6:27 puts it pretty clear,"Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?". You can't. You do two things when you worry: You let Satan win,and you tell God you don't trust Him and His plans. Knowing that,I never want to worry again because those are two things I don't want to ever happen.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
God really likes to emphasize things to us. Whether it be His love,His protection,anything...He kinda likes to ram it down our throats. I don't mean that in a bad way at all,but He wants to make it clear.
Two verses I love reading when I feel "defeated",in a way, are Isaiah 54:17A "No weapon forged against you will ever prevail",and Romans 8:31B "If our God is for us,then who could be against us?"
Take a second,and read those over again. Those two verses pretty much say plain and simple,that God has your back. There's no way around it. If God is on our side,who in their right mind would ever be against that?! Also,that nothing in this world could prosper against you for evil. I don't know how that makes you feel,but it kinda jacks me up. I actually get excited. My mood goes from depressed to impressed. Knowing the Creator of the universe is looking out for me enough to say,"I got your back",that should strip you of any fear you could possibly imagine.
Remember those two verses anytime you feel like you haven't won,or the world is out to get you. I know I feel that a lot if I let my mind drift. Yet,as soon as those words come out of my mouth,I'm unstoppable.
Two verses I love reading when I feel "defeated",in a way, are Isaiah 54:17A "No weapon forged against you will ever prevail",and Romans 8:31B "If our God is for us,then who could be against us?"
Take a second,and read those over again. Those two verses pretty much say plain and simple,that God has your back. There's no way around it. If God is on our side,who in their right mind would ever be against that?! Also,that nothing in this world could prosper against you for evil. I don't know how that makes you feel,but it kinda jacks me up. I actually get excited. My mood goes from depressed to impressed. Knowing the Creator of the universe is looking out for me enough to say,"I got your back",that should strip you of any fear you could possibly imagine.
Remember those two verses anytime you feel like you haven't won,or the world is out to get you. I know I feel that a lot if I let my mind drift. Yet,as soon as those words come out of my mouth,I'm unstoppable.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Think about the times in your life when you've had massive burdens weighing you down. Whether it be bills,medical problems,relationship issues,and so on. Now,think about when you overcame them,did you feel relived or stronger or at peace? I truly believe that God floods our lives with crap intentionally. When you're at rock bottom,you can only look up. When you're at your worst and lowest point,you can only look to the better.
God allows trials to build us up,not bring us down. They might do that for a while,until you pull your head out and realize that our God has only good plans for us. I can think of times when I lost a job,or a relationship went bad...because I wasn't relying on God. He's jealous for me,and for you. So,if it takes Him steering a storm into your path to get your attention,He'll do it.
I was reading something this morning and they mention Psalm 55:22,"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;He will never let the righteous be shaken." Pretty cool to think that He cares about you to say,"Give Me all the crap in your life,I'll deal with it." There are several times in the Bible that He says stuff like that. In 1 Peter 5:7,"Cast all your cares on Him,for He cares for you",two examples...need more?Open your Bible and soak up all the love that Dude is trying to pour out to you. He LOVES you enough to ask for your problems. He LOVES you enough to send His son to die for you.
I can't count how many times I forget this daily. I have "Jesus Loves Me" tattooed on my wrist,and I still forget it. Once you accept that,and try to fully understand it,thing's will change. You'll see trials as rewards,because if you pass it,you've scored. All things will come together for your own good here. Death, heartbreak, poverty... it'll all lead to some good. We may not understand it,but I believe it.
God allows trials to build us up,not bring us down. They might do that for a while,until you pull your head out and realize that our God has only good plans for us. I can think of times when I lost a job,or a relationship went bad...because I wasn't relying on God. He's jealous for me,and for you. So,if it takes Him steering a storm into your path to get your attention,He'll do it.
I was reading something this morning and they mention Psalm 55:22,"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;He will never let the righteous be shaken." Pretty cool to think that He cares about you to say,"Give Me all the crap in your life,I'll deal with it." There are several times in the Bible that He says stuff like that. In 1 Peter 5:7,"Cast all your cares on Him,for He cares for you",two examples...need more?Open your Bible and soak up all the love that Dude is trying to pour out to you. He LOVES you enough to ask for your problems. He LOVES you enough to send His son to die for you.
I can't count how many times I forget this daily. I have "Jesus Loves Me" tattooed on my wrist,and I still forget it. Once you accept that,and try to fully understand it,thing's will change. You'll see trials as rewards,because if you pass it,you've scored. All things will come together for your own good here. Death, heartbreak, poverty... it'll all lead to some good. We may not understand it,but I believe it.
Monday, March 7, 2011
No one is perfect,yet that shouldn't stop us from trying to be more like Jesus. In life we are always told to be more "Christ-like". What does that mean? If I can't come to earth and live in a perfect human form and die for the sins of man...what can I do?
I love,let me emphasize,LOVE Matthew. The book is absolutely incredible. My favorite verses are in chapter 5. Verses 46-48 say,"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I love how Jesus talks to us like we're stupid. The way He spoke,makes me tremble in how dumb I can be sometimes. Those verses are so simple and straight to the point:Don't just love people you like,love everyone;because even the evil of this earth will love someone,yet it's only people they like.
I don't think there's anyone on this planet that dislikes more people than I do. I've given up on almost everyone I know. Yet,I read verses like this,and it changes my thinking...I'm becoming more like Jesus. I see someone that says bad things about me,or an old girlfriend that cheated on me...and I don't feel hate anymore. I love them. I usually pray for them when I see whoever it may be.
It's amazing to see changes come in your life,just from reading a simple verse or two. Imagine if you spent a few minutes each day for a week,how much different would you be?
I love,let me emphasize,LOVE Matthew. The book is absolutely incredible. My favorite verses are in chapter 5. Verses 46-48 say,"If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your own people, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that?Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect."
I love how Jesus talks to us like we're stupid. The way He spoke,makes me tremble in how dumb I can be sometimes. Those verses are so simple and straight to the point:Don't just love people you like,love everyone;because even the evil of this earth will love someone,yet it's only people they like.
I don't think there's anyone on this planet that dislikes more people than I do. I've given up on almost everyone I know. Yet,I read verses like this,and it changes my thinking...I'm becoming more like Jesus. I see someone that says bad things about me,or an old girlfriend that cheated on me...and I don't feel hate anymore. I love them. I usually pray for them when I see whoever it may be.
It's amazing to see changes come in your life,just from reading a simple verse or two. Imagine if you spent a few minutes each day for a week,how much different would you be?
Sunday, March 6, 2011
I love knowing that God is always there to help us. There's a million verses that insure us that He's always here and always able to help. But I believe that God won't until you believe it. That in your daily life,you expect to see God work in your life on your behalf.
One verse I love,is Philippians 4:13. It says,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I'm not saying if you believe that verse,you'll win the $350,000,000 lottery or be able to run up Mt.Everest;but in your daily trials,you'll be able to overcome them. I sometimes take the Bible too literally,but that's a good thing when it comes to certain context. If I had faith the size of a mustard seed,I wouldn't waste it on telling a mountain to swan dive into the Pacific,I'd use it for some good. I'd believe that He has the best interest for me,that He wants to see me do great things,to better His kingdom somehow.
How often do you find yourself feeling defeated? I'm going pro in the division. I let Satan get to me a lot. I'm usually quick to recover,but I want to get the point where I can stop it before it happens. God promises to strengthen me. "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"-Isa 40:30. Wait meaning those who trust in Him. I should be world's strongest man status by now,but I let these stupid thoughts get to me. I let the enemy defeat me before I've even started something.
I want to dwell more on knowing that God is ever-present. To actually remember,every second of everyday,that He's ready to help me in anything I have to do. I want to be stronger in Him,because He says we can do all things,but only with Him.
One verse I love,is Philippians 4:13. It says,"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I'm not saying if you believe that verse,you'll win the $350,000,000 lottery or be able to run up Mt.Everest;but in your daily trials,you'll be able to overcome them. I sometimes take the Bible too literally,but that's a good thing when it comes to certain context. If I had faith the size of a mustard seed,I wouldn't waste it on telling a mountain to swan dive into the Pacific,I'd use it for some good. I'd believe that He has the best interest for me,that He wants to see me do great things,to better His kingdom somehow.
How often do you find yourself feeling defeated? I'm going pro in the division. I let Satan get to me a lot. I'm usually quick to recover,but I want to get the point where I can stop it before it happens. God promises to strengthen me. "Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord"-Isa 40:30. Wait meaning those who trust in Him. I should be world's strongest man status by now,but I let these stupid thoughts get to me. I let the enemy defeat me before I've even started something.
I want to dwell more on knowing that God is ever-present. To actually remember,every second of everyday,that He's ready to help me in anything I have to do. I want to be stronger in Him,because He says we can do all things,but only with Him.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
I have no mess of emotions and interpretations of verses to spill out today. I just wanted to share my devotional this morning. Just a verse,and a poem.
"Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvesy if we do not give up."-Galatians 6:9
"In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about;
By the sullen winds that blow,
From the desolate shores of doubt.
When the anchors that faith has cast,
Are dragging in the gale;
I am quietly holding fast,
To the things that cannot fail.
And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide;
I know that truth and right,
Have the universe on their side.
And that somewhere beyond the stars,
Is a love better than fate;
When the night unlocks her bars,
I will see Him and I will wait."
"Let us not become weary in doing good,for at the proper time we will reap a harvesy if we do not give up."-Galatians 6:9
"In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about;
By the sullen winds that blow,
From the desolate shores of doubt.
When the anchors that faith has cast,
Are dragging in the gale;
I am quietly holding fast,
To the things that cannot fail.
And fierce though the fiends may fight,
And long though the angels hide;
I know that truth and right,
Have the universe on their side.
And that somewhere beyond the stars,
Is a love better than fate;
When the night unlocks her bars,
I will see Him and I will wait."
Friday, March 4, 2011
I really don't know what to write about today. Today I feel different. I was up all night in the most awful pain I have ever experienced in my life. More prayers were screamed last night than ever before. Having kidney stones seems to be the most pointless thing God could use for any glory. He says that all things will come together for good,so how do those fit in there?And mosquitoes.
I have a picture in my room of an Ichthus and in the background of it is Psalm 136:1. It reads,"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." I found myself laying in bed,it tears,singing that ("Forever"-Chris Tomlin). I have no clue as to why anyone in their right mind would praise God during such an awful time...but that's what He wants. Why though?
In the midst of our pain,God is good. In the midst of our joy,God is still good. He always loves us. Whether you have just won the lottery,or you're in the hospital dying of cancer;God loves you just the same. His love does amazing things in the darkest of situations,even if it seems wrong and unjust. It always seems like the strongest people suffer the hardest trials and tribulations(Read James 1:2).
It's probably the hardest thing to understand,but I'm trying it. The next time you face some sort of trial or pain or anything negative,praise God during it. Complaining and worrying won't do anything except make your situation worse. Give thanks to God,because He's always good,and His love endures forever.
I have a picture in my room of an Ichthus and in the background of it is Psalm 136:1. It reads,"Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good. His love endures forever." I found myself laying in bed,it tears,singing that ("Forever"-Chris Tomlin). I have no clue as to why anyone in their right mind would praise God during such an awful time...but that's what He wants. Why though?
In the midst of our pain,God is good. In the midst of our joy,God is still good. He always loves us. Whether you have just won the lottery,or you're in the hospital dying of cancer;God loves you just the same. His love does amazing things in the darkest of situations,even if it seems wrong and unjust. It always seems like the strongest people suffer the hardest trials and tribulations(Read James 1:2).
It's probably the hardest thing to understand,but I'm trying it. The next time you face some sort of trial or pain or anything negative,praise God during it. Complaining and worrying won't do anything except make your situation worse. Give thanks to God,because He's always good,and His love endures forever.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
I try to do things my way a lot,and seem to always fail. I go on my own wants and what I think I hear God say...well there's no use in praying if you'll only hear what you want to hear.
I read Joshua 1 last night,and came across an awesome verse that sums up the Bible pretty well. In 1:8,it says "Study this Book of instruction continually,meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." I like how God says that, read My book and think about it all the time,then good things will happen and you'll go places;that's my definition of it.
It's incredible to think that God wants so little from us,compared whatever else I have going on in my life,I hardly give Him anytime. I read the Bible everyday,and I usually think about what I read,but lately I've actually been meditating on it. I've remembered it and used it in times of need. I never thought in a million years that would be me,but let me tell you,this old book...has some pretty helpful stuff in it.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,is how I remembered it when I was a kid. That's such a true acronym. I love that people see it as being outdated,I mean,technically some of the Old Testament is because we don't have to sacrifice lambs blood and so on,but the ideal life styles are still the same. We are still to love God,enjoy life,and share His love with others. It's been that way since day one.
Today,meditate on one verse throughout the day. It can be one verse,or a chapter. Just think about it all day and even apply it to your life...maybe it'll make a difference in your life or others?
I read Joshua 1 last night,and came across an awesome verse that sums up the Bible pretty well. In 1:8,it says "Study this Book of instruction continually,meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." I like how God says that, read My book and think about it all the time,then good things will happen and you'll go places;that's my definition of it.
It's incredible to think that God wants so little from us,compared whatever else I have going on in my life,I hardly give Him anytime. I read the Bible everyday,and I usually think about what I read,but lately I've actually been meditating on it. I've remembered it and used it in times of need. I never thought in a million years that would be me,but let me tell you,this old book...has some pretty helpful stuff in it.
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,is how I remembered it when I was a kid. That's such a true acronym. I love that people see it as being outdated,I mean,technically some of the Old Testament is because we don't have to sacrifice lambs blood and so on,but the ideal life styles are still the same. We are still to love God,enjoy life,and share His love with others. It's been that way since day one.
Today,meditate on one verse throughout the day. It can be one verse,or a chapter. Just think about it all day and even apply it to your life...maybe it'll make a difference in your life or others?
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I'm a huge hypocrite. I've been even more so lately.
A buddy of mine was in a band last year,and their hit single had a lyric of "Love your Savior and your neighbor,like yourself." It's a quote out of Matthew 22. The verses say,"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." I've always been GREAT at that. For the longest time,people told me my heart was too big for me. I was extremely compassionate and caring towards everyone,whether I knew them or not.
When you get older,things change. Your friends bail on you,they lie to you,girls cheat on you,and so on. Life was much easier when I was 18.
I was talking to a friend the other night,and she reminded me of the Golden Rule,which I base off this verse,it's just too bad that no matter how much you do it,the world won't in return. In life,you love,and get dumped on. You're there for friends,who aren't there for you. I don't know if that means they don't love themselves or not,but if you base that verse off their lives,they don't.
I love listening to that song that I was talking about in the first paragraph (Above The Golden State-"The Golden Rule",check it out),because it's a good reminder of it. Even if you'll never be loved by someone,you should still love them. You should always be faithful to someone,if they aren't to you. You should be a good friend to someone,even if they aren't to you.
If I'm living a negative,hate filled life towards people,what does that say about how I love my Savior?
Let your life reflect that love. If you love your Savior;love your friends,and yourself the same way.
A buddy of mine was in a band last year,and their hit single had a lyric of "Love your Savior and your neighbor,like yourself." It's a quote out of Matthew 22. The verses say,"Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself." I've always been GREAT at that. For the longest time,people told me my heart was too big for me. I was extremely compassionate and caring towards everyone,whether I knew them or not.
When you get older,things change. Your friends bail on you,they lie to you,girls cheat on you,and so on. Life was much easier when I was 18.
I was talking to a friend the other night,and she reminded me of the Golden Rule,which I base off this verse,it's just too bad that no matter how much you do it,the world won't in return. In life,you love,and get dumped on. You're there for friends,who aren't there for you. I don't know if that means they don't love themselves or not,but if you base that verse off their lives,they don't.
I love listening to that song that I was talking about in the first paragraph (Above The Golden State-"The Golden Rule",check it out),because it's a good reminder of it. Even if you'll never be loved by someone,you should still love them. You should always be faithful to someone,if they aren't to you. You should be a good friend to someone,even if they aren't to you.
If I'm living a negative,hate filled life towards people,what does that say about how I love my Savior?
Let your life reflect that love. If you love your Savior;love your friends,and yourself the same way.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Today I was doing my normal morning routine. I took my puppy outside and let him run around a bit while I read my devotional. Today,it focused on people having joy in the midst of pain and/or sorrow. Finding their only spark of hope in the Lord while their world is crashing down around them,while nothing makes sense.
Martin Luther said on his deathbed,"These pains and troubles here are like the type that printers set. When we look at them, we see them backwards, and they seem to make no sense and have no meaning. But up there, when the Lord God prints out our life to come, we will find they make splendid reading." Make sense? We can't explain why God allows things to happen,but we have to believe that it's all for some good,right? I was having a conversation with someone the other night about what real Hell we've both been through,yet,we have come out on top because of it. Hardships aren't tests,they're merely a tool God uses to force us to grow our trust in Him. After,we are better,we are stronger,more reliant,and able to encourage others.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says,"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." God says we're gonna go through Hell,but that path will lead to Heaven. We're going to face this world and everything it has to offer,but it won't win. John 16:33 tells us,"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
We're all running a race that's already been won. We just have to tough it out until the end. It may be hard,but finishing this race,no matter how slow we may be,will prove rewarding.
Martin Luther said on his deathbed,"These pains and troubles here are like the type that printers set. When we look at them, we see them backwards, and they seem to make no sense and have no meaning. But up there, when the Lord God prints out our life to come, we will find they make splendid reading." Make sense? We can't explain why God allows things to happen,but we have to believe that it's all for some good,right? I was having a conversation with someone the other night about what real Hell we've both been through,yet,we have come out on top because of it. Hardships aren't tests,they're merely a tool God uses to force us to grow our trust in Him. After,we are better,we are stronger,more reliant,and able to encourage others.
2 Corinthians 4:8-9 says,"We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed." God says we're gonna go through Hell,but that path will lead to Heaven. We're going to face this world and everything it has to offer,but it won't win. John 16:33 tells us,"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
We're all running a race that's already been won. We just have to tough it out until the end. It may be hard,but finishing this race,no matter how slow we may be,will prove rewarding.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
You know that saying,"you are who you hangout with"? It's so true. If you're a girl who hangs out with a bunch of sluts,people with think you're a slut. If you're a dude that hangs out with gangsters,people will think you're a thug. It's like the law,guilty by association. You can go to jail in this country for doing nothing wrong,just because you were with the wrong people at the wrong time.
I watch Cops,A LOT. I love it. I always wanted to be one,but with state budget cuts and my body falling apart,it didn't happen,but I still love to watch people get tased. Anyways, the other day there was an episode where this kid threw a rock through a car window as it was passing on the street. The cops took 4 kids to jail,even though 1 threw it. They were who they were hanging out with.
In Proverbs,verse 27:17 says,"As iron sharpens iron,a friend sharpens a friend." This goes two ways. Have you ever tried sharpening a knife but did it the wrong way? You can dull it even more by doing it the wrong way. If we want to sharpen our lives,we have to do so with the right tools. Naturally,if you hang around people that party,you will party. If you hang around people that go to church,you will go to church. It's just how human nature is.
I find myself happier when I'm around or talking to people who love the Lord. I find myself dragged down when I don't. That doesn't mean I'm only going to associate with Christians and screw everyone else,but I'll devote my times in which I might feel vulnerable to a group of God fearing people. It's like a crutch. I've been catching up with an old friend lately who wholeheartedly loves Jesus. It's great to just be able to talk,but somehow be encouraged and reminded of God's love through someone,regardless of what they're saying. I want to be more like that. That's something I want to be. I want to be iron to my friends and people I don't know. I want to only sharpen them. I want to be uplifting and encouraging with every word and every action of mine.
What do people see when they talk to you or look at you? Are you sharpening them? Find a way to encourage someone today and maybe someday in the future they'll be able to do the same for you.
I watch Cops,A LOT. I love it. I always wanted to be one,but with state budget cuts and my body falling apart,it didn't happen,but I still love to watch people get tased. Anyways, the other day there was an episode where this kid threw a rock through a car window as it was passing on the street. The cops took 4 kids to jail,even though 1 threw it. They were who they were hanging out with.
In Proverbs,verse 27:17 says,"As iron sharpens iron,a friend sharpens a friend." This goes two ways. Have you ever tried sharpening a knife but did it the wrong way? You can dull it even more by doing it the wrong way. If we want to sharpen our lives,we have to do so with the right tools. Naturally,if you hang around people that party,you will party. If you hang around people that go to church,you will go to church. It's just how human nature is.
I find myself happier when I'm around or talking to people who love the Lord. I find myself dragged down when I don't. That doesn't mean I'm only going to associate with Christians and screw everyone else,but I'll devote my times in which I might feel vulnerable to a group of God fearing people. It's like a crutch. I've been catching up with an old friend lately who wholeheartedly loves Jesus. It's great to just be able to talk,but somehow be encouraged and reminded of God's love through someone,regardless of what they're saying. I want to be more like that. That's something I want to be. I want to be iron to my friends and people I don't know. I want to only sharpen them. I want to be uplifting and encouraging with every word and every action of mine.
What do people see when they talk to you or look at you? Are you sharpening them? Find a way to encourage someone today and maybe someday in the future they'll be able to do the same for you.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
This morning when I woke up,I kinda felt the need to encourage someone. While I was reading through Philippians to find the verse I was looking for,I found myself in chapter 4. I love this chapter,it's in my top 10 of the Bible. When I read a series of verses,it instantly sheds any form of fear,anxiety,stress,worry,whatever feeling isn't positive. I usually read 6-8 if I'm ever feeling any bit worried and it always seems to do the trick.
4:8 reads," And now,dear brothers and sisters,one final things. Fix your thoughts on what is true,honorable,right,pure,lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Paul pretty much says,kick all the negativity out of your mind,and you'll be happy. Plain and simple. I think this verse works for non-believers too. It's simple,think about good and happy things,and you'll be happy.
After reading what Paul writes,you kinda feel stupid. Look at that dudes life,then tell me you think yours is rough. That man had a smile on his face while he was in prison because he trusted God so much,that an adversity that could possibly happen,wouldn't shake his faith or his happiness. Wow I wish I could be like that. The more I find myself referring to verses like this,I'm becoming more like that. It works people,let me tell you. If you don't believe me,try it!
Joel Osteen has a pretty cool quote in response to this verse,he says, "Prayer begins by admitting that we are not in control." Now we can control our thoughts,this verse says so. So focus on good things while you're waiting on the Lord. Even during hard times,"thank Him for all He's done."(Phil.4:6b)
You can see a difference in your physical life when you change your mental life.You can see a difference in your mental life when you change your spiritual life. One good thing will always lead to another. Get lined up with God's word in your heart,and watch your life line up. I can't stress it enough,no matter how hard things are in life,no matter how dark a situation may seem,God has nothing but great things planned for you. People always say,"it'll all be ok in the end," well,if it's not ok right now,it's not the end!
Today;trust Him,think about only good and positive things,and watch how He'll work on your behalf.
4:8 reads," And now,dear brothers and sisters,one final things. Fix your thoughts on what is true,honorable,right,pure,lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." Paul pretty much says,kick all the negativity out of your mind,and you'll be happy. Plain and simple. I think this verse works for non-believers too. It's simple,think about good and happy things,and you'll be happy.
After reading what Paul writes,you kinda feel stupid. Look at that dudes life,then tell me you think yours is rough. That man had a smile on his face while he was in prison because he trusted God so much,that an adversity that could possibly happen,wouldn't shake his faith or his happiness. Wow I wish I could be like that. The more I find myself referring to verses like this,I'm becoming more like that. It works people,let me tell you. If you don't believe me,try it!
Joel Osteen has a pretty cool quote in response to this verse,he says, "Prayer begins by admitting that we are not in control." Now we can control our thoughts,this verse says so. So focus on good things while you're waiting on the Lord. Even during hard times,"thank Him for all He's done."(Phil.4:6b)
You can see a difference in your physical life when you change your mental life.You can see a difference in your mental life when you change your spiritual life. One good thing will always lead to another. Get lined up with God's word in your heart,and watch your life line up. I can't stress it enough,no matter how hard things are in life,no matter how dark a situation may seem,God has nothing but great things planned for you. People always say,"it'll all be ok in the end," well,if it's not ok right now,it's not the end!
Today;trust Him,think about only good and positive things,and watch how He'll work on your behalf.
Friday, February 25, 2011
This morning was going about as normal as it could be,but within 5 minutes of waking up,I found myself on the floor screaming to God to take away the pain I was in. Never have I ever been in so much agony in my life. The pains shooting through me as if a knife was being stabbed through my back,twisted,then removed only to do it again. I couldn't breathe,I couldn't see straight,I couldn't do anything except pray. Within a half hour I was in the E.R. Triage being asked about my medical history.About an hour later,I was lying in a VCT machine while I was being x-rayed in what looked like an airplane turbine. Still confused,and kinda worried about what was going on,I found myself staring at the ceiling repeating one thing...God is with me.
I don't think anyone can count how many times God tells us in the Bible,to fear not because He is always with us. I really didn't care what the diagnosis would say,I just wanted it to be figured out. I was very fortunate today to find out that I have kidney stones. Yes,they are referred to as "male pregnancy" due to the pain being so severe that it's equal to woman giving birth,but still. I looked around that room thinking about how many people were in that machine when the discovered they had cancer,or tumors,or another serious medical condition. I knew then,how lucky I really was.
Isaiah 41:10 says,"Fear not,for I am with you. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." That was on repeat in my mind today,along with about a thousand verses from Psalms. Today,I looked every fear I've ever had in the eye and spoke that over it. I said,"I won't fear,God is with me. He's here right now helping me and giving me strength through this time." It worked. Now I know this isn't high up on the medical totem pole,and I guarantee you know someone going through a much more difficult time,but this is the hardest thing I've had to deal with in medical terms,and I passed. I gave it to God knowing that He was doing His part,so I had to do mine...simply trust in Him.
The next time you're faced with something tragic,whether it be medical or emotional or whatever it is,remember that verse and see how different the outcome is when you can truly trust Him through it.
I don't think anyone can count how many times God tells us in the Bible,to fear not because He is always with us. I really didn't care what the diagnosis would say,I just wanted it to be figured out. I was very fortunate today to find out that I have kidney stones. Yes,they are referred to as "male pregnancy" due to the pain being so severe that it's equal to woman giving birth,but still. I looked around that room thinking about how many people were in that machine when the discovered they had cancer,or tumors,or another serious medical condition. I knew then,how lucky I really was.
Isaiah 41:10 says,"Fear not,for I am with you. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." That was on repeat in my mind today,along with about a thousand verses from Psalms. Today,I looked every fear I've ever had in the eye and spoke that over it. I said,"I won't fear,God is with me. He's here right now helping me and giving me strength through this time." It worked. Now I know this isn't high up on the medical totem pole,and I guarantee you know someone going through a much more difficult time,but this is the hardest thing I've had to deal with in medical terms,and I passed. I gave it to God knowing that He was doing His part,so I had to do mine...simply trust in Him.
The next time you're faced with something tragic,whether it be medical or emotional or whatever it is,remember that verse and see how different the outcome is when you can truly trust Him through it.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I was driving home today while listening to The Message(It's like Klove but on Sirius Satellite Radio),and Brandon Heath's -"Wait and See" came on. I've listened to this song a few times and I really like it,but something hit home today.
When I think about my life,I don't see a whole lot of monumental things. I've moved a couple times,worked some big jobs,had some serious relationships,but nothing stuck out in a huge way. In this song,he breaks down his life in the same way. He talks about how growing up he wasn't good in school and so on. The lyrics that make me feel like there's hope,are "There is hope for me yet,because God won't forget,all the plans He's made for me,we'll have to wait and see...He's not finished with me yet." That verse brought to mind,Jeremiah 29:11,which reads,"For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord,plans for to prosper you and not harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
Think about it,God says to us, that He has good plans for us,and emphasizes none for bad,none to bring any harm to us. Woohoo. I don't know about you,but that makes me pretty happy. Whether we're seeing it now,or later,the plans God has for us,are ALL for good. I encourage you to embrace that today. Look at your life and what's currently going on...it's all for good. Read Romans 8:28 if you need more emphasis on the fact that it's all for good.
"Still wonderin why I'm here,still wrestlin with my fear,but oh...He's up to something."
You're not here for nothing,believe it.
When I think about my life,I don't see a whole lot of monumental things. I've moved a couple times,worked some big jobs,had some serious relationships,but nothing stuck out in a huge way. In this song,he breaks down his life in the same way. He talks about how growing up he wasn't good in school and so on. The lyrics that make me feel like there's hope,are "There is hope for me yet,because God won't forget,all the plans He's made for me,we'll have to wait and see...He's not finished with me yet." That verse brought to mind,Jeremiah 29:11,which reads,"For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord,plans for to prosper you and not harm you,plans to give you hope and a future."
Think about it,God says to us, that He has good plans for us,and emphasizes none for bad,none to bring any harm to us. Woohoo. I don't know about you,but that makes me pretty happy. Whether we're seeing it now,or later,the plans God has for us,are ALL for good. I encourage you to embrace that today. Look at your life and what's currently going on...it's all for good. Read Romans 8:28 if you need more emphasis on the fact that it's all for good.
"Still wonderin why I'm here,still wrestlin with my fear,but oh...He's up to something."
You're not here for nothing,believe it.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I have a huge problem with people. I simply don't like a lot of people. It feels like every other person in this world is two-faced or is saying something about someone behind their backs. I'm really not ok with it. Yes,I have done it in the past,who hasn't. But I really wish the world would have grown up along with me.
Saying that,mostly out of anger,I came across a verse this morning. Colossians 3:13 says," Bear with each other,and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
That last part haunts me as I read it. It echos in a vast pit of me that's filled with past depression,anger and resentment. I'm genuinely a nice person. I treat other as I want to be treated,though I've never once felt that in return from someone,I still don't let it change me. What I let change me,is when I bend over backwards to help people,and get treated poorly in return. I've never asked for anything in return from anyone,and I don't expect them to do anything,I just want my friendship. I feel as if I'm disposable to the human race. I know I'm not,but every situation I've gone through has pretty much printed it in black and white. My point here is,I'm suppose to forgive these people? How? How do you look at a girl who's cheated on you and say "no biggie"? How do you look at a friend who's stolen from you and say "don't worry about it bro"?
This is when I wish God could have equipped us with a Recycle Bin. To be able to right-click anf forget the trash of my past. I think no matter how many times I pray about it,I truly hold on to some form of negativity towards people in my past(and present). It's like the whole,"turn the other cheek" proverb...I only have two cheeks.
In the Bible it says we are made in God's image.That doesn't mean we are exactly like Him and able to do everything He can,but we can become Christlike. He was a man. He walked on this Earth. He was tempted by Satan numerous times...yet he conquered it. Why can't we be like that?Why can't I?
When I think about this verse,I want to call up every person in my past,whether it be an ex,a friend,family,whoever and apologize. Good luck trying to do that,most people aren't on this same page. What I've learned to do is,truly ask God for forgiveness and to mend our hearts. I know there's people I'd love to get a hold of,but I couldn't because of past circumstances. So lately if I see someone on the street,or someone pops up on Facebook,I've caught myself praying for them. That makes me feel good,because about 2 years ago,I wouldn't have held back from giving them the finger and forgetting about it.
I like how I've matured. I'm not perfect,nor anywhere near close,but I'm glad that I can stop and look back to see progression towards being Christlike. I'm learning to forgive people and forget about the past.
If God can do it,why can't we?
Saying that,mostly out of anger,I came across a verse this morning. Colossians 3:13 says," Bear with each other,and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you."
That last part haunts me as I read it. It echos in a vast pit of me that's filled with past depression,anger and resentment. I'm genuinely a nice person. I treat other as I want to be treated,though I've never once felt that in return from someone,I still don't let it change me. What I let change me,is when I bend over backwards to help people,and get treated poorly in return. I've never asked for anything in return from anyone,and I don't expect them to do anything,I just want my friendship. I feel as if I'm disposable to the human race. I know I'm not,but every situation I've gone through has pretty much printed it in black and white. My point here is,I'm suppose to forgive these people? How? How do you look at a girl who's cheated on you and say "no biggie"? How do you look at a friend who's stolen from you and say "don't worry about it bro"?
This is when I wish God could have equipped us with a Recycle Bin. To be able to right-click anf forget the trash of my past. I think no matter how many times I pray about it,I truly hold on to some form of negativity towards people in my past(and present). It's like the whole,"turn the other cheek" proverb...I only have two cheeks.
In the Bible it says we are made in God's image.That doesn't mean we are exactly like Him and able to do everything He can,but we can become Christlike. He was a man. He walked on this Earth. He was tempted by Satan numerous times...yet he conquered it. Why can't we be like that?Why can't I?
When I think about this verse,I want to call up every person in my past,whether it be an ex,a friend,family,whoever and apologize. Good luck trying to do that,most people aren't on this same page. What I've learned to do is,truly ask God for forgiveness and to mend our hearts. I know there's people I'd love to get a hold of,but I couldn't because of past circumstances. So lately if I see someone on the street,or someone pops up on Facebook,I've caught myself praying for them. That makes me feel good,because about 2 years ago,I wouldn't have held back from giving them the finger and forgetting about it.
I like how I've matured. I'm not perfect,nor anywhere near close,but I'm glad that I can stop and look back to see progression towards being Christlike. I'm learning to forgive people and forget about the past.
If God can do it,why can't we?
Monday, February 21, 2011
I'm grateful for today. Today was another chance at everything I've failed to do or just put off. When I wake up,I have rituals. I'm almost like a person with OCD when it comes to my spiritual nourishment. In the morning,I usually can't find my laptop which is tangled in my bed,so I go for my phone on my night stand. I log into my email and check the first two that are there everyday. I get daily verses from Air1 and a devotional from Joel Osteen. After that,I mozy my way into the day and within a few hours I find "Stream in the Desert"(Great devotional by L.B. Cowman). I continue my day for a few more hours and find one of my "Christian Inspiration" books,lately Donald Miller stuff. Prior was The Shack and Should We Fire God,both great reads. Then at the end of my evening I'll dive soul first into my Bible. I can't read my Bible in the morning. I use it to comfort myself after a long day,to bring me to peace so I'll be able to sleep.
My point is,I worry a lot. More than the average person and way more than a typical Christian would. Satan has found my weak spot. I'm pretty strong physically and more so emotionally,yet I have a spiritual weakness that he bombards. I try to constantly remind myself through out the day of anything positive. Tv shows,music,but reading seems to hit the homer. Reading 99% of the time can ease my worries.
Philippians 4:6-7 definitely drives my worries out of the park. Paul writes,simply:" Do not worry about anything;instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace,which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ."
Now tell me,could that be any more clear? Granted,that is the NLT version which is so hip that God could be referred as Dude and apostles as bros,but still. All versions are clear and to the point... DO NOT WORRY. Instead,pray. Regardless of what's going on,just pray. Tell God what's up,and thank Him for all He's done. In another version it says, "Then you will be met with peace that passes understanding." Peace so incredible,we can't fathom it. Now that's pretty cool to me,and when you truly stop worrying and pray,you feel that. I've heard this cool quote before,"God won't always calm the storm,but He will calm you in the storm." To me,when I hear that,I see dark skies and clouds and rain and wind,and so on...but I see me standing with a ray of sunshine on me. Completely unharmed and safe.
Life is full of storms. Physical,emotion, and spiritual kinds. No matter what it is,God wants to bring you peace. He wants you to surrender whatever is worrying you. It can be big or small. Even the smallest things can bring us down. In 1 Peter 5:7,it says,"Cast all of your cares on Him,for He cares for you." Isn't that awesome to think about. God says to give Him all your crap and He'll take care of it because He cares for you. The Creator of Heaven and Earth,the Alpha and the Omega,the Man who died for you,wants your cares because He loves you.
Think about that today:)
My point is,I worry a lot. More than the average person and way more than a typical Christian would. Satan has found my weak spot. I'm pretty strong physically and more so emotionally,yet I have a spiritual weakness that he bombards. I try to constantly remind myself through out the day of anything positive. Tv shows,music,but reading seems to hit the homer. Reading 99% of the time can ease my worries.
Philippians 4:6-7 definitely drives my worries out of the park. Paul writes,simply:" Do not worry about anything;instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience God's peace,which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ."
Now tell me,could that be any more clear? Granted,that is the NLT version which is so hip that God could be referred as Dude and apostles as bros,but still. All versions are clear and to the point... DO NOT WORRY. Instead,pray. Regardless of what's going on,just pray. Tell God what's up,and thank Him for all He's done. In another version it says, "Then you will be met with peace that passes understanding." Peace so incredible,we can't fathom it. Now that's pretty cool to me,and when you truly stop worrying and pray,you feel that. I've heard this cool quote before,"God won't always calm the storm,but He will calm you in the storm." To me,when I hear that,I see dark skies and clouds and rain and wind,and so on...but I see me standing with a ray of sunshine on me. Completely unharmed and safe.
Life is full of storms. Physical,emotion, and spiritual kinds. No matter what it is,God wants to bring you peace. He wants you to surrender whatever is worrying you. It can be big or small. Even the smallest things can bring us down. In 1 Peter 5:7,it says,"Cast all of your cares on Him,for He cares for you." Isn't that awesome to think about. God says to give Him all your crap and He'll take care of it because He cares for you. The Creator of Heaven and Earth,the Alpha and the Omega,the Man who died for you,wants your cares because He loves you.
Think about that today:)
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