Thursday, May 5, 2011


Truthfully,answer this question: Is it easier and more enjoyable to be happy or to worry? The right answer is to be happy,if you said worry please call me so we can talk.

Times can be good and times can be bad. We all have ups and downs,no matter who you are,you will face times of joy and happiness,and sometimes you'll face dark and troublesome times. One thing I want you to ponder today is this,

"When times are good, be happy; but when times are bad, consider: God has made the one as well as the other."

Think about that. God makes good times,and bad times. They're only bad if we perceive them as bad,and the same goes for the good. If your mind is out of whack,sunshine could be bad to you and rain could be great! It's all about how you think about what is going on,then act on it. God never promises that life will be easy,He just promises to be there for us. He never promises smooth sailing,He just gives you inner peace during a storm.

Know that God works in the weirdest ways that you can never understand. All things,good or bad,can workout for the best. I don't care if you're broke,if you're sick,if your family abandoned you...God is with you,God is for you,God is working these things out to make you stronger.

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