Thursday, March 3, 2011


I try to do things my way a lot,and seem to always fail. I go on my own wants and what I think I hear God say...well there's no use in praying if you'll only hear what you want to hear.

I read Joshua 1 last night,and came across an awesome verse that sums up the Bible pretty well. In 1:8,it says "Study this Book of instruction continually,meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do." I like how God says that, read My book and think about it all the time,then good things will happen and you'll go places;that's my definition of it.

It's incredible to think that God wants so little from us,compared whatever else I have going on in my life,I hardly give Him anytime. I read the Bible everyday,and I usually think about what I read,but lately I've actually been meditating on it. I've remembered it and used it in times of need. I never thought in a million years that would be me,but let me tell you,this old book...has some pretty helpful stuff in it.

Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth,is how I remembered it when I was a kid. That's such a true acronym. I love that people see it as being outdated,I mean,technically some of the Old Testament is because we don't have to sacrifice lambs blood and so on,but the ideal life styles are still the same. We are still to love God,enjoy life,and share His love with others. It's been that way since day one.

Today,meditate on one verse throughout the day. It can be one verse,or a chapter. Just think about it all day and even apply it to your life...maybe it'll make a difference in your life or others?

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